Instead of Bitching About The White House Response To Ebola How About.......

When in doubt, shell out a bunch of money for another idealogue cuz that always helps.
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.

1.There is an interim Surgeon General,

Rear Admiral (RADM) Boris D. Lushniak, M.D., M.P.H., is the Acting United States Surgeon General. RADM Lushniak articulates the best available scientific information to the public regarding ways to improve personal health and the health of the nation. He also oversees the operations of the U.S. Public Health Service (USPHS) Commissioned Corps, comprising of approximately 6,800 uniformed health officers who serve in locations around the world to promote, protect, and advance the health and safety of our nation.

2. How about the CDC concentrate on its original purpose, the control of infectious diseases. Also:

Generally, Congress gave the NIH about what the president requested — sometimes more, sometimes less. In 2013, for instance, Congress gave the NIH more than what the White House had requested, but then $1.5 billion was taken away by sequestration.

Whose idea was sequestration? It was originally a White House proposal, designed to force Congress to either swallow painful cuts or boost taxes. The law mandating sequestration passed on a bipartisan vote — and then Republicans embraced it even more strongly when they could not reach a grand budget deal with President Obama.

The absurd claim that only Republicans are to blame for cuts to Ebola research - The Washington Post

3. Like this guy?

Stanford Doctor 1st in California to Be Quarantined

The San Jose Mercury Newsreports that Bucks has not exhibited any symptoms, but he did volunteer to be self-quarantined, staying at home and avoiding contact with others for 21 days. The San Mateo Department of Public Health said he has been permitted to jog alone, adding, "Dr. Bucks is taking his temperature and communicating with San Mateo County Health System staff twice a day and remains healthy and asymptomatic.”

4. Nice appeal to religion, considering the source, (you) I doubt it's sincerity.

5. Of course, it distracts from all the political hay dems are making in their increasing futile attempt to forestall electoral disaster. And I doubt Democratic states see the quarantines they are opposing as political tools to destroy a democratic presidential administration.

6. Kind of like NARAL is doing against Gardner?

Ad in Colorado Senate race suggests Cory Gardner would ban condoms PolitiFact

The ad claims that "if Cory Gardner gets his way, you'd better stock up on condoms."

The most obvious interpretation of this statement is that Gardner wants to ban condoms -- something that’s based on an incorrect interpretation of the measures Gardner has supported in the past (and which he has since distanced himself from). Gardner says he doesn’t support banning condoms, and in any case, condoms would not be at issue under the personhood measure he once supported. We rate this claim Pants on Fire!

7. Oh, Rly?

Can Ebola spread by coughing? By sneezing?

Unlike respiratory illnesses like measles or chickenpox, which can be transmitted by virus particles that remain suspended in the air after an infected person coughs or sneezes, Ebola is transmitted by direct contact with body fluids of a person who has symptoms of Ebola disease. Although coughing and sneezing are not common symptoms of Ebola, if a symptomatic patient with Ebola coughs or sneezes on someone, and saliva or mucus come into contact with that person’s eyes, nose or mouth, these fluids may transmit the disease.

8. See part 3. Your poster child nurse is a self centered "precious snowflake" that seems to be getting zero support from the rest of the medical community.


I hope you enjoyed your fisking, and have a pleasant day.
They've done their share. Believe that.
I believe you're a moron.

That doesn't change the facts, though.

jews look down on "gentiles" and consider us "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean".

jews imagine themselves as "gods chosen people" and thus are "superior" to everyone else in the world. can't see any problem with that line of thinking, though?
I can see a problem immediately: You're an ignorant asshole.
They've done their share. Believe that.
I believe you're a moron.

That doesn't change the facts, though.

jews look down on "gentiles" and consider us "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean".

jews imagine themselves as "gods chosen people" and thus are "superior" to everyone else in the world. can't see any problem with that line of thinking, though?
I can see a problem immediately: You're an ignorant asshole.

That's nice.
Which one of the points I made are incorrect?

Do jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?

Do jews consider christians "unclean"?

Do jews refer to christians as "goyim" and "shiksas"?
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.

After the big quake in Japan; " [The government came] under fire for their handling of the emergency, and engaged in a pattern of withholding damaging information and denying facts of the accident.[4][5][6] Authorities apparently wanted to "limit the size of costly and disruptive evacuations in land-scarce Japan and to avoid public questioning of the politically powerful nuclear industry"." ~wiki

I've been making fun of the Ebola panic all along. I think it's been blown way out of proportion. But, it's fairly clear that if there ever was a serious pandemic threatening the US population, our fearful leaders would be way more concerned about public perception and hanging onto their jobs than the actual safety of the citizenry. We can only hope that the goal of producing effective political theater would just so happen to coincide with public safety.

Jeff Levi of the Trust for American Health worries that politics does shadow the CDC;
"I think CDC is designed and structured to be a public health agency that really focuses on science as the basis for its policy and decision making," he said. "Unfortunately, particularly over the last six years, we've seen more and more intrusion of politics on some of their scientific decision making."

As Ludwig von Mises notes in Bureaucracy (1945): "The bureaucrat is not free to aim at improvement. He is bound to obey rules and regulations established by a superior body. He has no right to embark upon innovations if his superiors do not approve of them. His duty and his virtue is to be obedient."

We make a mistake when we blame the failure of bureaucracies entirely on a lack of funding. Failure is baked in.
They've done their share. Believe that.
I believe you're a moron.

That doesn't change the facts, though.

jews look down on "gentiles" and consider us "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean".

jews imagine themselves as "gods chosen people" and thus are "superior" to everyone else in the world. can't see any problem with that line of thinking, though?
I can see a problem immediately: You're an ignorant asshole.

That's nice.
Which one of the points I made are incorrect?

Do jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?

Do jews consider christians "unclean"?

Do jews refer to christians as "goyim" and "shiksas"?

Do Christians believe Jews killed Jesus?
Do Christians believe anyone not a Christian is damned to eternal torment?
Fox News! Fox News! Fox News!

All scream Fox News....

Proof the left is not only incapable of allowing dissenting viewpoints, but is amazingly childish.

We have a thing here called Fox6 News, if you say it really fast a few times it comes out F#ckstick News.
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.

1. The Surgeon General will only do what the administration is already doing. He won't make a bit of difference.

2. No. The CDC was wasting money on things it didn't need. And money isn't the probl here.

3. The problem with that is that doctors are telling us conflicting things, and many are politically motivated.

4. Fuck you.

5. Both sides are trying to make political hay out if this.

6. No one is fear mongering.

7. You are almost correct. You can catch Ebola from hugging, kissing, and otherwise caring for a person infected with Ebola if that person is in the latter stages of the disease.

8. No one is dishonorong what the volunteers are doing over there, it's inly what they do when they come back here that people have a problem with.

9. Stop being a partisan hack.

10. See #9.
The Cons should remember that Bill ORielly, Megan Kelly and Sean Hannity ARE NOT DOCTORS....they don't know a damn thing.

Republicans have blocked the appointment of the Surgeon General for Political Reasons.

It was the Republican Sponsored Sequester that cut the budget of the C.D.C. and the N.I.H.

Science over fear mongering works better than the RW lies Fox is putting out.

Completely irrelevant. There isn't any problem at all, let alone one that another Obama appointed idiot could solve or that throwing money at could fix.
They've done their share. Believe that.
I believe you're a moron.

That doesn't change the facts, though.

jews look down on "gentiles" and consider us "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean".

jews imagine themselves as "gods chosen people" and thus are "superior" to everyone else in the world. can't see any problem with that line of thinking, though?
I can see a problem immediately: You're an ignorant asshole.

That's nice.
Which one of the points I made are incorrect?

Do jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?

Do jews consider christians "unclean"?

Do jews refer to christians as "goyim" and "shiksas"?

Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Do Christians believe Jews killed Jesus?
Do Christians believe anyone not a Christian is damned to eternal torment?
Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.

Expecting Conservatives to actually put their money where their mouth is?

Shame on you

Only left wing nutters like you think that money can cure a viral infection.
I believe you're a moron.

That doesn't change the facts, though.

jews look down on "gentiles" and consider us "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean".

jews imagine themselves as "gods chosen people" and thus are "superior" to everyone else in the world. can't see any problem with that line of thinking, though?
I can see a problem immediately: You're an ignorant asshole.

That's nice.
Which one of the points I made are incorrect?

Do jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?

Do jews consider christians "unclean"?

Do jews refer to christians as "goyim" and "shiksas"?

Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Do Christians believe Jews killed Jesus?
Do Christians believe anyone not a Christian is damned to eternal torment?
Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.
That doesn't change the facts, though.

jews look down on "gentiles" and consider us "goyim", "shiksas" and "unclean".

jews imagine themselves as "gods chosen people" and thus are "superior" to everyone else in the world. can't see any problem with that line of thinking, though?
I can see a problem immediately: You're an ignorant asshole.

That's nice.
Which one of the points I made are incorrect?

Do jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?

Do jews consider christians "unclean"?

Do jews refer to christians as "goyim" and "shiksas"?

Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Do Christians believe Jews killed Jesus?
Do Christians believe anyone not a Christian is damned to eternal torment?
Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.

More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
Public opinion now approves the administration handling of the Ebola event.

I hear the left say, they approve of Obama's handling of Ebola; Let the administration's medical people take care of the problem; if the Cons would just read..

Okay..,. Here is the CDC and the recommendations on Tuesday...
CDC admits droplets from a sneeze could spread Ebola
Ebola is a lot easier to catch than health officials have admitted — and can be contracted by contact with a doorknob contaminated by a sneeze from an infected person an hour or more before, experts told The Post Tuesday.

“If you are sniffling and sneezing, you produce microorganisms that can get on stuff in a room. If people touch them, they could be” infected, said Dr. Meryl Nass, of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, DC.

Nass pointed to a poster the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention quietly released on its Web site saying the deadly virus can be spread through “droplets.”

“Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,” the poster states.

CDC admits droplets from a sneeze could spread Ebola New York Post

The recommendations on Wednesday...
CDC pulls poster saying Ebola can spread through a sneeze

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control on Thursday yanked a poster off its Web site explaining how Ebola can be spread by contaminated droplets — from a sneeze for example — a day after The Post reported on the frightening revelation.

The fact sheet was taken off line, and a link that led to it a day before now sends viewers to a different page with a different message.

“The ’What’s the difference between infections spread through air or by droplets?’fact sheet is being updated and is currently unavailable. Please up-to-date information on Ebola,” it read Thursday.

OH OH Someone did not get the message on Wednesday...

The Post reported Wednesday that the CDC acknowledged that people can catch the virus by coming into contact with droplets from an infected person on a doorknob or other surface.

If a person touched those droplets and touched their eyes, nose or mouth for up to several hours later or more, they could contract the deadly contagion, the CDC said.

“Droplet spread happens when germs traveling inside droplets that are coughed or sneezed from a sick person enter the eyes, nose or mouth of another person,” the poster stated.
The poster prompted Dr. Meryl Nass, of the Institute for Public Accuracy in Washington, DC., to charge that the agency was sending mixed messages.

The CDC said it doesn’t spread at all by air, then they came out with this poster,” she said. “They admit that these particles or droplets may land on objects such as doorknobs and that Ebola can be transmitted that way.”

Asked Thursday why the poster was pulled, Nass replied, “I think they probably didn’t like the story in The Post!”

New CDC confusion over Ebola as it deletes warning that virus can spread through coughs and sneezes from its website
Previously the CDC's frequently asked questions page on Ebola said: 'Although coughing and sneezing are not common symptoms of Ebola, if a symptomatic patient with Ebola coughs or sneezes on someone, and saliva or mucus come into contact with that person’s eyes, nose or mouth, these fluids may transmit the disease.
Read more:CDC confusion over Ebola as it deletes warning that it can spread through coughs and sneezes Daily Mail Online
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Read more:CDC confusion over Ebola as it deletes warning that it can spread through coughs and sneezes Daily Mail Online
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I can see a problem immediately: You're an ignorant asshole.

That's nice.
Which one of the points I made are incorrect?

Do jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?

Do jews consider christians "unclean"?

Do jews refer to christians as "goyim" and "shiksas"?

Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Do Christians believe Jews killed Jesus?
Do Christians believe anyone not a Christian is damned to eternal torment?
Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.

More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.
That's nice.
Which one of the points I made are incorrect?

Do jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?

Do jews consider christians "unclean"?

Do jews refer to christians as "goyim" and "shiksas"?

Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Do Christians believe Jews killed Jesus?
Do Christians believe anyone not a Christian is damned to eternal torment?
Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.

More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.

jews consider themselves "gods chosen people".

jews call christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas"..check!

It's true..what's the problem? Aren't you proud of the tribe and its religious beliefs?

Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Do Christians believe Jews killed Jesus?
Do Christians believe anyone not a Christian is damned to eternal torment?
Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.

More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.

jews consider themselves "gods chosen people".

jews call christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas"..check!

It's true..what's the problem? Aren't you proud of the tribe and its religious beliefs?
Repeating the same thing does not strengthen your case. It strengthen mine that you are an uninformed bigot posting trash nonsense here.
Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.

More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.

jews consider themselves "gods chosen people".

jews call christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas"..check!

It's true..what's the problem? Aren't you proud of the tribe and its religious beliefs?
Repeating the same thing does not strengthen your case. It strengthen mine that you are an uninformed bigot posting trash nonsense here.

I have the torah and talmud right here. Do you still want to deny that jews consider themselves "gods chosen people"?
Do you still want to deny that jewish supremacists call christians goyim and shiksas?
Do you still want to deny that non jews are considered "unclean"?

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