"Innocence of Muslims" a shameful film to say the least

Hey, Muslims. Fuck you, fuck your prophet, and fuck allah.

There, now I sound as crazy as you bastards.
There's no such thing as "taking free speech overboard". This film, as ridiculous as it is, is protected under the 1st amendment. End of.

Extremist Muslims have no grounds whatsoever to hold the world hostage every time their religion gets insulted when they themselves insult other religions as well as persecute those that don't believe in religion at all.

As I said in the yelling fire in crowded theater, this man dubbed a different voice from the actors in his film, deceived the actors all in the principle of free speech. This really wasn't free speech he is inciting violence. You right there is no excuse for violent reaction but the thing is that was his purpose so that he can prove to the world through rightwing vitriol that radical are incapable of non-violence. The problem is the radicals on both sides...One side using rightwing vitriol in saying that this man is execising free speech and the other side is focused on honor of their faith and violent retribution.

Every thing he did is PROTECTED SPEECH. And you would sell out our rights because of ignorant Muslims.
What the muslims want and why they are rioting around the world is because we do not have laws prohibiting blasphemy against islam. You have to dig deep and ask yourself if you would want to see blasphemy against the prophet and islam criminally prosecuted. To the American ideal, we have an absolute right to blaspheme any religion. We blaspheme Christ all the time. We should have an equal right to blaspheme mohammed. If muslims get sufficiently violent are you ready to give up that right and have a special law carved out for islam?

If you are, then take the next step, are you ready to give up your right to shave or wear a bikini if it would stop muslim violence?
Thie guy made a movie. And a crappy one at that. Certainly didn't cause the murders. People need to stop giving it attention.

I have to go with inciting a riot here. As badly done as the "movie" is, it clearly wasn't made just to let the director blow off steam. It was done to either give propaganda fodder to those that hate muslims, or to piss muslims off, or both.

You do know that he was convicted of fraud and as part of his sentence he's not allowed to get online at all, much less post a hate-filled pile of shit movie.

He claims the film cost him a million dollars, but estimates are that the trash only cost about $65,000. It looks like he ripped off his sponsors for about $935,000.

He's got some jail time coming. Jail time won't be happyfunplaytime.

I have to go with you are an idiot.

In order to be charged with inciting a riot the guy who made the film would have to be in front of a crowd urging them to commit violence.
You made the comparison yourself. You said that Christians protested over The Last Temptation of Christ. Muslims raped and murdered our ambassador, they cheered over dragging his body. Is that the same thing to you? Do they have moral equality?

No, of course it isn't the samg thing, and I didn't say it was the same thing!!!

Which is what I meant about posting honestly.
The ambassador wasn't raped and dragged through the streets. I don't know why the poster katzndogs posts such lies unless he himself is a terrorist.

There are actual pictures of him being dragged through the streets, I posted a few myself. There are also reports that he was sodomized with a pole or a knife. I will give you that the rape is not proven, but there is no way any honest person can say he was not dragged through the streets.
No, of course it isn't the samg thing, and I didn't say it was the same thing!!!

Which is what I meant about posting honestly.
The ambassador wasn't raped and dragged through the streets. I don't know why the poster katzndogs posts such lies unless he himself is a terrorist.

There are actual pictures of him being dragged through the streets, I posted a few myself. There are also reports that he was sodomized with a pole or a knife. I will give you that the rape is not proven, but there is no way any honest person can say he was not dragged through the streets.
Sure there is. The original photos on Drudge were even captioned as him being picked up and taken to the hospital for treatment.
The ambassador wasn't raped and dragged through the streets. I don't know why the poster katzndogs posts such lies unless he himself is a terrorist.

There are actual pictures of him being dragged through the streets, I posted a few myself. There are also reports that he was sodomized with a pole or a knife. I will give you that the rape is not proven, but there is no way any honest person can say he was not dragged through the streets.
Sure there is. The original photos on Drudge were even captioned as him being picked up and taken to the hospital for treatment.

I wouldn't know, I don't read Drudge. I do know there are photos of him being dragged through the streets by his feet. There is even video of him being dragged through a opening in a wall and his head bouncing off the ground. You might want to claim those show him being carried to the hospital, but I don't see it.
There are actual pictures of him being dragged through the streets, I posted a few myself. There are also reports that he was sodomized with a pole or a knife. I will give you that the rape is not proven, but there is no way any honest person can say he was not dragged through the streets.
Sure there is. The original photos on Drudge were even captioned as him being picked up and taken to the hospital for treatment.

I wouldn't know, I don't read Drudge. I do know there are photos of him being dragged through the streets by his feet. There is even video of him being dragged through a opening in a wall and his head bouncing off the ground. You might want to claim those show him being carried to the hospital, but I don't see it.
The Lebanese news agencies reported that the ambassador was raped. Then again, obama doesn't control the media in Lebanon.
There are actual pictures of him being dragged through the streets, I posted a few myself. There are also reports that he was sodomized with a pole or a knife. I will give you that the rape is not proven, but there is no way any honest person can say he was not dragged through the streets.
Sure there is. The original photos on Drudge were even captioned as him being picked up and taken to the hospital for treatment.

I wouldn't know, I don't read Drudge. I do know there are photos of him being dragged through the streets by his feet. There is even video of him being dragged through a opening in a wall and his head bouncing off the ground. You might want to claim those show him being carried to the hospital, but I don't see it.
You ignored my request for a link so I found one myself and it supports what I said, that he was being helped to the hospital.

Video shows Libyans helping rescue US ambassador after attack | Reuters
When George Lucas filmed Star Wars he had David Prowse say all the lines of Darth Vader. He didn't know until the day it was released that his entire role had been overdubbed. Not only that, Lucas went to court and got an order blocking Prowse from attending any offical Star Wars event held in the entire freaking world.

Unless you are as outraged about that as you pretend to be about what happened with Innocence of Muslims, which I highly doubt since you never started a thread about it, you are nothing but a scared little boy trying to hide behind his little sister so he doesn't get beaten up.

Ok what does dubbing the film "Innocence of Muslims" have to do with Star Wars too completely different genres and nice attempt at insulting me but you really haven't argued anything kid.

I wasn't trying to argue anything, so my complete failure to accomplish that means squat. What I was doing was pointing out how stupid it is to pretend that the reason the film is despicable is because the actors lines were overdubbed, that happens all the time.

Did you read the link? The actors thought the movie was about a guy named master George not Muhammad. So I guess deception in actors/actresses roles are common? I can't wait for your river dance
There's no such thing as "taking free speech overboard". This film, as ridiculous as it is, is protected under the 1st amendment. End of.

Extremist Muslims have no grounds whatsoever to hold the world hostage every time their religion gets insulted when they themselves insult other religions as well as persecute those that don't believe in religion at all.

As I said in the yelling fire in crowded theater, this man dubbed a different voice from the actors in his film, deceived the actors all in the principle of free speech. This really wasn't free speech he is inciting violence. You right there is no excuse for violent reaction but the thing is that was his purpose so that he can prove to the world through rightwing vitriol that radical are incapable of non-violence. The problem is the radicals on both sides...One side using rightwing vitriol in saying that this man is execising free speech and the other side is focused on honor of their faith and violent retribution.

Every thing he did is PROTECTED SPEECH. And you would sell out our rights because of ignorant Muslims.

Why do you keep using the word sell? I am saying his crappy movie was disruptive Al-Qaeda took advantage along with other radicals and made it a big issue
Wait, the guy is in hiding yet the names of his actors are public knowledge and he tricked them???
Thie guy made a movie. And a crappy one at that. Certainly didn't cause the murders. People need to stop giving it attention.

I have to go with inciting a riot here. As badly done as the "movie" is, it clearly wasn't made just to let the director blow off steam. It was done to either give propaganda fodder to those that hate muslims, or to piss muslims off, or both.

You do know that he was convicted of fraud and as part of his sentence he's not allowed to get online at all, much less post a hate-filled pile of shit movie.

He claims the film cost him a million dollars, but estimates are that the trash only cost about $65,000. It looks like he ripped off his sponsors for about $935,000.

He's got some jail time coming. Jail time won't be happyfunplaytime.

I have to go with you are an idiot.

In order to be charged with inciting a riot the guy who made the film would have to be in front of a crowd urging them to commit violence.

Your making excuses for a fraud. He is not moral nor in my opinion a true christian. He has so many aliases they were trying to figure out his real name. If anything he exposed himself.
Ok what does dubbing the film "Innocence of Muslims" have to do with Star Wars too completely different genres and nice attempt at insulting me but you really haven't argued anything kid.

I wasn't trying to argue anything, so my complete failure to accomplish that means squat. What I was doing was pointing out how stupid it is to pretend that the reason the film is despicable is because the actors lines were overdubbed, that happens all the time.

Did you read the link? The actors thought the movie was about a guy named master George not Muhammad. So I guess deception in actors/actresses roles are common? I can't wait for your river dance

Did you read my post? I don't care that they were lied to, or that their lines are overdubbed, that kind of thing happens all the time in movies. Renner complained that he signed on to play a hero and ended up playing a victim in Avengers, and that was a major movie. If you want to argue that the film is despicable find a real reason, not one about a bunch of crybabies.
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I have to go with inciting a riot here. As badly done as the "movie" is, it clearly wasn't made just to let the director blow off steam. It was done to either give propaganda fodder to those that hate muslims, or to piss muslims off, or both.

You do know that he was convicted of fraud and as part of his sentence he's not allowed to get online at all, much less post a hate-filled pile of shit movie.

He claims the film cost him a million dollars, but estimates are that the trash only cost about $65,000. It looks like he ripped off his sponsors for about $935,000.

He's got some jail time coming. Jail time won't be happyfunplaytime.

I have to go with you are an idiot.

In order to be charged with inciting a riot the guy who made the film would have to be in front of a crowd urging them to commit violence.

Your making excuses for a fraud. He is not moral nor in my opinion a true christian. He has so many aliases they were trying to figure out his real name. If anything he exposed himself.

Excuse me? Where did I make excuses for anyone? What I did was point out how stupid it is to not understand the terms you are using, incitement to riot has a specific meaning, and it cannot be applied to a film. If it could any movie about a revolt that shows a speech calling for riots would be illegal.

Even idiots don't believe that.
I wasn't trying to argue anything, so my complete failure to accomplish that means squat. What I was doing was pointing out how stupid it is to pretend that the reason the film is despicable is because the actors lines were overdubbed, that happens all the time.

Did you read the link? The actors thought the movie was about a guy named master George not Muhammad. So I guess deception in actors/actresses roles are common? I can't wait for your river dance

Did you read my post? I don't care that they were lied to, or that their lines are overdubbed, that kind of thing happens all the time in movies. Renner complained that he signed on to play a hero and ended up playing a victim in Avengers, and that was a major movie. If you want to argue that the film is despicable find a real reason, not one about a bunch of crybabies.

So filmmakers lie to actors and actresses all the time. I got it. No need for you and I to go back and forth your argumentative tactics are not sufficient to continue this debate further.
Someone made sure that this film was dubbed into arabic and distributed in the middle east. The beneficiary of muslim violence was supposed to be obama, he can now scapegoat both Christians and the Constitution.

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