Insufferable actors/actresses

During a discussion of favorite films and television shows, it quickly became apparent that most people have an actor or actress who is a complete turn-off, and they can't stand any film in which they are featured.

For me, I admit to having more than one. Kevin Costner is such a horrible "actor" that I don't even want to be in the same building where one of his films is being shown. If he is ever in a film with Meryl Streep, I will have to bomb the theater (before any paying customers arrive) to prevent the possibility...

Do any of our other correspondents have similar reactions to famous thespians?
Are you addressing their pollical views or their acting ability? Personally, I have found both Kevin Costner and Meryl Streep good actors although, I don't care for either of them off screen.
Can't stand Jennifer Lawrence. Refuse to watch ANYthing she is in.
Is the problem her politics? (I have no idea what they are?) ... :dunno:
I dunno. I guess when she first became popular. She said it was all stupid, but lapped it up like ice cream. In short, her head swelled. And I don't think she is that pretty to boot. Just her attitude.
I heard Da Duke was a real asshole. Didn't know the guy so I have no idea. I know Stallone pretty well. Great guy.
Everybody hates Costner, and I have no clue why. I like him. Loved Waterworld, and The Mailman, and the Guardian, and now yellowstone. He's kinda droll, but the man can produce some great movies Yellowstone.
I met Richard Dreyfuss briefly. Nice guy in that short amount of time. Suzanne Somers...bitch. BIG time bitch. Snobby. Met her too.
I liked Alec Baldwin when he was much younger. His old age made him as sickening as DeNiro. Gimme Pesci any day, dump DeNiro in movies.
And the other bitch I can't stand is Bette Midler.

I used to liked he voice and her acting ... Now I hate her.
I loved her in For The Boys and that halloween witch movie..bain fart...cant think of the name of it. But in her older age, she is nastier than usual.
Threads like this are interesting to me. I can't help but wonder if the opinions are based on the actors actual body of work or the political preferences of the actor.
All the above.
I like Denzel...but not as a bad guy. Which is why he usually plays good guys being bad to bad guys. His audience did not like him as a thug.
Tom Cruise was outstanding in “A Few Good Men”. Lots of stars in that movie.
Tom Cruise was also excellent in “The Firm”
Threads like this are interesting to me. I can't help but wonder if the opinions are based on the actors actual body of work or the political preferences of the actor.
All the above.
I like Denzel...but not as a bad guy. Which is why he usually plays good guys being bad to bad guys. His audience did not like him as a thug.
I thought he was great in “Training Day “.
Wasn't that Meryl that played in Julia Julia as a wannabe Julia Child? She was GREAT in that one. But, I don't much care for her otherwise.

Cher. She cannot act. Her singing is barely tolerable. Her politics suck. And she is a hypocrit. Oh. Wait. All of them are.
Threads like this are interesting to me. I can't help but wonder if the opinions are based on the actors actual body of work or the political preferences of the actor.
All the above.
I like Denzel...but not as a bad guy. Which is why he usually plays good guys being bad to bad guys. His audience did not like him as a thug.
I thought he was great in “Training Day “.
Yes..which is why he avoids those kinds of movies now. His fans said "no more". American Gangster...he was still Denzel...bad, but still likable. He pulled that off so well.
Tom Cruise was outstanding in “A Few Good Men”. Lots of stars in that movie.
Tom Cruise was also excellent in “The Firm”
There are very few Tom Cruise movies I don’t like. I enjoy his stuff for the most part. And he as a person doesn’t bother me. I couldn’t care less about his religious beliefs which seems to be most peoples gripe with him usually.
For me it's Adam Sandler. Damn idiot.
For my wife, it's Will Farrell, same sentiment.
Sorry OP, we both like Kevin Costner and like his show Yellowstone.

You and your wife are my kind of people. I can't stand either of them. I don't find either of them funny at all. I didn't like them on SNL either.
If I could re-start this thread, I would ask that "we" try to ignore our opinions of the actors as individuals and focus on their acting.

As for me, there are several that I abhor personally but like their work, with Jane Fonda probably being Exhibit A. Barbra Streisand - great vocalist and very entertaining actress. Jim Carrey seems to be an awful human being, but has done some excellent work, both in comedy and otherwise.

Thanks for pointing out Adam Sandler above. Him I just don't "get."
I despise how nasty and hateful John Cusack is but I like him as an actor. Just recently bought the Raven. Haven’t watched it yet though.

I also can’t stand Chris Evans hateful-political rants...but Love all of the Captain America movies as well as him in the Fantastic 4 ( probably an unpopular opinion).

same with Chris Pine. Love him as an actor. Hate his politics.
Adam Sandler's pathetic movies all have the same theme.
Honest lovable loser winds up with the pretty girl. ... :cool:
Like Swayze, Adam Sandler had one good movie - Reign over me.
Everything else was teenybopper crude humor.
Love Swayze he made some good stuff and several clunkers ...but I’ve watched almost everything he has done. Currently bought the Beast it is good so far.

Like Adam Sandler in the movies he did with Drew Barrymore haven’t seen him in much else ...besides that Netflix mystery he did with Jennifer Aniston which was enjoyable for the most part.
Too many to name but a few that come to mind first
Richard Dreyfus ( condescending elitist prick)
Amy Schumer
Jennifer Lawrence
Alyssa Milano
Sean Penn
Alec Baldwin
Jim Carey ( have always hated his overrated ass)
Jane Fonda
Brie Larson
I agree with all your choices except for Jennifer Lawrence.
Her movie "Red Sparrow" was outstanding, and I liked her performance in "Passengers" and "Joy". .... :cool:
I liked passengers but tolerated Jennifer in that movie because I like Chris Pratt. Kinda like how I tolerate Gwyneth Paltrow in all the Iron man movies even though she sucks as an actress ( and she is a complete elitist loon).

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