Innocence of Muslims


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Attacks on Americans in the Middle East continue today, supposedly based on outrage over a low budget film on the internet that exposes the Islamic prophet Muhammad as a fraud, liar, murderer and child molester.

So who made this film?

{In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, the filmmaker identified himself as Sam Bacile and said he was a 52-year-old Israeli-American real estate developer from California.}

As protests spread, mystery shrouds anti-Islam film -

An "Israeli" and a Jew? Does this strike anyone as odd? Note that forum leftists like Synthaholic instantly lied that Terry Jones made the film. The bigotry of the American left is based on sheer hatred of Christians, so leftists concoct lies that smear Christians.

But Muslims hate Jews, sure, they hate Christians and Hindus as well, but Muslims hate Jews the way JoeB hates Christians, with a frothing, near insanity.

So, if Muslims were to stage this film as a catalyst to stir up violence, they would attribute it to an "Israeli Jew," just as fuckwads like JoeB and Synthaholic would fabricate Terry Jones.

{"This guy is totally anonymous. At this point, no one can confirm he holds Israeli citizenship, and even if he did we are not involved," ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said.

CNN has been unable to contact anyone named Sam Bacile and cannot verify the information reported in the Wall Street Journal.

A search by CNN of public records related to Bacile came up empty. A search of entertainment records turned up no previous mention of a Sam Bacile, and the directors and writers guilds had no listing for him.}

So the "Israeli Jew" doesn't actually exist - the film was made by the Muslim Brotherhood as part of this terror attack.
John and Ken, local talk radio hosts undertook their own investigation and came up with basically nothing. Sam Bacile is apparently an avatar for 15 Coptic Christians who are considered extremist Christians for protesting the slaughter of the Copts in Egypt that started even before Mubarak was removed. The Coptic Christians in West LA are said, rumored, to have forged an alliance with militant Christians in Riverside. That from a statement given to John and Ken by "Steve" who protested the building of a megamosque in Temecula.

Part of the problem is that this movie is old. It's two years old now. Forensic examination of the trailer is that it might have been filmed in someone's garage in front of a homemade green screen. The video was posted years ago. Nothing is ever forgotten on the internet. It's there forever. Which means that are millions of anti islamic videos and reports out there waiting only to be uncovered and used as the next excuse.
Handel took it further this morning and couldn't find any evidence of this Coptic Christian group existing.

Looks like the film was either made by Muslims or possibly hijacked and dubbed over by the Muslim Brotherhood.

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