Ingraham/O'Reilly lament not opposing Patriot Act

If Obama was truly against it, he wouldn't be using it right now.

Face it, the government turned its back on the people the moment that act was signed. It doesn't matter who used it more, the fact alone that it got drafted just goes to show you that, just below the surface, Congress and the Administrations are exactly the same. They want you... as slaves.

agreed, if it bothered him as much as he said, back when it wasn't known he was using it or before he got in office, well, he can always tell them to drop using the prgms.
As if Pubs aren't more for the PA than Obama. Incredible hypocrites, and their ridiculous dupes. ZZZZZZZZZZZ Obama won't get ahead of the slimy a-holes...
There is no difference between Obama and Bush when it comes to the War on Terra.


The piss drinkers on the right got so rock hard engorged there was no blood left in their brains to consider that one day all this totalitarian shit they were inventing and cheerleading would be handed to the other party.

Guess who was STUPID enough to think this cartoon blames BOOOOOOOOSH rather than show that Obama is a chip off the old block!

Better late than never, I suppose.

Some of us on the left tried to generate opposition to the Patriot Act when it was first proposed, but few on the right were interested. They were scared of "Islamoterrorist's" and trusted George Bush.

Now that our warnings have been proven correct, they've suddenly seen the light. Or, is it just that Obama is now involved in doing the same things Bush was doing and that's bad?

I hate to say it but.....we told you so.

Now...maybe we can all get together and eliminate the Patriot Act.

Laura Ingraham: Ignoring Patriot Act ?a mistake? - Hadas Gold -
*emphasis added*

You and who else?

Do you mean "the Left" in general or your elected senators?

Because, the way I read it, it was pretty much unanimous

Senate Vote Roll Call on U.S. Patriot Act 2001 & 2006

Better late than never, I suppose.

Some of us on the left tried to generate opposition to the Patriot Act when it was first proposed, but few on the right were interested. They were scared of "Islamoterrorist's" and trusted George Bush.

Now that our warnings have been proven correct, they've suddenly seen the light. Or, is it just that Obama is now involved in doing the same things Bush was doing and that's bad?

I hate to say it but.....we told you so.

Now...maybe we can all get together and eliminate the Patriot Act.

Laura Ingraham: Ignoring Patriot Act ?a mistake? - Hadas Gold -

lol, sure they regret it. Just 2 more rightwing hacks trying to find an angle they can attack the President on this without looking like partisan hypocrites.

same for you-

is now the time you admit obama is a rank opportunist hypocrite?

I'll think about that right after you pay up all the admissions you owe me.
lol, sure they regret it. Just 2 more rightwing hacks trying to find an angle they can attack the President on this without looking like partisan hypocrites.

same for you-

is now the time you admit obama is a rank opportunist hypocrite?

I'll think about that right after you pay up all the admissions you owe me.

:lol: like what?

and I knew you couldn't say it, you're a hypocrite with zero integrity, but hey, I already knew that.......:clap2:
Better late than never, I suppose.

Some of us on the left tried to generate opposition to the Patriot Act when it was first proposed, but few on the right were interested. They were scared of "Islamoterrorist's" and trusted George Bush.

Now that our warnings have been proven correct, they've suddenly seen the light. Or, is it just that Obama is now involved in doing the same things Bush was doing and that's bad?

I hate to say it but.....we told you so.

Now...maybe we can all get together and eliminate the Patriot Act.

Laura Ingraham: Ignoring Patriot Act ?a mistake? - Hadas Gold -

Yes, it was a mistake then, with which many Dems went along with then, and it is a mistake to ignore it.

Kill the Act.
Better late than never, I suppose.

Some of us on the left tried to generate opposition to the Patriot Act when it was first proposed, but few on the right were interested. They were scared of "Islamoterrorist's" and trusted George Bush.

Now that our warnings have been proven correct, they've suddenly seen the light. Or, is it just that Obama is now involved in doing the same things Bush was doing and that's bad?

I hate to say it but.....we told you so.

Now...maybe we can all get together and eliminate the Patriot Act.

Laura Ingraham: Ignoring Patriot Act ?a mistake? - Hadas Gold -

Not going to happen.

No politician is going to risk being accused of being ‘weak on terror.’
Liberal loons opposed it because they were told to, not because they were concerned about it being used by tyrannical bureaucrats for nefarious purposes. Don't even try to feed me that.

If the legislation was limited to targeting Islamic radical jihadists you bed wetters would have howled about racism. The republicrats were too stupid and incompetent to put sunset clauses in it, and the democrooks were all too happy too use this new authority once they took control.

Bullshit. I was there for that debate.

Well, heres a new angle.

If it were so bad during Bush, why are Liberals defending their behavior now? How come Obama didn't do anything to stop this? Instead, he has chosen to abuse this program. It's isn't bullshit, Obama took advantage of it. Obama could have stopped this right here and now.

Now, prove me wrong.

I won't deny that and I won't give Obama a pass for it. What I'd like to know is why this wasn't an issue for the right when George Bush did it? Why is it suddenly a "crisis" when before, it was perfectly fine?
Simple question for the left are you as upset over Obama continuing and expanding the programs started under Bush as you say you were when Bush started them? Right now you all seem as content with what Obama has done as you say the right was with Bush given that don't you think your bashing the right for being upset at Obama but not Bush is more than a little hypocritical?
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The freaking left wing hypocrites who were outraged that the Bush administration would monitor selected international calls to terrorist organizations are fine with monitoring everybody's conversations and e-mail as long as a radical leftie is in the W.H.
So...I'm back. I see none of you were able to pull that overwhelming evidence out of your asses.


I'm guessing you were all in nappies when it hit all the papers when it was revealed Bush was doing the same thing.

My, my, my. How embarrassing for you, constantly making claims you can't back up.

Some people never learn.
Simple question for the left are you as upset over Obama continuing and expanding the programs started under Bush as you say you were when Bush started them? Right now you all seem as content with what Obama has done as you say the right was with Bush given that don't you think your bashing the right for being upset at Obama but not Bush is more than a little hypocritical?

I can't speak for everyone else, but I don't like that Obama is doing it and I didn't like that Bush was doing it.

How about you? Were you as angry at Bush as you are with Obama?
Simple question for the left are you as upset over Obama continuing and expanding the programs started under Bush as you say you were when Bush started them? Right now you all seem as content with what Obama has done as you say the right was with Bush given that don't you think your bashing the right for being upset at Obama but not Bush is more than a little hypocritical?

You are making a shit ton of wrong assumptions in a lame attempt to pull off some turnaround.
Wait, you won't contest that Obama is suing his own "secret interpretation" of the PA...oh can't.

...and even ole Blitzer can't believe the enormity of this thing.

Sorry jus ain't the world saver youse thinks you is.

You apparently seem ignorant, kid, of the fact that "secret interpretation" is an expression made by Oregon Senator Wyden about activities which began under Bush and continued under Obama. There are no Obama steroids. You made that up in your puerile little mind. Bush spied on Americans, and Obama carried on the practice. Thus the complete lack of evidence in the face of the evidence I provided.

There’s a Secret Patriot Act, Senator Says
Congress is set to reauthorize three controversial provisions of the surveillance law as early as Thursday. Wyden (D-Oregon) says that powers they grant the government on their face, the government applies a far broader legal interpretation — an interpretation that the government has conveniently classified, so it cannot be publicly assessed or challenged. But one prominent Patriot-watcher asserts that the secret interpretation empowers the government to deploy ”dragnets” for massive amounts of information on private citizens; the government portrays its data-collection efforts much differently.

Now go back to post 18 before you make more of an idiot of yourself.

Sorry to make your ass hurt.
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How about you? Were you as angry at Bush as you are with Obama?

In my own personal experience... I wasn't politically savvy enough when the Patriot Act was passed, but I still recall there being a lot of outrage around here when it was. Mind you, I live in Georgia, and it's one of the most red states there are (or at least it was at the time). Many Southerners see it as Reconstruction-era shitting on the South all over again, except now expanded to all people.

Many of the smarter people around here tried to warn us kids about a 1984 scenario being right around the corner. It sounds hokey, and it many ways still does, but at least now I understand their concerns. And I agree with them.

(Mind you, I live in a region that also begrudgingly voted for Mitt Romney, simply because the thought was he had to be better than Obama. In this part of the Bible Belt, Mormonism isn't Christianity, it's a cult.)

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