Insiders Come Forward, Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order, It was Obama

Do You Believe the Four Americans at Benghazi could have been saved, if not for Obama's Stand Down?

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To regards of the stand down order.........Those who fought in the battle were told to not go several times early on. Even though they were close by...............

That is from their mouths and they would know better than the TALKING HEADS who have been trying to cover this situation up. They have stated they went without authorization because they would not stand by while Americans were in a fight just up the road. They stated in their interviews that had they went immediately they could have changed the outcome of some of those that died.................

Beyond that............My biggest beef is the VIDEO DID IT cover story that the administration said did it over and over again. Told it to the families of the victims who HAVE COME FORWARD and said so.....................I've even showed the video of Hillary saying we are gonna get those people who made the video.......................

That is UTTER BS...................It's one thing for this to happen..............It's ENTIRELY DIFFERENT when they felt the NEED TO LIE about it for Political reasons.........................

To the failures leading up to..............Yeah...........they screwed up mainly with not increasing security or getting the ambassador out.....................Should have been alarm bells going off when the motorcade of the British got hit.............and they withdrew....................Our gov't HAD TO KNOW THIS and didn't act on it...................

I could live with that mistake had they just fucking OWNED UP TO THE MISTAKES................Not play politics with the issue and LIE ABOUT IT.................They should have told the Truth.........and because they Lied they are GETTING THE SHIT STORM THEY DESERVE.

To those who play this political BS.............the video at this link.............are the people who were there...............If you think I'll take your Liberal BS over what they are saying............then I have some Ocean Front Property in Arizona for sale.
To regards of the stand down order.........Those who fought in the battle were told to not go several times early on. Even though they were close by...............

That is from their mouths and they would know better than the TALKING HEADS who have been trying to cover this situation up.
mercenaries with a book to sell are always trustworthy.
This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

This is an excerpt of a story that has a short video that does a good job of condensing the entire Benghazi story and cover-up at: Insiders Come Forward Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order It was Obama AUN-TV

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing. In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved. This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi. The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate. The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves. It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders, Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.

View attachment 31644

At the end of this story, the following was revealed:
The revelations by the on the ground insiders, Mark Geist, Kris Paronto, and John Tiegen, reinforce even more that Obama has lied about the stand down orders and is the likely culprit who gave them. There is more, AUN-TV was contacted in the last 8 months by a US military person in person. That person did not reveal a name. That person was aware of AUN-TV’s mission and thought we might report something others would not.

What he revealed was that a very high ranking US military officer he was close to, said that a very specialized order when out, because everyone wanted to rescue Stevens and his associates. The Whitehouse was getting pushback, because others thought the stand down order was a death sentence. Not only that, a rescue was easy, if they tried, as Geist, Paranto and Tiegen have confirmed to the public now. So the stand down order was basically insane, if Obama was on the side of America. So a specialized order, for which I forget the name he gave it, went out that can only be given by POTUS, the President. On Nuclear launches, there is a similar protocol.

In light of the new revelations, and using common sense, there is no reason to doubt that military person that provided this information. That person also mentioned that the upper brass in our military is very distrustful of Obama because they know he gave that stand down order.
They've got quite the money train going on right now.
To regards of the stand down order.........Those who fought in the battle were told to not go several times early on. Even though they were close by...............

That is from their mouths and they would know better than the TALKING HEADS who have been trying to cover this situation up. They have stated they went without authorization because they would not stand by while Americans were in a fight just up the road. They stated in their interviews that had they went immediately they could have changed the outcome of some of those that died.................

Beyond that............My biggest beef is the VIDEO DID IT cover story that the administration said did it over and over again. Told it to the families of the victims who HAVE COME FORWARD and said so.....................I've even showed the video of Hillary saying we are gonna get those people who made the video.......................

That is UTTER BS...................It's one thing for this to happen..............It's ENTIRELY DIFFERENT when they felt the NEED TO LIE about it for Political reasons.........................

To the failures leading up to..............Yeah...........they screwed up mainly with not increasing security or getting the ambassador out.....................Should have been alarm bells going off when the motorcade of the British got hit.............and they withdrew....................Our gov't HAD TO KNOW THIS and didn't act on it...................

I could live with that mistake had they just fucking OWNED UP TO THE MISTAKES................Not play politics with the issue and LIE ABOUT IT.................They should have told the Truth.........and because they Lied they are GETTING THE SHIT STORM THEY DESERVE.
just going to ask, because why not...

so you believe there was a stand down order given that prevented help from arriving in time... why would somebody do that?
This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

This is an excerpt of a story that has a short video that does a good job of condensing the entire Benghazi story and cover-up at: Insiders Come Forward Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order It was Obama AUN-TV

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing. In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved. This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi. The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate. The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves. It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders, Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.

View attachment 31644

At the end of this story, the following was revealed:
The revelations by the on the ground insiders, Mark Geist, Kris Paronto, and John Tiegen, reinforce even more that Obama has lied about the stand down orders and is the likely culprit who gave them. There is more, AUN-TV was contacted in the last 8 months by a US military person in person. That person did not reveal a name. That person was aware of AUN-TV’s mission and thought we might report something others would not.

What he revealed was that a very high ranking US military officer he was close to, said that a very specialized order when out, because everyone wanted to rescue Stevens and his associates. The Whitehouse was getting pushback, because others thought the stand down order was a death sentence. Not only that, a rescue was easy, if they tried, as Geist, Paranto and Tiegen have confirmed to the public now. So the stand down order was basically insane, if Obama was on the side of America. So a specialized order, for which I forget the name he gave it, went out that can only be given by POTUS, the President. On Nuclear launches, there is a similar protocol.

In light of the new revelations, and using common sense, there is no reason to doubt that military person that provided this information. That person also mentioned that the upper brass in our military is very distrustful of Obama because they know he gave that stand down order.
They've got quite the money train going on right now.
So now the leftist brigade plays the political game of they are just in it for the money.......................If they had followed orders, they could have just stayed at the other compound............

Leftist and their Political damage control...........................

Again, I'll take their word over the propaganda machine....................
Unless you fools believe that every one of the many empaneled, often partisan, committees that have investigated this subject over and over, held countless hearings and listened to literally days and days of testimony and all came to the same conclusion yet are all in on the conspiracy, you have nothing more to add. The subject is settled. A dead horse.
This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

This is an excerpt of a story that has a short video that does a good job of condensing the entire Benghazi story and cover-up at: Insiders Come Forward Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order It was Obama AUN-TV

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing. In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved. This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi. The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate. The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves. It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders, Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.

View attachment 31644

At the end of this story, the following was revealed:
The revelations by the on the ground insiders, Mark Geist, Kris Paronto, and John Tiegen, reinforce even more that Obama has lied about the stand down orders and is the likely culprit who gave them. There is more, AUN-TV was contacted in the last 8 months by a US military person in person. That person did not reveal a name. That person was aware of AUN-TV’s mission and thought we might report something others would not.

What he revealed was that a very high ranking US military officer he was close to, said that a very specialized order when out, because everyone wanted to rescue Stevens and his associates. The Whitehouse was getting pushback, because others thought the stand down order was a death sentence. Not only that, a rescue was easy, if they tried, as Geist, Paranto and Tiegen have confirmed to the public now. So the stand down order was basically insane, if Obama was on the side of America. So a specialized order, for which I forget the name he gave it, went out that can only be given by POTUS, the President. On Nuclear launches, there is a similar protocol.

In light of the new revelations, and using common sense, there is no reason to doubt that military person that provided this information. That person also mentioned that the upper brass in our military is very distrustful of Obama because they know he gave that stand down order.
They've got quite the money train going on right now.
So now the leftist brigade plays the political game of they are just in it for the money.......................If they had followed orders, they could have just stayed at the other compound............

Leftist and their Political damage control...........................

Again, I'll take their word over the propaganda machine....................
so strange that you don't recognize just how completely you've fallen for the propaganda
This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

This is an excerpt of a story that has a short video that does a good job of condensing the entire Benghazi story and cover-up at: Insiders Come Forward Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order It was Obama AUN-TV

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing. In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved. This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi. The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate. The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves. It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders, Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.

View attachment 31644

At the end of this story, the following was revealed:
The revelations by the on the ground insiders, Mark Geist, Kris Paronto, and John Tiegen, reinforce even more that Obama has lied about the stand down orders and is the likely culprit who gave them. There is more, AUN-TV was contacted in the last 8 months by a US military person in person. That person did not reveal a name. That person was aware of AUN-TV’s mission and thought we might report something others would not.

What he revealed was that a very high ranking US military officer he was close to, said that a very specialized order when out, because everyone wanted to rescue Stevens and his associates. The Whitehouse was getting pushback, because others thought the stand down order was a death sentence. Not only that, a rescue was easy, if they tried, as Geist, Paranto and Tiegen have confirmed to the public now. So the stand down order was basically insane, if Obama was on the side of America. So a specialized order, for which I forget the name he gave it, went out that can only be given by POTUS, the President. On Nuclear launches, there is a similar protocol.

In light of the new revelations, and using common sense, there is no reason to doubt that military person that provided this information. That person also mentioned that the upper brass in our military is very distrustful of Obama because they know he gave that stand down order.
They've got quite the money train going on right now.
So now the leftist brigade plays the political game of they are just in it for the money.......................If they had followed orders, they could have just stayed at the other compound............

Leftist and their Political damage control...........................

Again, I'll take their word over the propaganda machine....................
so strange that you don't recognize just how completely you've fallen for the propaganda
This story is being censored by ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and MSNBC.

This is an excerpt of a story that has a short video that does a good job of condensing the entire Benghazi story and cover-up at: Insiders Come Forward Proof of Benghazi Stand Down Order It was Obama AUN-TV

Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

Those same men say that likely all four Americans that died that day, would not of died if not for those stand down orders. A stand down order means to do nothing. In this case it means to abandon Ambassador Stevens and his guards, even though they were less than a mile away, and could have been saved. This is proof of another major lie by Obama, he has claimed for two years that no stand down order was given.

The USA fighters were private guards hired by the CIA to protect their officers at Benghazi. The stand down orders were a de facto death sentences for the Americans at the consulate. The American guards eventually decided to disobey orders and do a rescue, by themselves. It worked and they saved some, but due to the three stand down orders, Ambassador Stevens was gone by the time they got there.

View attachment 31644

At the end of this story, the following was revealed:
The revelations by the on the ground insiders, Mark Geist, Kris Paronto, and John Tiegen, reinforce even more that Obama has lied about the stand down orders and is the likely culprit who gave them. There is more, AUN-TV was contacted in the last 8 months by a US military person in person. That person did not reveal a name. That person was aware of AUN-TV’s mission and thought we might report something others would not.

What he revealed was that a very high ranking US military officer he was close to, said that a very specialized order when out, because everyone wanted to rescue Stevens and his associates. The Whitehouse was getting pushback, because others thought the stand down order was a death sentence. Not only that, a rescue was easy, if they tried, as Geist, Paranto and Tiegen have confirmed to the public now. So the stand down order was basically insane, if Obama was on the side of America. So a specialized order, for which I forget the name he gave it, went out that can only be given by POTUS, the President. On Nuclear launches, there is a similar protocol.

In light of the new revelations, and using common sense, there is no reason to doubt that military person that provided this information. That person also mentioned that the upper brass in our military is very distrustful of Obama because they know he gave that stand down order.
They've got quite the money train going on right now.
So now the leftist brigade plays the political game of they are just in it for the money.......................If they had followed orders, they could have just stayed at the other compound............

Leftist and their Political damage control...........................

Again, I'll take their word over the propaganda machine....................
.If they had followed orders, they could have just stayed at the other compound..

Their orders were to go on a rescue mission to the diplomatic mission. They obeyed their orders and performed their duties with valor that night. Now, they are shading the truth to make money.
Why did we attack Libya Peach?

UN Security Council resolution; violating UN Security Council resolutions was part of the reason for INVADING Iraq, remember? France, UK , and Canada were part of the "attack". A group called NATO was in charge, I believe you have heard of them.

Really? And yes I've heard of them..........Humanitarian crisis, aiding rebels in a civil War........and so on............

Couldn't have been about Libya ditching the dollar and going to the Gold Dinar wouldn't it.....................Gaddafi was a scumbag, but what got him attacked was ditching the reserve currency.

My mind remains open to any and all new evidence. Thank you.

The Pentagon released Friday an hour-by-hour timeline of the September 11 assault on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, highlighting when Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and senior commanders were informed of the attack and when decisions were made to move forces to assist.

September 11 (Events are listed using the time in Benghazi)

9:42 p.m. -- Armed men begin their assault on the U.S. Consulate.

9:59 p.m. -- A surveillance drone is directed to fly over the U.S. compound, but it is unarmed.

10:32 p.m. -- The Office of the Secretary Defense and the Joint Staff are notified of the attack by the National Military Command Center at the Pentagon. "The information is quickly passed to Secretary Panetta and General Dempsey."

11 p.m. -- Panetta and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey meet with President Obama at the White House where they discuss the unfolding situation and how to respond. The meeting had been previously scheduled.

11:10 p.m. -- The surveillance drone arrives over the Benghazi facility.

11:30 p.m. -- All surviving U.S. personnel are evacuated from the consulate. U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens and State Department computer expert Sean Smith were killed in the initial assault.

September 12

Midnight to 2 a.m. -- Panetta and other senior leaders discuss possible options for further violence if it were to break out. Panetta gives verbal orders for Marine anti-terrorist teams from Rota, Spain, to prepare to deploy to Tripoli and Benghazi. Panetta also orders a special operations force team training in Croatia and an additional special operations force team in the United States to prepare to deploy to a staging base in southern Italy.

1:30 a.m. -- A six-man security team from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli arrives in Benghazi.

2:39 a.m. to 2:53 a.m. -- The National Military Command Center gives formal authorization for the deployment of the two special operations force teams from Croatia and the United States.

5:15 a.m. -- Attackers launch assault on a second U.S. facility in Benghazi. Two former U.S. Navy SEALs acting as security contractors are killed. They are identified as Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.

6:05 a.m. -- A C-17 aircraft in Germany is told to prepare to deploy to Libya to evacuate the consulate personnel.

7:40 a.m. -- The first wave of Americans are evacuated to Tripoli via airplane.

10 a.m. -- A second group, including those killed in the attack, are flown to Tripoli.

2:15 p.m. -- The C-17 departs from Germany for the flight to Tripoli.

7:17 p.m. -- The C-17 leaves Tripoli with the American consulate personnel and the bodies of Stevens, Smith, Woods and Doherty.

7:57 p.m. -- The U.S. special operations force team based in Croatia arrives at a staging base in Italy.

8:56 p.m. -- One of the Marine anti-terrorist teams from Spain arrives in Tripoli.

9:28 p.m. -- The U.S.-based special operations force team arrives at its staging base in Italy.

Pentagon releases official timeline of Benghazi attack -
.If they had followed orders, they could have just stayed at the other compound..

Their orders were to go on a rescue mission to the diplomatic mission. They obeyed their orders and performed their duties with valor that night. Now, they are shading the truth to make money.
I say BS..............................and I believe them over you because they were there........and fought that battle......................According to them they weren't allowed to go for an extra 25 minutes...........they were a mile away and could have changed the outcome had they went early..............They stated they never got the order to go...............and they went anyway............................

They sure as hell didn't see the so called RIOTS over a video that the WH tried to sell..................including to the parents of the fallen.................Which is BS.
.If they had followed orders, they could have just stayed at the other compound..

Their orders were to go on a rescue mission to the diplomatic mission. They obeyed their orders and performed their duties with valor that night. Now, they are shading the truth to make money.
I say BS..............................and I believe them over you because they were there........and fought that battle......................According to them they weren't allowed to go for an extra 25 minutes...........they were a mile away and could have changed the outcome had they went early..............They stated they never got the order to go...............and they went anyway............................

They sure as hell didn't see the so called RIOTS over a video that the WH tried to sell..................including to the parents of the fallen.................Which is BS.
The totality of the evidence indicates that the CIA team departed for the State Department facility 21 minutes after first learning of the attack at 9:42 pm. While Mr. Paronto testified that he believed the call came earlier, the totality of evidence, which includes other eyewitness testimony, FBI reports from the initial eyewitness interviews, time-stamped video footage, and CIA emails and cables, shows that the notification came at 9:42 pm.

It was a tactical decision of the leadership on the ground to attempt to gather more information about the attack at the TMF before authorizing the team’s departure. There is no evidence to suggest that, absent the delay, the team could have saved Ambassador Stevens and Sean Smith.

The CIA Security Chief led and participated in the rescue mission with the other officers. The Team Leader’s presence in the car supports the conclusion that the security team did not depart without authorization or contrary to orders.

Fact Sheet - House Intelligence Committee’s Benghazi Report | The Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
No matter what Republicans say, it was the GOP that let Bin Laden go and Obama who took him down.
You poor dopes, none of this matters. You are vultures feeding on the dead bodies of Americans. The GOP has grabbed each of these people by the leg and is swinging their dead bodies hoping to hit anyone they can hit.

No crimes were committed other than by the lowlifes that killed our people, but you losers prefer to continue throwing blood on Americans.

For all anyone knows sending in more people would have cost alot more lives.

You people are just soulless. There was no story here to begin with it was all a lie to get SOMETHING to harm Hillary in her presidential run.

Jesus you people have been utterly silent since Bush got 3,000 Americans murdered on our own soil. Somehow that impeachable offense is ignored but 4 dead diplomats is just too juicy a political carcass to let go.

You poor dopes, none of this matters. You are vultures feeding on the dead bodies of Americans. The GOP has grabbed each of these people by the leg and is swinging their dead bodies hoping to hit anyone they can hit.

No crimes were committed other than by the lowlifes that killed our people, but you losers prefer to continue throwing blood on Americans.

For all anyone knows sending in more people would have cost alot more lives.

You people are just soulless. There was no story here to begin with it was all a lie to get SOMETHING to harm Hillary in her presidential run.

Jesus you people have been utterly silent since Bush got 3,000 Americans murdered on our own soil. Somehow that impeachable offense is ignored but 4 dead diplomats is just too juicy a political carcass to let go.

One of the men sent to rescue the Americans in Benghazi was killed. He was a member of the six man State Department team Secretary Clinton sent from Tripoli.

Only one of the four Americans killed in Benghazi was a diplomat. One was and IT Officer, one was a CIA Security Officer and one was a State Department Security Officer.
You poor dopes, none of this matters. You are vultures feeding on the dead bodies of Americans. The GOP has grabbed each of these people by the leg and is swinging their dead bodies hoping to hit anyone they can hit.

No crimes were committed other than by the lowlifes that killed our people, but you losers prefer to continue throwing blood on Americans.

For all anyone knows sending in more people would have cost alot more lives.

You people are just soulless. There was no story here to begin with it was all a lie to get SOMETHING to harm Hillary in her presidential run.

Jesus you people have been utterly silent since Bush got 3,000 Americans murdered on our own soil. Somehow that impeachable offense is ignored but 4 dead diplomats is just too juicy a political carcass to let go.


Well said.

The only deaths in Benghazi the Republicans care about are the ones that can be exploited to achieve their political goals.
You poor dopes, none of this matters. You are vultures feeding on the dead bodies of Americans. The GOP has grabbed each of these people by the leg and is swinging their dead bodies hoping to hit anyone they can hit.

No crimes were committed other than by the lowlifes that killed our people, but you losers prefer to continue throwing blood on Americans.

For all anyone knows sending in more people would have cost alot more lives.

You people are just soulless. There was no story here to begin with it was all a lie to get SOMETHING to harm Hillary in her presidential run.

Jesus you people have been utterly silent since Bush got 3,000 Americans murdered on our own soil. Somehow that impeachable offense is ignored but 4 dead diplomats is just too juicy a political carcass to let go.

But Bush it white. Makes all the difference in the world.
Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

It wasn't a consulate. It was a temporary diplomatic mission.
Yesterday on Fox, three of the front line fighters for the USA at Benghazi, came forward. They verified that three separate stand down orders were given that prevented a rescue of the Benghazi Consulate.

"The evidence from eyewitness testimony, ISR video footage, closed-circuit television recordings, and other sources provides no support for the allegation that there was any stand-down order."

-- House Intelligence Committee Report on Investigation of Benghazi, page 20. Report.pdf

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