Insanity: Wash. State Came One Vote Away From Releasing Green River Serial Killer So He Wouldn't Get Wuhan Virus

This is absolutely inexcusable and unforgivable. Who gives a fuck if inmates get COVID? Fuck 'em. The least they deserve is the flu. To let the most prolific serial killer out due to a flu bug is the epitome of ignorance.

They need to complete their sentences. The flu is incidental, and should have no bearing in any case.
This is absolutely inexcusable and unforgivable. Who gives a fuck if inmates get COVID? Fuck 'em. The least they deserve is the flu. To let the most prolific serial killer out due to a flu bug is the epitome of ignorance.

Inmates have families and children too.
And this is a perfect example of how the lemmings lost their shit over comically misleading headlines.
I never cease to marvel over your astounding ignorance. They were one vote away from releasing the fucking Green River Killer. The most prolific serial killer in U.S. history. Convicted of murdering 49 women.
And this is a perfect example of how the lemmings lost their shit over comically misleading headlines.
I never cease to marvel over your astounding ignorance. They were one vote away from releasing the fucking Green River Killer. The most prolific serial killer in U.S. history. Convicted of murdering 49 women.
Where does it say that? Where does it say that that, if that vote goes the other way, the Green River Killer is set to be released?

Quote it. That's all you have to do. Do you know what a "quotation mark" is? It's right there on your keyboard. You could even cut & paste.

You're welcome to shove my "astounding ignorance" in my face. Go.
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So I see that "The Blaze" is using the "PJ Media" story as a "source" to continue this fantasy.

This is how it spreads, within the alternate universe. And look at them, they obediently believe it.
I say release him, but in Antarctica with one match, in shorts and a t-shirt and with no fire wood...

Give him that choice or staying in Prison and let see which one he takes...

Death by Covid-19 would be a kind death for that worthless piece of trash...

Oh, here is another link about the lawsuit, so that way the left will shut the hell up about how the Op'er link is not trustworthy...

It is the Daily mail so consider the source...
The Green River Killer is an inmate of a jail.

The results of a vote could have released many from that jail.

Therefore, the Green River Killer would have been released.

Alternate universe logic. One could laugh, but this is no longer funny.
This is absolutely inexcusable and unforgivable. Who gives a fuck if inmates get COVID? Fuck 'em. The least they deserve is the flu. To let the most prolific serial killer out due to a flu bug is the epitome of ignorance.

and if you crowd him in with thousands of other guys and prison staff, he could end up killing more people than he did when he was on his murder spree... that's the point here about evaluating whether or not to keep locking up elderly prisoners.

This guy. Yup. Keep him in. The guy who killed his wife during an argument over the last piece of bacon 40 years ago? Maybe not so much.
Democrats have wanted to abolish prisons for years. They don't believe anyone, including the green river killer, should be locked away.

^^^ fake news ^^^
You have looked it up yourself. You should. Instead you pull out something attached to your tampon and dirty up the board.

lol... pull your cheeto crusted head outa donny's colon.
So I see that "The Blaze" is using the "PJ Media" story as a "source" to continue this fantasy.

This is how it spreads, within the alternate universe. And look at them, they obediently believe it.

glenn beck's 'the blaze'

'nuff said.
Another very clever thing that those who perpetrate & circulate this crap have done, is to literally equate these nutter sites with large mass media.

So the Trumpsters are trained to believe, and they fully do, that The Blaze or PJ Media or Breitbart are every bit as credible as any other source, if not more so.

You have to hand it to them, this alternate universe is very carefully and skillfully maintained, controlled and protected. It's its own separate, fully enclosed organism.
So I see that "The Blaze" is using the "PJ Media" story as a "source" to continue this fantasy.

This is how it spreads, within the alternate universe. And look at them, they obediently believe it.

glenn beck's 'the blaze'

'nuff said.
Another very clever thing that those who perpetrate & circulate this crap have done, is to literally equate these nutter sites with large mass media.

So the Trumpsters are trained to believe, and they fully do, that The Blaze or PJ Media or Breitbart are every bit as credible as any other source, if not more so.

You have to hand it to them, this alternate universe is very carefully and skillfully maintained, controlled and protected. It's its own separate, fully enclosed organism.

oh i know first hand....i have 2 siblings ( & their spouses) that are uber trump fans... one actually pays good money to watch glenn beck's internet program & the other has sent articles to me straight outa breitbart. i, of course feel compelled to counter with actual facts. then she goes silent for awhile. i often wonder what happens when she is confronted with the truth. i believe for a few minutes - she is in a world of hurt & confusion, but always seems to go right back to that comfy misplaced anger & paranoid state that is their bizarro world.

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