Instead of Bitching About The White House Response To Ebola How About.......


Dec 5, 2011
Sausalito, CA
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.
While we are dreaming....I wish the White House would disappear...along with all of Washington DC.
The Cons should remember that Bill ORielly, Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity ARE NOT DOCTORS....they don't know a damn thing.

Republicans have blocked the appointment of the Surgeon General for Political Reasons.

It was the Republican Sponsored Sequester that cut the budget of the C.D.C. and the N.I.H.

Science over fear mongering works better than the RW lies Fox is putting out.
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.

Expecting Conservatives to actually put their money where their mouth is?

Shame on you
Fox News! Fox News! Fox News!

All scream Fox News....

Proof the left is not only incapable of allowing dissenting viewpoints, but is amazingly childish.
What I said from the very beginning is:

-- that it's absolutely shocking that in 2010 Obama rejected the 2005 CDC Ebola Protocols and apparently HAD NO PLAN TO HANDLE A CASE OF EBOLA IN THE USA!

-- Even without a plan, how do you not IMMEDIATELY ISOLATE DUNCAN TO A LEVEL IV FACILITY? There are 4 facilitates in the USA with a total of 19 beds. Why allow Patient Zero to roam freely through Dallas?

-- There are two points to Level IV Biocontainment: first, to ensure the doctors handling the pathogen do not become infected and second and more importantly IT'S BIOCONTAINMENT!!

It's to ensure that the pathogen does not vector out of CONTAINMENT and find a new host!!
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.
Hmm How about this:
1) Have the WH appoint a Surgeon General who can actually get confirmed by the Senate, instead of some partisan hack chosen on the basis of party loyalty and bizarre beliefs.
2. There were no funds cut. That is a red herring
3. Medical professionals have varying opinions and those opinions themselves change as facts about the disease changes. So which opinions would you like us to lsiten to?
4. If you want to take care of the sick, go right ahead. But don't force us to pay for it
5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis
6. Start the flow of reliable information. This administration has lied and igven contradictory and absurd statements from day one.
7. No one really knows how Ebola is contracted and the transmission may vary as the virus mutates
8. Remember that public health is a primary function of government and if that means quarantining people for 3 weeks that's it.
9. Stop listening to White House talking points.
Public opinion now approves the administration handling of the Ebola event.

"Public opinion" used to be that the earth was flat.

"Public opinion" used to be that the sun revolved around the earth.

"Public opinion" used to be that man couldn't fly in heavier than air machines.

"Public opinion" used to favor burning witches.
Public opinion now approves the administration handling of the Ebola event.

"Public opinion" used to be that the earth was flat.

"Public opinion" used to be that the sun revolved around the earth.

"Public opinion" used to be that man couldn't fly in heavier than air machines.

"Public opinion" used to favor burning witches.
ABd public opinion used to hold Jews were an evil race. Of course some idiots still believe that.
Public opinion now approves the administration handling of the Ebola event.

"Public opinion" used to be that the earth was flat.

"Public opinion" used to be that the sun revolved around the earth.

"Public opinion" used to be that man couldn't fly in heavier than air machines.

"Public opinion" used to favor burning witches.

And if public opinion gives the Senate to the Republicans?
Public opinion now approves the administration handling of the Ebola event.

"Public opinion" used to be that the earth was flat.

"Public opinion" used to be that the sun revolved around the earth.

"Public opinion" used to be that man couldn't fly in heavier than air machines.

"Public opinion" used to favor burning witches.

And if public opinion gives the Senate to the Republicans?

I don't know. This is your can make it all up as you go along and it'll always end just how you want it to...
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.

Poster replies in red...
1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.
That sounds good, but it would be like the Director of the CDC, someone in the back pocket of Obama who says, the way to protect Americans from Ebola, is to eradicate Ebola in Africa. Just more nonsense from an Obama spoxman.
2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester. Start cutting funds where there is waste and fraud in the general budget and replace the funds with the recovered funds from that resource.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others. ALL medical, not just those under the auspices of the administration.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis. Who is making political hay when the Ebola Czar is not a medical expert, but a political hack?

6. Stop the fear mongering. There is not fear mongering, there is media putting out the facts.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person. If a person using their hand to cover their mouth or nose when sneezing and then shakes a hand of another, he is spreading the germ. If there is a cut in the hand of the receiver, you cannot be sure, they are not contracting the germ.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others. Did the military "volunteer" to go to West Africa to fight Ebola when joining the armed forces? NO.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News. Fox News is as or more balanced as the rest.

10. Read 9.[/QUOTE]
Yes, that's what we need. More politicians feeding bad science and crap medical advice to the masses. Like 2 ebola czars aren't enough already.
They've done their share. Believe that.
I believe you're a moron.

That doesn't change the facts, though.

jews look down on "gentiles" and consider us "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean".

jews imagine themselves as "gods chosen people" and thus are "superior" to everyone else in the world. can't see any problem with that line of thinking, though?

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