Instead of Bitching About The White House Response To Ebola How About.......

Instead of the constant bitching from Cons about the White House response to Ebola how about this.

1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed.

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick.

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis.

6. Stop the fear mongering.

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News.

10. Read 9.

Expecting Conservatives to actually put their money where their mouth is?

Shame on you

I know, they much prefer being lied's easier for them to expect.

Wait until they drop a log in their lacies over this:

Local North Carolina state news from Raleigh NC

A judge in Maine has rejected the attempt by the Republican Governor Paul LaPage to keep Kaci Hickox under quarantine. Apparently believes the qualified Medical Professionals over the political hack in the governor's office.
Oh."Some" do..LMAO..ok.....well, that is delusional thinking and I can't support it.

Really? Are you sure? I have the torah right here.

Oh.."some" again?..LMAO..ok...
People don't like to be called derogatory names.

Don't know, don't care. I don't have a dog in that hunt.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.

More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.

jews consider themselves "gods chosen people".

jews call christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas"..check!

It's true..what's the problem? Aren't you proud of the tribe and its religious beliefs?
Repeating the same thing does not strengthen your case. It strengthen mine that you are an uninformed bigot posting trash nonsense here.

You do that your RePug Avatar left for Europe and seems more interested in traveling than staying in did know that...I know that....did you.

Facts...Scientific fact over Political Fear Mongering.

Which is what you are all about.
Whats clear is that you are an uninformed bigot.

More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.

jews consider themselves "gods chosen people".

jews call christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas"..check!

It's true..what's the problem? Aren't you proud of the tribe and its religious beliefs?
Repeating the same thing does not strengthen your case. It strengthen mine that you are an uninformed bigot posting trash nonsense here.

You do that your RePug Avatar left for Europe and seems more interested in traveling than staying in did know that...I know that....did you.

Facts...Scientific fact over Political Fear Mongering.

Which is what you are all about.
Please cite scientific fact. Scientists cannot agree on Ebola. Probably because we dont know much about it and because it morphs constantly.
1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed. How does that prevent people from doing the right thing?

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester. More is clearly not needed, since they have been using it up.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others. they said it's fatal 70% of the time, so yea, we did.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick. where did he say; Let the sick run around and infect others. ?

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis. don't be a lying fucking hypocrite you ignorant fuck. People are dead b/c of your fucking ignorance

6. Stop the fear mongering. people are dead, stop being an evil fuck

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person. And yet Americans have died from it.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others. We do, but that doesn't mean letting the run around while infected risking the public.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News. Stop listening to the lies of msn, cnn, abc, cbs, and nbc

10. Read 9.
More name calling? :rolleyes:
that's weak, man..
I pointed out facts.....that you even acknowledged were true!.....but you call me names... :lmao:

Oy vey!
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.

jews consider themselves "gods chosen people".

jews call christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas"..check!

It's true..what's the problem? Aren't you proud of the tribe and its religious beliefs?
Repeating the same thing does not strengthen your case. It strengthen mine that you are an uninformed bigot posting trash nonsense here.

You do that your RePug Avatar left for Europe and seems more interested in traveling than staying in did know that...I know that....did you.

Facts...Scientific fact over Political Fear Mongering.

Which isgw what you are all about.
Please cite scientific fact. Scientists cannot agree on Ebola. Probably because we dont know much about it and because it morphs constantly.

Ebola can only be contracted when the person with Ebola presents symptoms.

Bleeding from bodily orifices - mouth, nose, eyes, ears, anus and/or penis and vagina.

Constant diarrhea.



The only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the above.

Ms. Hickox is not....repeat NOT presenting any of the above.
There were no facts in your post. You clearly do not know what the word means.

jews consider themselves "gods chosen people".

jews call christians "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas"..check!

It's true..what's the problem? Aren't you proud of the tribe and its religious beliefs?
Repeating the same thing does not strengthen your case. It strengthen mine that you are an uninformed bigot posting trash nonsense here.

You do that your RePug Avatar left for Europe and seems more interested in traveling than staying in did know that...I know that....did you.

Facts...Scientific fact over Political Fear Mongering.

Which isgw what you are all about.
Please cite scientific fact. Scientists cannot agree on Ebola. Probably because we dont know much about it and because it morphs constantly.

Ebola can only be contracted when the person with Ebola presents symptoms.

Bleeding from bodily orifices - mouth, nose, eyes, ears, anus and/or penis and vagina.

Constant diarrhea.



The only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the above.

Ms. Hickox is not....repeat NOT presenting any of the above.
No proof for any of that.
1. Allow the White House to appoint a Surgeon General, Republicans have blocked the appointment of a Surgeon General and that might just be what is needed. How does that prevent people from doing the right thing?

2. Restore funds that were cut in the Centers For Disease Control (C..D.C.) and the National Institutes of Health (N.I.H.) under the Republican Sponsored Sequester. More is clearly not needed, since they have been using it up.

3. Listen to the Medical Professionals; the Doctors, the Nurses who have dedicated their lives to saving the lives of others. they said it's fatal 70% of the time, so yea, we did.

4. Remember your version of your bible and your version of your Jesus said about taking care of the sick. where did he say; Let the sick run around and infect others. ?

5. Stop trying to make political hay out of this crisis. don't be a lying fucking hypocrite you ignorant fuck. People are dead b/c of your fucking ignorance

6. Stop the fear mongering. people are dead, stop being an evil fuck

7. Remember the only way to contract Ebola is to come into direct physical contact with the bodily fluids (Blood, Sputum, Feces, Urine or Vomitus) of a person afflicted with Ebola. You CANNOT CONTRACT EBOLA UNLESS THE PERSON WITH EBOLA IS EXHIBITING THE SYMPTOMS OF EBOLA. You do not catch Ebola from shaking hands or hugging person. And yet Americans have died from it.

8. Remember that the Medical Professionals who have volunteered to fight Ebola do so at their own risk and you should honor the commitment to helping others. We do, but that doesn't mean letting the run around while infected risking the public.

9. Stop listening to lies of Fox News. Stop listening to the lies of msn, cnn, abc, cbs, and nbc

10. Read 9.

1. The Republicans wanted President Obama to appoint a "Czar", a Surgeon General would have been able to evaluate candidates and work with the C.D.C. and N.I.H. to find a well qualified person. Instead the Republicans blocked the appointment....

2. Without funds there was no research into a vaccine. Without a vaccine there is no cure. Without a cure people die.


4. Where did your version of your Jesus say fuck them and let them die?

5. And you pray with that mouth right? RePugs have played political games from the beginning.

6. RePugs have used fear time and again. Chris Christie and Paul LePage as examples. Go fuck yourself and your fucking bible you fucking idiot.

7. More people have been married to Kim Kardashian than have died from Ebola in the U.S. Try thinking, I know that is not something that as a ConJob your your not good at but try.

8. What infected person is "Running Around while infected"? There is no such person at present doing so. Kaci Hickox is NOT presenting with symptoms. She taking her temp Two (02) Times a day and reports the results on a daily basis.

9. Unlike you I do know how to think for myself, you fox news is showing.

10. See 9.

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