"Inside America's Great Teacher Resignation"

Now I'm going to tell you something that may break your brain

I would have much much rather sent my kids to a public school in a small town in Heartland USA than a private school in Berkeley, CA or Brooklyn, NY

Vouchers allow PARENTS to CHOOSE which school.

Vouchers allow PARENTS to avoid schools run by left wing homos....
Vouchers allow PARENTS to CHOOSE which school.

Vouchers allow PARENTS to avoid schools run by left wing homos....

Sure. I'm for that. But would you be surprised to learn that parents in small town, USA are happy to send their kids to the public school where their teacher sits down the pew from them on Sunday, and shops at the same grocery store?
Sure. I'm for that. But would you be surprised to learn that parents in small town, USA are happy to send their kids to the public school where their teacher sits down the pew from them on Sunday, and shops at the same grocery store?

I want parents empowered not Randi Weingartner....

If parents like the school fine.

If they don't they can put kid in a different school, or organize to start one parents can trust..
I'm still furious at my own profession for caving so easily and without any critical thinking on closing schools. I will probably never forgive my profession for that.


The ongoing crisis is not mitigations and covid now. It is all that is mentioned and one thing the NYT dare NOT mention: increasingly violent, rude and unacceptable student behavior.

You want to destroy public education?

Just introduce conservative politics, and Jesus, and VOILA! Gone.

Now you have a blank slate to indoctrinate all of the ignorance your heart desires.

No critically thinking, educated human being is going to participate in that kind of environment. I don't blame every single teacher and librarian for quitting their jobs.
IMO we are going to have to decide that discipline, routine and order has a place in schools and GASP is actually good for children.

Because....shocker...it really is. It doesn't have to be doled out with meanness or humiliation. But just "these are the expectations, and I expect you will be accountable to them" should be basic.
Na, I think letting children act like animals while letting them be referred to as "furries" and barking in class will be Ok.

After all, democrats act and think like animals so they are just training the next generation.
You want to destroy public education?

Just introduce conservative politics, and Jesus, and VOILA! Gone.

Now you have a blank slate to indoctrinate all of the ignorance your heart desires.

No critically thinking, educated human being is going to participate in that kind of environment. I don't blame every single teacher and librarian for quitting their jobs.

This is the type of bullshit the homo left trots out to preserve their "right" to homo rape america's kids...
You want to destroy public education?

Just introduce conservative politics, and Jesus, and VOILA! Gone.

Now you have a blank slate to indoctrinate all of the ignorance your heart desires.

No critically thinking, educated human being is going to participate in that kind of environment. I don't blame every single teacher and librarian for quitting their jobs.

This is incoherent nonsense
To be fair....
When the pandemic came and quarantines were put in place...most schools graduated everyone to the next grade level and went out on summer break.
Knowing full well that the quarantines were going to last through the following school year most school districts and Teachers did NOTHING to prepare during the summer break whatsoever.
Absolutely NOTHING! When the school year started they ALL were caught flat footed and scrambling to put together some form of instruction. Some caught up quicker than others...some were as lost as last year's Easter egg.

Now they want to walk out because of low wages. (I happen to agree with that)
But also they want to walk out because of "children's behavior".
Ummm....classroom control is part of an educator's job...of course if school administrators did theirs they would be backing up the teachers....but they are heavily into politics so they don't.

While everyone is jumping through extreme hystrionics over federal elections your local government has much more control over your daily life....IE your school board, mayor, Governor, DA and etc. And nobody has paid them any attention and the worst people are filling those slots.

DAs have removed the blindfold off of justice.
Entire boards have been charged with pedophilia and sexualizing grade school children....and the coming inflation EVERY ONE knew was never addressed. (Asleep at the wheel AGAIN)
You can't afford what it would take men to take teaching jobs now.
We know several teachers in an overachieving district: middle and high school. The most common complaints are: helicopter psycho parents; admin that will blame them at the drop of a hat; and stress from the last two years with remote learning etc.

Would you be a teacher in an era where a significant portion of the US population thinks they are 'groomers?'
To be fair....
When the pandemic came and quarantines were put in place...most schools graduated everyone to the next grade level and went out on summer break.
Knowing full well that the quarantines were going to last through the following school year most school districts and Teachers did NOTHING to prepare during the summer break whatsoever.
Absolutely NOTHING! When the school year started they ALL were caught flat footed and scrambling to put together some form of instruction. Some caught up quicker than others...some were as lost as last year's Easter egg.

Now they want to walk out because of low wages. (I happen to agree with that)
But also they want to walk out because of "children's behavior".
Ummm....classroom control is part of an educator's job...of course if school administrators did theirs they would be backing up the teachers....but they are heavily into politics so they don't.

While everyone is jumping through extreme hystrionics over federal elections your local government has much more control over your daily life....IE your school board, mayor, Governor, DA and etc. And nobody has paid them any attention and the worst people are filling those slots.

DAs have removed the blindfold off of justice.
Entire boards have been charged with pedophilia and sexualizing grade school children....and the coming inflation EVERY ONE knew was never addressed. (Asleep at the wheel AGAIN)

Agree with a lot of this. But for the most part, parents don't want educators to "discipline their child" anymore--and that is for real. The end result: no discipline whatsoever.
Agree with a lot of this. But for the most part, parents don't want educators to "discipline their child" anymore--and that is for real. The end result: no discipline whatsoever.
Disciplining children is a very heated topic usually...and teachers really need to stay out of that arena except for behaviors that disrupt class. A note/email home is usually sufficient for a parent to address unknown behaviors occurring at school....classroom control is part of a teachers job...and if one stubborn child can't fall in line they get sent off to the office. (Which is what those kids are wanting anyway)

However...what Billy said or did to Tommy during recess during a game is not necessarily a teacher's responsibility...where it's usually not acceptable behavior the parent needs to address the situation. The teacher can advise Billy and possibly explain the consequences that Billy is too young to understand....but actually disciplining is a parents role.
But WHO is quitting?

All the GOOD, VIABLE teachers. Thats who.

And whats there to take their place? The lunatic leftoid transmutations, hellbent on brainwashing ALL kids into having sex changes and believing they need to shit in a catbox!!!

But it's the parents that are at fault. They expect everybody else to do thier hard work for them, including removing those in the state and in the schoolboards that are causing all these problems. Of course, they ALL feel that way, so nothing gets done and the lunatics have more a stronghold on brainwashing EVERYBODYS kids.

PROPER, RELIABLE, MENTALLY WELL ADJUSTED teachers need to be paid a minimum of $50K a year, base salary.
Teachers MUST be given their classroom powers back, that was taken away from them in the 80's.
School Boards MUST be punished for ALL wrong doings and criminal/corrupt influences on schools and their actions and words.

School Board memebers need to be made up of retired teachers and caring parents, not bloated, ego maniacs, hell bent on stealing and syponing all schools' budgets into their private bank accounts! THEY need to be paid a MAXIMUM of $30,000 a year!!!

And it is my personal opinion that ALL public schools need to have retired or ex-military as teachers, as they aren't going to put up with any of this bullshit going on nowadays.

I had a few ex-military in my schools I went to, and you did NOT fuck around in class! NOR did you "forget" your homework or not even attempt to do it!!!!

No matter what anybody says, including kids........these strong types of teachers are respected by students. Most students even PREFER these types of teachers, because class isn't disrupted, they know there's not going to be any brainwashing or bullshit lies being taught by the teacher, and they are the type of teacher you can rely on for straight answers and no bullshit.
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Disciplining children is a very heated topic usually...and teachers really need to stay out of that arena except for behaviors that disrupt class. A note/email home is usually sufficient for a parent to address unknown behaviors occurring at school....classroom control is part of a teachers job...and if one stubborn child can't fall in line they get sent off to the office. (Which is what those kids are wanting anyway)

However...what Billy said or did to Tommy during recess during a game is not necessarily a teacher's responsibility...where it's usually not acceptable behavior the parent needs to address the situation. The teacher can advise Billy and possibly explain the consequences that Billy is too young to understand....but actually disciplining is a parents role.

1. Your first paragraph is harkening back to a time that barely exists anymore. Look up "gentle parenting"....and then you will know why young parents don't even want their children ever told no, let alone sent to the office.

2. And then this conundrum: every year I have to take "bullying" refresher courses, because if a child is bullied at school we are ALL responsible. So yes, if Tommy is bullying Billy at recess, and we don't do anything about it, we are LEGALLY responsible.

Now maybe you can see the impossible situation teachers are in.
You want to destroy public education?

Just introduce conservative politics, and Jesus, and VOILA! Gone.

Now you have a blank slate to indoctrinate all of the ignorance your heart desires.

No critically thinking, educated human being is going to participate in that kind of environment. I don't blame every single teacher and librarian for quitting their jobs.
In other words, "if we cannot propagandize your kids, no one will be allowed to!"
I notice nobody is posting a link to a source that documents more than the normal microscopic turnover for public school teachers, year to year. Because it isn't happening.

Oh, there are teachers quitting in the districts that pay them $35 grand but for most public school teachers, they aren't going anywhere. They got into teaching for benefits that are not available in any other field, mainly 10 weeks off in the summer, no real pressure to produce results, and very early retirement. Where else are they going to get that?


And that's where America's public school teachers are going. Nowhere.

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