Insanity: Wash. State Came One Vote Away From Releasing Green River Serial Killer So He Wouldn't Get Wuhan Virus

Democrats have wanted to abolish prisons for years. They don't believe anyone, including the green river killer, should be locked away.

Is there a basement somewhere that houses all of this kind of bullshit which you weirdo's say?
That's why I give a link. There is a whole philosophy that maintains that prison is never necessary no matter what the crime. It's called restorative justice.
You will believe anything. It’s kind of amazing.
Hey! Obnoxious dickhead! Did you do any research at all before going off on a multi post rant in which you were absolutely wrong? I did.

It's pricks like you that really ruin places like this. You owe plenty of apologies but of course you aren't the sort of person to admit you've had your head buried up your ass.

In fact it looks like no one in this entire thread did the simple Google search that I did that confirms
the OP was entirely legitimate. Amazing.
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Democrats have wanted to abolish prisons for years. They don't believe anyone, including the green river killer, should be locked away.

Is there a basement somewhere that houses all of this kind of bullshit which you weirdo's say?
That's why I give a link. There is a whole philosophy that maintains that prison is never necessary no matter what the crime. It's called restorative justice.

Which Dem leader proposes this philosophy?
You will believe anything. It’s kind of amazing.
Hey! Obnoxious dickhead! Did you do any research at all before going off on a multi post rant in which you were absolutely wrong? I did.

It's pricks like you that really ruin places like this. You owe plenty of apologies but of course you aren't the sort of person to admit you've had your head buried up your ass.

In fact it looks like no one in this entire thread did the simple Google search that I did that confirms
the OP was entirely legitimate. Amazing.

No, loser, The OP was a sensationalist take on a very benign matter. The fucking Green River Killer was never
on any list to get released.

Don't be a moron.
Did the info presented at the link say that the Green River Killer was going to be released if the vote went the other way?
Oh...suddenly you are moving your goalposts around. Interesting.

Columbia Legal Services provided a petition asking that all prisoners of a certain age were to be released
due to the corona virus. Ridgeway's age made him eligible to be on that list (all prisoners over the age of 50---
Ridgeway's age...71).

Unless you can definitely provide evidence to the contrary I would have to say you don't have a leg to stand
on. Leftist lawyers argued for coronavirus release of 'Green River Killer' | FreePressers
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Convicted of 49 murders, suspect in 71 murders, sentenced to 500 years. One of many murderers the Leftards of Washington State we’re trying to release onto the streets as they kept gun stores closed. The State Supreme Court voted 5-4 that was not a good idea.
Who said the Left hate civilization?
What a bunch of stupid jack ass Dimocrats and RINOs.

We need to start vigilante justice again it looks like.

just hang the bastards from the highest oak tree and be done with it.

Did the info presented at the link say that the Green River Killer was going to be released if the vote went the other way?
Oh...suddenly you are moving your goalposts around. Interesting.

Columbia Legal Services provided a petition asking that all prisoners of a certain age were to be released
due to the corona virus. Ridgeway's age made him eligible to be on that list.

Unless you can definitely provide evidence to the contrary I would have to say you don't have a leg to stand

The article clearly stated that he was not going to be on the list. No Democrat in Washington wanted him on a list. He is not
going to be released. The headline is red meat for morons, moron.
Hey! Obnoxious dickhead! Did you do any research at all before going off on a multi post rant in which you were absolutely wrong? I did.
It's pricks like you that really ruin places like this. You owe plenty of apologies but of course you aren't the sort of person to admit you've had your head buried up your ass.
In fact it looks like no one in this entire thread did the simple Google search that I did that confirms
the OP was entirely legitimate. Amazing.
If it is from LoneLoser, you can immediately assume it is devoid of fact, nor Reason, nor value.

He is much much better on ignore.
The article clearly stated that he was not going to be on the list. No Democrat in Washington wanted him on a list. He is not
going to be released. The headline is red meat for morons, moron.
The article? What article? Which article? Why not state that article and post a link to "the" article?
I agree it seems unlikely Washington would release a notorious serial killer but this is not about what the
Washington state supreme court did. They voted narrowly to ignore the petition from the Columbia Legal
Services (shamefully the vote should have been 9-0).

This is about what a radical legal assistance group did. And we know what has happened in New York
where moron Andrew Cuomo released hundreds of felons and many are already back in prison.

So stop ducking the issue, you stupid stupid loser though I already know that if you had some concrete
irrefutable evidence that supports you it would have been provided by now.
You are just an angry brain dead troll screaming into the wind.
The article clearly stated that he was not going to be on the list. No Democrat in Washington wanted him on a list. He is not
going to be released. The headline is red meat for morons, moron.
The article? What article? Which article? Why not state that article and post a link to "the" article?
I agree it seems unlikely Washington would release a notorious serial killer but this is not about what the
Washington state supreme court did. They voted narrowly to ignore the petition from the Columbia Legal
Services (shamefully the vote should have been 9-0).

This is about what a radical legal assistance group did. And we know what has happened in New York
where moron Andrew Cuomo released hundreds of felons and many are already back in prison.

So stop ducking the issue, you stupid stupid loser though I already know that if you had some concrete
irrefutable evidence that supports you it would have been provided by now.
You are just an angry brain dead troll screaming into the wind.

The link in the OP has the information you seek.

Nobody wanted the Green River Killer to be released from prison. It was not ever something that would
possibly happen. You want to believe that Democrats don't want murderers to be in prison. That is why
you are open to believing such ridiculous horseshit.
The link in the OP has the information you seek.
It did not.
Just the opposite was true.
"Q13 News reports prosecutors argued in court that “The Petitioners [Columbia Legal Services] demand that 2/3 of the prison population be released into the community, a number which includes serial killers and capital murderers.”
Among the killers to possibly be released, besides the Green River Killer" (from the link)

You lose again, disinformation king.

Nobody wanted the Green River Killer to be released from prison. It was not ever something that would
possibly happen. You want to believe that Democrats don't want murderers to be in prison. That is why
you are open to believing such ridiculous horseshit.
The Columbia Legal Service did if not for a single vote from a Washinton Supreme Court justice
that's what would have happened.
FOUR leftist judges voted to put the petition into action and every prisoner over the age of 50 would have been released, felons and all just like in NY.
Gary Ridgeway was 71 years old, champ. You do the math, a-hole.
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Democrats have wanted to abolish prisons for years. They don't believe anyone, including the green river killer, should be locked away.

Is there a basement somewhere that houses all of this kind of bullshit which you weirdo's say?


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