"Innocence of Muslims" a shameful film to say the least

I looked at MSN.com today to see that arrest warrants were issued for those involved in the making of "The Innocence of Islam."
What that means is that the U.S. Constitution was just tossed out and the freedom of protected speech is gone and the U.S. is now subjugated by the religion of Islam.
A sad day indeed.
Did you read the link? The actors thought the movie was about a guy named master George not Muhammad. So I guess deception in actors/actresses roles are common? I can't wait for your river dance

Did you read my post? I don't care that they were lied to, or that their lines are overdubbed, that kind of thing happens all the time in movies. Renner complained that he signed on to play a hero and ended up playing a victim in Avengers, and that was a major movie. If you want to argue that the film is despicable find a real reason, not one about a bunch of crybabies.

So filmmakers lie to actors and actresses all the time. I got it. No need for you and I to go back and forth your argumentative tactics are not sufficient to continue this debate further.

You keep missing the point, let me spell it out for you.

Your OP argued that the film is shameful because the the producer lied to the actors. Unless you are going to argue that all films made by producers that lie to actors are shameful, a position you clearly do not hold, which would be absurd even if you did hold it, your OP makes no sense at all.

My advice still stands, find a real reason to call the film shameful. The fact that the producer is beneath contempt does not make the film shameful, it makes the producer shameful.
Did you read my post? I don't care that they were lied to, or that their lines are overdubbed, that kind of thing happens all the time in movies. Renner complained that he signed on to play a hero and ended up playing a victim in Avengers, and that was a major movie. If you want to argue that the film is despicable find a real reason, not one about a bunch of crybabies.

So filmmakers lie to actors and actresses all the time. I got it. No need for you and I to go back and forth your argumentative tactics are not sufficient to continue this debate further.

You keep missing the point, let me spell it out for you.

Your OP argued that the film is shameful because the the producer lied to the actors. Unless you are going to argue that all films made by producers that lie to actors are shameful, a position you clearly do not hold, which would be absurd even if you did hold it, your OP makes no sense at all.

My advice still stands, find a real reason to call the film shameful. The fact that the producer is beneath contempt does not make the film shameful, it makes the producer shameful.

You don't need to spell it out for me because I don't respond to strawman. Your assuming that every film involves deception and I do not think that is the case. Actors like Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Halley Berry, Denzel Washington and award winning actors are not deceived. If they were do you not realize that many of these actors would sue or choose to not do movies. So your assertion that deception is a common thing (such as actors knowingly having their voices dubbed over with a voice not of their own) is a moot point. the film is shameful as I previously mentioned, and not only because its shameful due to his poor attempt at excersing his first amendment right, but shameful because he had to deceive many to do so.

If the logical reasons I have provided in the above doesn't satisfy you perhaps a list will:

1) The film was made in poor taste. If you're trying to convey a strong message the film needs to be logical, coherent, and consistent.

2) The actors didn't know the true intent of the movie aside from what they were told.

3) The writer Basile, went to jail for fraud, therefore his credibility as a person is in question.

4) Upon pre-screening there was only 10 people that watched it.

These are the main reasons as to why I find the film shameful. If any writer is trying to convey a message from his own idea, then its imperative that those ideas are clearly made which in this case it wasn't.
So filmmakers lie to actors and actresses all the time. I got it. No need for you and I to go back and forth your argumentative tactics are not sufficient to continue this debate further.

You keep missing the point, let me spell it out for you.

Your OP argued that the film is shameful because the the producer lied to the actors. Unless you are going to argue that all films made by producers that lie to actors are shameful, a position you clearly do not hold, which would be absurd even if you did hold it, your OP makes no sense at all.

My advice still stands, find a real reason to call the film shameful. The fact that the producer is beneath contempt does not make the film shameful, it makes the producer shameful.

You don't need to spell it out for me because I don't respond to strawman. Your assuming that every film involves deception and I do not think that is the case. Actors like Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Halley Berry, Denzel Washington and award winning actors are not deceived. If they were do you not realize that many of these actors would sue or choose to not do movies. So your assertion that deception is a common thing (such as actors knowingly having their voices dubbed over with a voice not of their own) is a moot point. the film is shameful as I previously mentioned, and not only because its shameful due to his poor attempt at excersing his first amendment right, but shameful because he had to deceive many to do so.

If the logical reasons I have provided in the above doesn't satisfy you perhaps a list will:

1) The film was made in poor taste. If you're trying to convey a strong message the film needs to be logical, coherent, and consistent.

2) The actors didn't know the true intent of the movie aside from what they were told.

3) The writer Basile, went to jail for fraud, therefore his credibility as a person is in question.

4) Upon pre-screening there was only 10 people that watched it.

These are the main reasons as to why I find the film shameful. If any writer is trying to convey a message from his own idea, then its imperative that those ideas are clearly made which in this case it wasn't.

I am not assuming anything of the kind. I can, however, provide examples of it happening before.

David Prowse played Darth Vader in Star Wars, and was never told that he would be overdubbed. In other words, he was deceived by George Lucas, does that make Star Wars shameful? By the way, he lost the lawsuit, and is officially banned from all official Star Wars events.

In 1973 Richard Lester told his cast that he was filming a movie called The Three Musketeers, perhaps you have heard of it. What he didn't tell them was that he was making two movies. Do you have any idea who was in that movie? Charlton Heston, Raquel Welch, Richard Chamberlain, Faye Dunaway, and Christopher Lee. They were all stars, and they were deceived. Does that make The Three Musketeers/Four Musketeers shameful?

Of course not, but it does make George Lucas and Richard Lester despicable.

  1. I won't argue with the taste thing.
  2. So what? All SAG contracts require is that the number of movies being made be specified.
  3. Doesn't make the move shameful anymore than the fact that O. Henry was an embezzler makes his stories shameful.
  4. Again, how does this make the movie shameful? If 1000 people had seen it would it be acceptable? How many people have to see it to make it not shameful?
Your reasons are not reason, they are excuses.
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Muslims I admire your courage to stand up for what you feel is right but America is not your enemy. We are your friend. The real enemies are the organized crime organizations trafficking kidnapped young girls and boys as Sex Slaves. We need fighters like you willing to die to save these children. Stand up with me to fight real evil and make peace with us Americans
0.1 / 10. The start was partially amusing, including the soft porn scenes; but the rest was full of historical inaccuracies ( i.e. calling Egypt 5000 years old). I couldn't get the plot and the accents were pretty poor, in simple terms it was made to troll Muslims.

It succeeded, it got millions of views of their trailer. It indirectly killed people, enraged religious extremists and showed to the world the violent rage that shame their fellow Muslims, and made their religion seem violent and their followers evil. The more they riot, kill and destroy things; the worse their religion looks.

So well done to those Muslims that responded, you have made your religion look violent and your fellow Muslims evil. Aren't you meant to be showing us a religion of peace, and what is good about your religion; rather than violence because of the act of a lone criminal filmmaker who is now in jail? :eusa_eh:
I looked at MSN.com today to see that arrest warrants were issued for those involved in the making of "The Innocence of Islam."
What that means is that the U.S. Constitution was just tossed out and the freedom of protected speech is gone and the U.S. is now subjugated by the religion of Islam.
A sad day indeed.
It was Egypt that did that, dummy.
May be shameful, but people should have the right to be shameful. Right? We should fight for freedom and our fight must be with the muslim world.
Bad film?

No doubt.

So what?

This is America where hateful people have every right to make hateful films.

Nobody really cares except haters of both sides who so wish that this nothing issue will cause the world is Chistendom and Islam to go to war with each other.

Ain't gonna happen, boys.
Most surprising is that France has stepped up to the freedom of speech plate to take a swing for freedom. Of all countries, the strictly secular France. I wonder if they now regret prosecuting Bridgette Bardot for saying that muslims would eventually be harmful to the country.
This $5 million pile of cheap shit is a winner.

If you happen to have cashed in on it.
The thing probably cost around $1,000 to make so...oh sod it, do the math and see who comes out well.
Political groups funding this shit will see the money well spent because of the anti Muslim column inches.
The film maker is laughing all the way to his bank.
The US taxpayer is down a small fortune and the dead are less than happy.

Free speech or very expensive speech?
Free Speech is very expensive speech. That's why so many Americans died speaking out against the British Crown.

We speak out against islam now, or get on our knees tomorrow.
Free Speech is very expensive speech. That's why so many Americans died speaking out against the British Crown.

We speak out against islam now, or get on our knees tomorrow.

Ah, did the native Americans die for your freedom?
Perhaps we would have been better off not setting up the new world for you colonial types.

Perhaps you'd like to consider why the US gets attacked by Muslims groups.
It's because you attack them first.

Get it?
Muslims I admire your courage to stand up for what you feel is right but America is not your enemy. We are your friend. The real enemies are the organized crime organizations trafficking kidnapped young girls and boys as Sex Slaves. We need fighters like you willing to die to save these children. Stand up with me to fight real evil and make peace with us Americans

A worthy cause Sir!!! :clap2::clap2::clap2:

However let me share part of an email sent to me by DSHS.........

Placement is needed for 2 siblings that need placement together TODAY. The Department is able to provide extra support and Level 2 foster rate approved at this time.

6 year old boy- He is a delightful young man, a bright child, who was ahead of his class, despite very poor attendance, in kindergarten. He is devoted and very helpful to his younger sister. He has an excellent relationship with his adult siblings who are supportive and available for respite. He behaves well for them. He has extended family, who report he is able to follow rules. He plays video games. He likes to draw. Placing him with his sister will be a great help. Visits with the older siblings and other pre-approved relatives will help as well. Maintaining school attendance at his current Elementary will be helpful. He has two incidents of high-risk behaviors of a sexual nature that occurred this year, both with boys around his own age. He requires a supervision plan that will include; line-of-sight supervision, his own bedroom, no play that includes hiding/building forts with other children or undressing, he needs to use the toilet and bathe without other children, he needs to remain clothed. He has had some difficulty being aggressive around pets, and has required redirection concerning his use of markers and where he draws. He responds well to direction from men. Reliable extended family report that he does not have any problems following directions. He has not lived in one place long enough to determine if these behaviors are manageable with consistent redirection and expectations. He is reserved in his demeanor. He is currently undergoing an SAY evaluation and treatment/supervision recommendations should be available soon.

He has dental appointments on the following days:

9/17/12 9AM

9/24/12 9AM

10/1/12 9AM

10/8/12 9AM

10/17/12 TBD

10/22/12 9AM

The appointments at 9AM are to provide sealants and watch the status of his severely decayed teeth has well as a pre-surgery appointment. He will have some teeth removed on 10/17.

4 Year old girl - She is an eager and energetic 4 year old girl with long blonde hair. She loves her purse which she has stuffed with Barbies. She is engaging and friendly, eager to please, quite bright and talkative. She has just started preschool and she is quite proud of this fact, as well as the bus ride she takes and the backpack that go along with her new school endeavor. She has a 6 year old brother who is devoted to her. They support each other as much as children this age can. I have watched delightful sharing among the two siblings. She has adult siblings who are supportive, cleared for visits and available for respite. She had one incident exhibiting a sexualized high-risk behavior involving a child younger than her. She requires a supervision plan which requires; line-of-sight supervision, her own bedroom, no play that includes hiding/building forts with other children or undressing, she needs to use the toilet and bathe without other children, she needs to remain clothed. Reliable extended family report that she does not have any problems following directions. She has not lived in one place long enough to determine if these behaviors are manageable with consistent redirection and expectations. She has been referred for therapy with Beda?chelh. She has been able to transition smoothly in her last placement. Being placed with her brother is important as the two are very close. Older siblings are supportive and available for respite.

Andy Duarte, MSW

Snohomish County Placement Coordinator
Free Speech is very expensive speech. That's why so many Americans died speaking out against the British Crown.

We speak out against islam now, or get on our knees tomorrow.

Ah, did the native Americans die for your freedom?
Perhaps we would have been better off not setting up the new world for you colonial types.

Perhaps you'd like to consider why the US gets attacked by Muslims groups.
It's because you attack them first.

Get it?

Not according to them. I don't see anyone burning down embassies because we attacked them first, but because they were told that Americans disrespected islam and the prophet.
I looked at MSN.com today to see that arrest warrants were issued for those involved in the making of "The Innocence of Islam."
What that means is that the U.S. Constitution was just tossed out and the freedom of protected speech is gone and the U.S. is now subjugated by the religion of Islam.
A sad day indeed.

Would this be the freedom to ignore a court order against using a false name and/or accessing the internet or the freedom to supply killer drugs?

He wasn't arrested for making the film, just for violating the terms of his parole.

If you insist on a lie, try to make it less obvious so you don't look like a total dickhead.
I looked at MSN.com today to see that arrest warrants were issued for those involved in the making of "The Innocence of Islam."
What that means is that the U.S. Constitution was just tossed out and the freedom of protected speech is gone and the U.S. is now subjugated by the religion of Islam.
A sad day indeed.

Would this be the freedom to ignore a court order against using a false name and/or accessing the internet or the freedom to supply killer drugs?

He wasn't arrested for making the film, just for violating the terms of his parole.

If you insist on a lie, try to make it less obvious so you don't look like a total dickhead.

You might try not lying yourself. Nakoula Nakoula was not arrested and is a free man at this very moment. In fact, he wasn't even on parole!
Muslims I admire your courage to stand up for what you feel is right but America is not your enemy. We are your friend. The real enemies are the organized crime organizations trafficking kidnapped young girls and boys as Sex Slaves. We need fighters like you willing to die to save these children. Stand up with me to fight real evil and make peace with us Americans

You admire Muslims that riot, burn buildings, demand trials and public hangings for people that insult them, and kill people? I bet you think I am weird for having the same contempt for your scum sucking life I have for theirs.
As long as America has a Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech we are the enemies of islam. We should take a page from the French and embrace our freedoms and fight islam to their very last camel.

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