Insurrectionists storm TN state capitol again after insurrectionist Dems expelled from house

marvin martian

Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2020
Texas Hill Country
Leftist terrorism runs wild in Tennessee...

I'm not a DemoKKKrat, so I don't support cops killing unarmed protesters, but I doubt all the cops on the scene agree with me.

Pulled form another forum:

Let us connect some dots, shall we? I enjoyed watching this commie get kicked out.

Justin Shea Bautista-Jones (born August 25, 1995)

Starting here we see his history Justin Jones – Black, Filipino, Civil Rights Activist

Key points for the article above:

“Justin grew up in Oakland/East Bay. As a biracial person who looks more Black than Filipino, Black became his default identity. Although he was raised by both his Filipina and Black grandmothers and being raised on collard greens, black eyed peas, and adobo, and stories from both sides of his family, Justin said that there was still silence about his indigenous Filipino grandfather who is Aeta. Outside of the home, the Black and brown communities in the East Bay made him aware that he is always perceived as a Black person. His hunger to get to know his Filipino identity always loomed in his young mind. (Sounds like racism to me and no dad to raise him. Shocking.)

“He became politicized in middle and high schools, and events such as the murder of Oscar Grant and Trayvon Martin motivated him to organize and become an activist.” “He was a key organizer of Bay Area protests after Trayvon Martin’s murder. He remembers: “Some people were concerned that violence might erupt because of people’s anger, but the opposite happened.” (This was in July of 2017 and you can read how “peaceful” it was here… Trayvon Martin Protests - Oakland - LocalWiki) Justin Jones is currently 27 years of age and to believe at age 18 he was a “key organizer” in the Oakland protests is a little hard to accept.)

After high school, Justin went to Fisk University, a historically Black university, where his role models, John Lewis and Diane Nash, had also studied. At Fisk, he received the John R. Lewis Scholarship for Social Activism. As a political science major, he continued to immerse himself in local civil rights issues in Nashville and became active in organizing work on campus and in the larger community.” (This is how he landed in Nashville.)

“Justin has been in Nashville, Tennessee for eight years now. After graduating from Fisk, he enrolled in a master’s program in Divinity Studies at Vanderbilt University. He continues to lead organizing efforts and when the George Floyd and Black Lives Matter protests erupted around the country, Justin and other local activists occupied the Ida B. Wells Plaza in Nashville, and called for accountability and reckoning with institutionalized racism and police brutality.” (Let’s look at this “occupation”.) “On May 30, thousands gathered for a protest in downtown Nashville, the capital of Tennessee; protesters peacefully demonstrated in Legislative Plaza and then marched to a police department. In the evening, the crowd damaged a police car, threw rocks and sprayed graffiti; at least 5 were arrested. Mayor John Cooper declared a state of emergency and called in the national guard after a spate of arsons, including the burning of Nashville's courthouse. The Nashville Autonomous Zone, sometimes referred to as the Ida B. Wells Plaza, was an attempt to declare an autonomous zone on the Capitol grounds of Nashville, Tennessee. It was an attempt to mirror the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone of Seattle, though this "zone" never actually formed and was more of an occupational protest of the Tennessee State Capitol. On June 12 local activists called for protesters to occupy the Capitol grounds, starting at 5:00 p.m. local time. Fliers circulated by organizers demanded "Fire Chief Anderson. Defund the Police. Demilitarize the Police. Remove Racist Statues." In the wake of Occupy Wall Street the Tennessee State Legislature passed law making the occupation of State land after 10:00 p.m. a Class A misdemeanor.” Justin Jones (Tennessee politician) - Wikipedia (Sounds peaceful right?)

Let’s look at Fisk University, just on point. “The work of Fisk's founders was sponsored by the American Missionary Association — later part of the United Church of Christ, with which Fisk retains an affiliation today.” Fisk University History - Fisk University (Would you like to guess what “Church” Obama went to? Yes that’s right Trinity “United Church of Christ” in Chicago. and who was Obama’s pastor? Jeremiah Wright controversy - Wikipedia

This “individual” is a groomed communist that they have tried to wiggle into Tennessee politics to push him up the ranks. I also listened to all of his drama llama speeches during his expulsion proceedings yesterday. Please note the difference in the cadence of his speech when he is being an activist and when he is just caught on the fly.

Forgive the CNN link but these are only for reviewing his speech patterns.

Then go to 4:34 of 11:28 of this video.

TLDR, Justin Jones is a groomed commie plant with the evidence above. I wish more people (the public at large) would connect the same dots like the above. It's not that hard.
God damn. Does everything need to have a protest now a days? Seems like someone is out protesting something and being a general nuisance every other day.
Why does the Rabid right need to characterize every non-violent protest an insurrection now a days. I use to think they want to minimize the negative way the violent rioters on Jan 6th are viewed by most Americans, but now it seem some other, more sinister plot is underway. They want to be able to crack down on every little protest and decorum breach like speaking out of tern, as if it were an insurrection.........These two dudes are lucky it's 2023 not 1923 or they might be swaying in the breeze if you know what I mean.
Why does the Rabid right need to characterize every non-violent protest an insurrection now a days. I use to think they want to minimize the negative way the violent rioters on Jan 6th are viewed by most Americans, but now it seem some other, more sinister plot is underway. They want to be able to crack down on every little protest and decorum breach like speaking out of tern, as if it were an insurrection.........These two dudes are lucky it's 2023 not 1923 or they might be swaying in the breeze if you know what I mean.
Just using the Democrats definition.
Why does the Rabid right need to characterize every non-violent protest an insurrection now a days. I use to think they want to minimize the negative way the violent rioters on Jan 6th are viewed by most Americans, but now it seem some other, more sinister plot is underway. They want to be able to crack down on every little protest and decorum breach like speaking out of tern, as if it were an insurrection.........These two dudes are lucky it's 2023 not 1923 or they might be swaying in the breeze if you know what I mean.

Because you did it first, dumbass. As the puppyblender is apt to say, "Punch back, Twice as hard"

This is now multiple days of legislative procedure being interrupted. The two idiots on bullhorns who instigated the crowd DIRECTLY have paid for their actions.
Only folks displaying signs of being rabid these days are lefty progs as displayed in riotous activity in the various state capitols

And any time someone on the right tries to organize a presentation, speech, or town hall.
Why does the Rabid right need to characterize every non-violent protest an insurrection now a days. I use to think they want to minimize the negative way the violent rioters on Jan 6th are viewed by most Americans, but now it seem some other, more sinister plot is underway. They want to be able to crack down on every little protest and decorum breach like speaking out of tern, as if it were an insurrection.........These two dudes are lucky it's 2023 not 1923 or they might be swaying in the breeze if you know what I mean.

So protesting and clashing with cops at the capitol isn't insurrection now? Make up your mind.

Leftist terrorism runs wild in Tennessee...

I'm not a DemoKKKrat, so I don't support cops killing unarmed protesters, but I doubt all the cops on the scene agree with me.

They need to start arresting these people and leaving them in jail for the same amount of time as the Jan. 6 protestors.........then round up the democrat party member who are giving them material support.....

The democrats happily crossed this line, and only they can stop this ..........and to get them to that point, they have to suffer just as much...

The left does not rest, they do not stop....they do not forgive, they do not forget.....there is no compassion or mercy in them.
Because you did it first, dumbass. As the puppyblender is apt to say, "Punch back, Twice as hard"

This is now multiple days of legislative procedure being interrupted. The two idiots on bullhorns who instigated the crowd DIRECTLY have paid for their actions.
What non-violent protest did the Democrats call an insurrection?

How did they finish the days business by 1:30 in the afternoon......are you making stuff up again?

"Protestors began trickling onto the rain-soaked capitol steps Thursday morning to rally for the lawmakers ahead of the vote, holding signs, chanting and playing music.

Not everyone was let inside though, as the floor session began. One hundred and twenty-eight people are allowed to be in the gallery, and officials say both sides were full, meaning 256 managed to get in before the capitol shut its doors.

While Thursday’s floor session began at 9 a.m., the expulsion vote began at the end of regular business around 1:20 p.m. The three lawmakers addressed their colleagues before each vote began."

So protesting and clashing with cops at the capitol isn't insurrection now? Make up your mind.

Roll that riot video from Tennessee...........

"Protestors began trickling onto the rain-soaked capitol steps Thursday morning to rally for the lawmakers ahead of the vote, holding signs, chanting and playing music.

Not everyone was let inside though, as the floor session began. One hundred and twenty-eight people are allowed to be in the gallery, and officials say both sides were full, meaning 256 managed to get in before the capitol shut its doors.

While Thursday’s floor session began at 9 a.m., the expulsion vote began at the end of regular business around 1:20 p.m. The three lawmakers addressed their colleagues before each vote began."

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