Insurrection, Colorado, Trump and the 14th amendment and the J6 lies

No one said anything of the sort. Xenophobe..yes.
One of the synonyms for Xenophobe is racist.
If you believe otherwise, please provide a link of a reliable media source (no alt-right media) that quotes a Democrat of noteworthiness calling Trump a racist.

Hillary Clinton


The president is turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on, make tests widely available, and adequately prepare the country for a period of crisis. Don't fall for it. Don't let your friends and family fall for it.

10:27 AM · Mar 18, 2020

Bernie Sanders


It is outrageous that Donald Trump continues to push a racist travel policy that dehumanizes immigrants and their families for his own political purposes. On day one of my administration, I will overturn this xenophobic and discriminatory ban.
Square profile picture


Jan 31, 2020
JUST IN: The Trump administration has announced an expansion of the travel ban — one of the President's signature policies, which has been derided by critics as an attempt to ban Muslims from the US — to include six new countries

4:49 PM · Jan 31, 2020

In his rush to ban Chinese nationals and try to capitalize on the bigotry of his followers, he forgot about the 40K Americans coming in a rush back from China.
Pappy, that is BS.
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A coup you dumb son of a bitch is an insurrection
No insurrection happened on Jan 6
So 150+ CAPITAL POLICE were injured but you're saying it didn't happen? Way to back your Brothers in Blue! What kind of LEO are you? Politics above the Brotherhood? Damn You're a shitty person!
So 150+ CAPITAL POLICE were injured but you're saying it didn't happen? Way to back your Brothers in Blue! What kind of LEO are you? Politics above the Brotherhood? Damn You're a shitty person!
No where near to leftist summer of riots over 2000 cops injured. So you're going to believe those lies from the people who said a cop was killed during the riot?
Whoop-dee-doo. You got a friendly judge in the bag for Trump. Not really news.
I'm personally against trying to remove him from any ballots. I want him on the ballot..everywhere
No martyrdom fo him in any way, shape or form.
You know, it's hilarious watching all the knuckleheads here in this country make excuses for the Hamas and Palastinian situation, otherwise by saying things like "hey, they were just resisting when Hamas acted out on October 7th" or "hey, they finally just got fed up after all the year's of oppression and occupation". Excuses....

Now let's look at conservatives, and let's use basically some similar reasoning to say things like "hey, they were just fed up with the Democrat lies, and "hey, they were just fed up with the Democrat's alleged attempts to coup Donald Trump's presidency, along with the Democrat sheep saying things like Trump was a rapist, racist, bigot, orange man, mean tweeter, arrogant conservative who is just like his MAGA followers that need to be put down...

Yes these things could be said that it was the Democrat's that ultimately led conservatives to January 6th, otherwise in order for them to then protest and voice their displeasures in it all, but I just can't figure out one thing y'all, and you know what that might be ??? I can't figure out as to why we didn't see conservatives show up on J6 to kill and butcher people like pigs, kidnap them and rape them all in the name of "resistance" or all because of the buzz word "oppressiveness" ???

Big difference In the words being used here, as opposed to the way they are being used over there or here by activist who scream "free Palestine, from the river to the sea".

No, January 6th was nothing compared to what Hamas did in the name of their so called "resistance", otherwise a word that is being used as a buzz word now here in this country, otherwise as being some sort of excuse for what Hamas did, and we also see the loose use of the word "oppression" and/or other such buzz words that are again being used by mostly the leftists in these United States for nefarious political reasons, otherwise Americans who wouldn't know oppression or other such things if it walked up and slapped them right on top of their heads.

Democrat's hounded, hunted, harassed, and used rhetoric that was unseemingly, then they created false narratives, and regrettably lied like a rug, but none of it means nothing until it's something they want to whine about like with what Israel is doing when defending itself, then it's as if the Democrat's are as pure the driven snow, and it's as if someone just stole their best piece of candy in the why that they lash out.

Democrat's are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

Don't remember seeing conservatives on January 6th murdering, kidnapping, and chopping up people up claiming a resistance, but when listening to the Democrat operatives tell it, well you'd think that it was exactly what they did.

Shockingly though, you see people that are I'm guessing "Democrat loyalist/voters," making excuses for Hamas by claiming their actions was a "resistance"or it was due to oppression blah, blah, blah.......

Wow, just wow.
No where near to leftist summer of riots over 2000 cops injured. So you're going to believe those lies from the people who said a cop was killed during the riot?
Reading is fundamental! 😂 Did I say a cop was killed? You have a terrible habit of claiming things not posted! That's why you are so gullible to the lies told to you by the higher ups in your tribe! I bet your Sgt has to hold your hand at traffic stops!🤣
I'd be real interested if you showed me where I've been proven wrong.

You smart enough to contemplate the fact of why wouldn't J6 let Kash Patel testify in an open public inquiry instead of closed door testimony?

What didn't they want the public to know?

I for one haven't found your scholarship wanting or your conclusions unreasonable. Of course you know the answer to the question but rhetorical questions are a form of good debate.

But flash back to Schiff's closed door (in the basement) interrogation of various witnesses and then triumphantly parading some of them before his committee to testify thinking by golly they'll take Trump down. But as one by one the testimony they gave was supposition, inference, suspicion, hearsay or just not liking something Trump did, the GOP asked each one specifically if they themselves had seen or heard President Trump say or do anything that was illegal or inappropriate. And each and every one said no under oath.

So you can be sure that Pelosi, Cheney, Schiff et al were not going to make the same mistake with the J6 committee. They simply didn't allow anybody to know about any testimony or allow anyone to testify who might in any way expose that for the unethical and politically motivated exercise in personal destruction that it was.
You continue to be proven wrong. Not that it is that surprising, because you live in MAGA MAGGOT Land....Heaven forbid you think for yourself, because you know that is NOT allowed.
Says a happy Cult member that doesn't have the writing skills of a kindergarten student.. MAGA mag had to fix it for you... 😂
I for one haven't found your scholarship wanting or your conclusions unreasonable. Of course you know the answer to the question but rhetorical questions are a form of good debate.

But flash back to Schiff's closed door (in the basement) interrogation of various witnesses and then triumphantly parading some of them before his committee to testify thinking by golly they'll take Trump down. But as one by one the testimony they gave was supposition, inference, suspicion, hearsay or just not liking something Trump did, the GOP asked each one specifically if they themselves had seen or heard President Trump say or do anything that was illegal or inappropriate. And each and every one said no under oath.

So you can be sure that Pelosi, Cheney, Schiff et al were not going to make the same mistake with the J6 committee. They simply didn't allow anybody to know about any testimony or allow anyone to testify who might in any way expose that for the unethical and politically motivated exercise in personal destruction that it was.
Ease up, they can't take that kind of logic and truth... 😂
Ease up, they can't take that kind of logic and truth... 😂

(Okay Meister that was off topic. :)

So to put it back on topic: The J6 Committee and the special prosecutor charged to use J6 testimony to indict Trump was one of the most grievous, dishonest and blatant examples of lack of due process and militarization of the government for purpose of personal destruction of a political opponent that any of us have ever witnessed.)
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Testimony in the Colorado lawsuit Kash Patel testifies as to what actually happened on January 6th. Notice the judges expression during Patel's testimony.

Notice Patel's testimony and Liz Cheney's comments......yall been had.

Democrats are the cancer killing America. You just can't be an American and vote blue .
Democrats are the cancer killing America. You just can't be an American and vote blue .
Took a long time for people to realize it, and sadly the one's that have realized it, well they've awakened to late.

People have no idea what they are dealing with, otherwise the amount of evil involved in the Democrat party. It's the stuff that caused God to take action himself in the days of old. I believe it's reaching that point again, because the evilness has become so great, that man can't overcome it himself. When everywhere one looks they see evil, and almost every word is becoming evil or is running cover for evil, then the signs of the time's are becoming more and more apparent in these latter days.
Reading is fundamental! 😂 Did I say a cop was killed? You have a terrible habit of claiming things not posted! That's why you are so gullible to the lies told to you by the higher ups in your tribe! I bet your Sgt has to hold your hand at traffic stops!🤣
No you didn't but the media said one was. That same media who gave you those stats dumbass.
You know, it's hilarious watching all the knuckleheads here in this country make excuses for the Hamas and Palastinian situation, otherwise by saying things like "hey, they were just resisting when Hamas acted out on October 7th" or "hey, they finally just got fed up after all the year's of oppression and occupation". Excuses....

Now let's look at conservatives, and let's use basically some similar reasoning to say things like "hey, they were just fed up with the Democrat lies, and "hey, they were just fed up with the Democrat's alleged attempts to coup Donald Trump's presidency, along with the Democrat sheep saying things like Trump was a rapist, racist, bigot, orange man, mean tweeter, arrogant conservative who is just like his MAGA followers that need to be put down...

Yes these things could be said that it was the Democrat's that ultimately led conservatives to January 6th, otherwise in order for them to then protest and voice their displeasures in it all, but I just can't figure out one thing y'all, and you know what that might be ??? I can't figure out as to why we didn't see conservatives show up on J6 to kill and butcher people like pigs, kidnap them and rape them all in the name of "resistance" or all because of the buzz word "oppressiveness" ???

Big difference In the words being used here, as opposed to the way they are being used over there or here by activist who scream "free Palestine, from the river to the sea".

No, January 6th was nothing compared to what Hamas did in the name of their so called "resistance", otherwise a word that is being used as a buzz word now here in this country, otherwise as being some sort of excuse for what Hamas did, and we also see the loose use of the word "oppression" and/or other such buzz words that are again being used by mostly the leftists in these United States for nefarious political reasons, otherwise Americans who wouldn't know oppression or other such things if it walked up and slapped them right on top of their heads.

Democrat's hounded, hunted, harassed, and used rhetoric that was unseemingly, then they created false narratives, and regrettably lied like a rug, but none of it means nothing until it's something they want to whine about like with what Israel is doing when defending itself, then it's as if the Democrat's are as pure the driven snow, and it's as if someone just stole their best piece of candy in the why that they lash out.

Democrat's are the biggest hypocrites in the world.

Don't remember seeing conservatives on January 6th murdering, kidnapping, and chopping up people up claiming a resistance, but when listening to the Democrat operatives tell it, well you'd think that it was exactly what they did.

Shockingly though, you see people that are I'm guessing "Democrat loyalist/voters," making excuses for Hamas by claiming their actions was a "resistance"or it was due to oppression blah, blah, blah.......

Wow, just wow.
Not sure what Hamas has to do with Trump and J6th. Most of this is word soup.

1/6/2021 was an attempt to overthrow our government by interrupting the peaceful transition of power.
Sorry, hate to break it to you, THAT was a coup attempt. Albeit a pretty limp one. :)

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