Instead of Addressing Nashville Shooting, Biden Begins Event Talking About Jeni’s Ice Cream: ‘I Came Down Because There Was Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

Actually he cracks a joke about himself and being Dr. Jill Biden's husband first, that bastard! Then he indulges in his IceeeCream fantasy! Then, he even praises a member of Congress, fucking Rat Fink. Oh jesus fucking chryst he singles out four children in the crowd next. Hang the Pedo! And then more jokes. Who does he think he is RAYGUN? IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

Actually he crack a joke about himself and being Dr. Jill Biden's husband first, that bastard! Then he indulges in his IceeeCream fantasy! Then, he even praises a member of Congress, fucking Rat Fink. Oh jesus fucking chryst he singles out four children in the crowd next. Hang the Pedo! And then more jokes. Who does he think he is RAYGUN? IMPEACH! IMPEACH!

Not an occasion to talk about his ice cream loves.
Not an occasion to talk about his ice cream loves.
If not while warming up the crowd at the "Women's Business Summit" with a few pokes at himself, where then? It's not like it was at the USA's Annual School Shooting Memorial Service or anything.......

And you lib turds would bleat Trump caused the shooting
Bologna. But like all Republicans, he has done nothing to stop it because he loves all that NRA/manufacturers money.... and of course refuse to do anything about campaign financing laws...
Not an occasion to talk about his ice cream loves.
this occasion covered many issues and three or four of them after this before he got to the shooting. there were children present, what the hell is wrong with you anyway- stop parroting FOX Internet conspiracy baloney....
Sonny boy
Biden did make the ice cream comment period.
What else he said isn’t the issue being discussed
It's not the issue being discussed because it's being addressed by a bunch of right wing halfwitted jerkoffs.
Complain, complain, complain. It's all magaturds do. :rolleyes:

Children were murdered and he's turning it into his comedy hour. Don't you care that such young and innocent lives were taken?

Of course not, you'd be busy getting ice cream for Biden...dumbass.

If not helping himself.

Buzz off, troll.

You know, you were starting to show a good side to me and that's why I started following you, but to think it's funny to joke at the expense of the loss of children is really sick and twisted. If Trump did this you'd be flaming him all over the place which would be justifiable in that situation.
Btw RIP to the adults who lost their lives as well. (I think that it was two adults and two children if I remember correctly. Two or three adults anyways. Still sad either way you look at it. 😞)

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