Innocent Baby, Kidnapped, And Set on Fire. Sad...

Police began an investigation into the case on July 17, after a woman reported that the boy had been kidnapped from a residence in a trailer park. Investigators interviewed a woman they said was the child's mother, who told them two unknown people had come to her door, sprayed her face with mace and ran off with the boy, the Natchitoches Police Department reported.

She told investigators she ran from the residence to get away from the attackers and upon circling back discovered the baby missing, police said after the incident.

A short time later, Natchitoches police received a report of a fire and upon arrival found the baby suffering from burns. The baby was transported to the Natchitoches Regional Medical Center and was later airlifted to University Medical Center where he succumbed to his injuries, police said.

Police at the time identified the child as the woman's son. However, the fire marshal's office on Monday said Smith was not the child's mother, but could not say at this time how they were related. The investigation is ongoing and no further information is being released at the time, according to the news release.
Natchitoches woman accused of murder in 6-month-old's death

So, the person that they first spoke to was Smith?
Police began an investigation into the case on July 17, after a woman reported that the boy had been kidnapped from a residence in a trailer park. Investigators interviewed a woman they said was the child's mother, who told them two unknown people had come to her door, sprayed her face with mace and ran off with the boy, the Natchitoches Police Department reported.

She told investigators she ran from the residence to get away from the attackers and upon circling back discovered the baby missing, police said after the incident.

A short time later, Natchitoches police received a report of a fire and upon arrival found the baby suffering from burns. The baby was transported to the Natchitoches Regional Medical Center and was later airlifted to University Medical Center where he succumbed to his injuries, police said.

Police at the time identified the child as the woman's son. However, the fire marshal's office on Monday said Smith was not the child's mother, but could not say at this time how they were related. The investigation is ongoing and no further information is being released at the time, according to the news release.
Natchitoches woman accused of murder in 6-month-old's death

So, the person that they first spoke to was Smith?
Not sure. Limited details in the report.
Sounds kinda fishy. If the mother is involved with this somehow I hope she fries too.
Makes you wonder just what Kind of people live in this country.

People who would set a six month old baby on fire. If caught they should hang from the nearest tree.
Sounds kinda fishy. If the mother is involved with this somehow I hope she fries too.
Why would a mother be involved in having some random black woman burn her baby alive on train tracks? Let me guess, it sounds fishy because the victim is white?

You are trash.
^^^ Two words: Casey Anthony. If one "mother" has a secret, another may have one too.

God bless you always!!!


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