Insurrection! This is what it looks like

Wrong. As will be amply demonstrated once the January 6th House Committee refers to the DoJ and as Grand Juries begin to convene. En garde. :laugh:

What part of 'Walk peacefully to the Capitol and let your voices be heard', 'Remain peaceful', 'obey the law', & 'respect the Capitol Police' do you not f*ing understand ... opposed to Schumer, Waters, Warren, Biden, AOC openly inciting intimidation, violence undermining the govt / USSC, telling people to ignore the USSC, and openly calling for rebellion and actual Insurrection.

You are seriously f*ed up in the head and should avoid speaking out. As the old saying goes, Better to remain silent and let people think you're stupid then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
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Has that BigLie enabled any of your very violent white supremacist insurrectionist pals to beat the rap?

WTF are you rambling about, dumbass? I'm Native American, you racist SOB.

Check the photos of the violent Left Wing domestic terrorists who have attempted 2 assassinations, engaged in terrorist bombings of over 2 dozen churches,family centers, and pro-life groups, who held politicians hostage in a Congress building, illegally stormed an AZ Senate building trying to get to the politicians, and forced USSC Justices and their families to be moved to more secure locations due to threats and violence.

They aren't white Conservatives, & they sire as hell ain't Native Americans throwing spoiled,violent tantrums and calling for actual rebellion and Insurrection for not getting their way.

Do you idiots think before you spew shit or does it just flow freely, no thought necessary?
Desperately scrambling to conjure-up a faux Insurrection equivalency to mitigate the heat you're now feeling about January 6, 2021? :auiqs.jpg:

Know that the "The Other Guy Did It Too" defense doesn't work beyond the fifth-grade recess yard. You idiots must've missed the memo. :cool:

Especially where your Orange Baboon-God is at the heart of the conspiracy in violation of his sacred oath and presidential duties and responsibilities.

But they do it to.
Way more than the jan 6th picnic.

What part of 'Walk peacefully to the Capitol and let your voices be heard', 'Remain peaceful',, 'obey the law', & 'respect the Capitol Police' do you not f*ing understand ...
You go right on ahead deluding yourself that this was the case. It will make the (metaphorical, in the criminal law courts) kill-shot all-the-sweeter.
WTF are you rambling about, dumbass? I'm Native American, you racist SOB.

Check the photos of the violent Left Wing domestic terrorists who have attempted 2 assassinations, engaged in terrorist bombings of over 2 dozen churches,family centers, and pro-life groups, who held politicians hostage in a Congress building, illegally stormed an AZ Senate building trying to get to the politicians, and forced USSC Justices and their families to be moved to more secure locations due to threats and violence.

They aren't white Conservatives, & they sire as hell ain't Native Americans throwing spoiled,violent tantrums and calling for actual rebellion and Insurrection for not getting their way.

Do you idiots think before you spew shit or does it just flow freely, no thought necessary?
But they do it to.
Way more than the jan 6th picnic.
Oh, the idiot Dems should be locked-up for a half-dozen different Sins against the Republic in recent times themselves.

Go right on ahead and do it, once you regain control of the Legislative and Executive branches.

They probably deserve it.

Machts nichts zu mir ( means nothing to me ) - I have no dog in that fight.

But trying to use the "Other Guy Did It Too" defense isn't gonna wash, in connection with the coordinated assault on Congress. on January 6, 2021.
Antifa and BLM riots, looting, assaults, burning, destroying, and murder just associated with George Floyd resulted in 19 people killed, several hundred police officers injured, hundreds of businesses damaged/ destroyed, and $2 BILLION in damages and destruction. Many businesses were either under-insured or did not have insurance at all in an attempt to cut costs and survive.

During these 'Insurrections' 'mostly peaceful protestors' from outside the local communities were bussed in, destroyed those local communities, killed citizens, and even attacked federal buildings, attempting to burn Federal Agents alive in those buildings.


So, please, enlighten us to how all of that paled in comparison to 6 Jan, snowflake.


Politicians held hostage in Congress

USSC Justices moved to more secure location due to threats and violence

D-Maxine Waters undermines, calls for Insurrection against USSC

US AG Garland, DOJ, exposed as completely Partisan, publicly undermines USSC; refusal to enforce existing law against threats to USSC emboldened Insurrectionists, would-be assassins, and left wing domestic terrorists

Offers no protection but tells Cathoc churches to prepare for 'extreme violence'

Arizona Senate evacuated after leftist extremists breach security, make their way in

'Most Peaceful Protests' bteak out across the nation as criminal left wing antifa, domestic terrorists, and tantrum-throwing snowflakes answe Democrats' call for rebellion and Insurrection.

The seditionists are these fascist judges. The churches are the criminals. It is right wingers who are the criminals.
WTF are you rambling about, dumbass? I'm Native American, you racist SOB.
And yet you still devote your life to orally pleasing white supremacists. Curious.

Check the photos of the violent Left Wing domestic terrorists who have attempted 2 assassinations,
You violent fascist cultists are totally off the rails. Do you undertand that? Rest assured that everyone else does. Knowing that its cultists are profoundly stupid, your political cult is deliberately feeding you propaganda to get you hysterical, in the hopes that many of you very unstable cultists will snap and engage in more of that brownshirt terrorist violence that you always work so hard to justify.

Now, tell us more about how much you want to kill liberals. You know you want to, and it will earn you big brownie points with your very violent cult. And if you could, make sure you mention how you especially want to see me dead, like several of your pals here have done. That really goes a long way to show how peaceful you are.

However, whatever you do, please don't go shoot up a church or school. I wouldn't have to mention that to normal people, but I do have to mention it to conservatives.
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The dumb insurrectionist think that they can stop a 5000lb truck.
The Dail Mail made is sound like people were flying in the air.
The truth is that the low IQ left wing crackpot protesters tried to block the street, and the driver just slowly rolled through.
BTW, none of those libnutt insurrectionists have to ever worry about getting pregnant.

There was plenty of room for the truck to go around them. You are a lying, ugly bitch.
Politicians held hostage in Congress

USSC Justices moved to more secure location due to threats and violence

D-Maxine Waters undermines, calls for Insurrection against USSC

US AG Garland, DOJ, exposed as completely Partisan, publicly undermines USSC; refusal to enforce existing law against threats to USSC emboldened Insurrectionists, would-be assassins, and left wing domestic terrorists

Offers no protection but tells Cathoc churches to prepare for 'extreme violence'

Arizona Senate evacuated after leftist extremists breach security, make their way in

'Most Peaceful Protests' bteak out across the nation as criminal left wing antifa, domestic terrorists, and tantrum-throwing snowflakes answe Democrats' call for rebellion and Insurrection.

SCOTUS justices shoud have shot these Insurrectionists
The seditionists are these fascist judges. The churches are the criminals. It is right wingers who are the criminals.
So how long have you been in therapy?

How long have you felt that USSC Justices returning the power to decide / legislate abortions to YOU / the people instead of the federal govt dictating to you, as Justice Alito explained is what the USSC did, is somehow 'FASCIST'?

Perhaps Alito gave you snowflakes too much credit in believing you were up to the task of making your own decisions instead of being the usual sheep who need to be herded and told what to do all the time?!

Care to explain how valuing life, which is the only thing of which, 'criminal churches' are 'guilty', makes one 'criminal'?!!

How does it feel to be a member of a group so dedicated to killing innocent, viable babies that you are willing to justify breaking laws, threatening USSC Justices, calling for intimidation of and violence against them, inciting assassination attempts against them, perpetrating domestic terrorist bombings,. and calling for actual rebellions and Insurrections?

Is 'because we want our way / we want what we want' truly justification enough for all of that for you, lil' snowflake?
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There was plenty of room for the truck to go around them. You are a lying, ugly bitch.

Articles I have read say these morons were in the road attempting to block traffic.

It sounds like these geniuses were trying to create a new form of post-birth abortion.

If you intentionally stand in the middle of a busy road / highway, if you try to stop cars / traffic because you're throwing a tantrum over not getting you way, it sounds like you are trying to win a *Darwin Award.

Quoting a "Tin Foil Hat Conspiracy Theory" website, makes you look desperate, as well as gullible and stupid.

  • Overall, we rate National File an extreme right Tin-Foil Hat Conspiracy website based on the promotion of unproven/debunked claims and a Strong Pseudoscience purveyor based on using junk science to support claims.

Yeah, sure and the next thing you'll be gaslighting us with is that there wasn't a violent lib burnfest across the country in 2020.

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