Insurrection? Pro-aborts are planning "protests" inside churches and at SCOTUS justices' homes

Your insurrectionist heroes staged the most ignorant protest in living memory. When leftists protest they know if they go past the police line they can expect to be arrested and usually have bail money on hand just in case. Why are you people so bad at comparing things?
Thank you. That is just it. Damn right, when a leftist crosses the police line he does have his bail money in his pocket. All those protestors at the capital, the ones wanting to hang Pence and murder Pelosi, they cry like little bitches when they get locked up.
Grown men were trying to kill a kid. They got less than what they deserved.

The left seems to have quite a platform on that though don't they.
When one goes out looking for trouble it is not very "courageous" to claim victimhood when they find it.
Winston well he wasn't looking for it. They came looking for him. OTHERWISE...he would not be a free man today looking forward to suits against the lying media.

and we already know who was looking for trouble. The radical leftists who were there to ...burn, loot, murder. IF THEY"D stayed home, they wouldn't lose their damn arms now would they.
You would have let the pedo kill you, right?
The boy put himself in a situation he was not prepared to handle. As for me I have been in enough barroom brawls, biker parties and other bad situations from gator attacks to sinking boats to the house being on fire to know I can keep my head in any situation. That punk lost his cool and people died. He had no business being there.

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