Intel Committee To Call Minority Witnesses Thanks To Pencil Neck Shiff


Gold Supporting Member
Dec 5, 2008
The Liberal pukes will be devastated when the Intel Committee reconvenes so the minority can assemble their witnesses because of a screw up by Nancy and her drones. Everybody better read this link before pooh poohing me. In the link read McCarthy's letter to Shiff.


The Democrats rewrote the rules in order to prevent Republicans to put on a real defense in the impeachment hearings, but as usual their rules overlooked a major point. Their goal was to prevent Republicans from calling major witnesses such as the alleged whistleblower, Alexandra Chalupa and Hunter Biden, but they neglected to change one House rule that allows for the minority party to have one day to call any witness they choose. Minority leader Kevin McCarthy filed the necessary request before the Democrats learned of their mistake.

In his letter Rep. McCarthy cites House Rule XI, Cause 2(j)(1) The Minority Rule on calling witnesses. This rule allows the Minority to call any witnesses they want on at least one day of a congressional hearing, upon notifying the Committee chairman, which the Republicans did this morning.

Here is a copy of the letter.

GOP Leader Drops BOMB on Schiff – Points to Committee Rule that Must Allow Republicans Day to Call Witnesses

Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy posted a letter signed by the House Intelligence Oversight Committee to Pencil Neck Adam Schiff.
Adam Schiff also has ties to Ukraine.

The Duran:

Who is Schiff’s patron, Igor Pasternak? He is a Ukraine globalist, military industrialist who was curiously spotted in Maidan, Kiev in 2014 for “diplomatic reasons” during the US/CIA sponsored coup.

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

When in doubt follow the money. Congressman Schiff’s well documented Putin obsession may have something to do with his billionaire, military complex, oligarch patron from Ukraine.

Adam Schiff is an owned hatchet man of Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Pasternak. Schiff’s anti-Russian narrative is carefully orchestrated by his Ukrainian handlers

Taste of Ukraine Reception for Rep. Adam Schiff (D, CA-29) | Political Party Time

Adam Schiff's collusion with oligarch, Ukrainian arms dealer, exposed
Nazi Pelousy and Adumb Schifferbrains will shit all over that rule too.
I hope that the OP is true and Nunes can call the witnesses he wants without interference from Schiff.
This could get very good in a very short time.
This probably isn't true. Look at the source.

Yea, who would want Republicans to call witnesses when we are deciding on impeaching a sitting POTUS?

That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I'm fine with them calling relevant witnesses. Bring on Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvany, or even tRump.

But I see no need to let the conservitards use it as a platform to push their silly conspiracy theories.
This probably isn't true. Look at the source.

Yea, who would want Republicans to call witnesses when we are deciding on impeaching a sitting POTUS?

That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I'm fine with them calling relevant witnesses. Bring on Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvany, or even tRump.

But I see no need to let the conservitards use it as a platform to push their silly conspiracy theories.

Relevant witnesses are Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Eric Ciaramella

You don’t like Trump, so you don’t mind the bullshit.

Short sighted, my liberal friend. I don’t know how old you are, but you will likely live to regret supporting this.
This probably isn't true. Look at the source.

Yea, who would want Republicans to call witnesses when we are deciding on impeaching a sitting POTUS?

That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I'm fine with them calling relevant witnesses. Bring on Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvany, or even tRump.

But I see no need to let the conservitards use it as a platform to push their silly conspiracy theories.

Relevant witnesses are Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Eric Ciaramella

You don’t like Trump, so you don’t mind the bullshit.

Short sighted, my liberal friend. I don’t know how old you are, but you will likely live to regret supporting this.
Relevant to what? How?
This probably isn't true. Look at the source.

Yea, who would want Republicans to call witnesses when we are deciding on impeaching a sitting POTUS?

That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I'm fine with them calling relevant witnesses. Bring on Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvany, or even tRump.

But I see no need to let the conservitards use it as a platform to push their silly conspiracy theories.

They should call the rat and his or her informant. There are a lot of things I would like to know about them, including if they broke the law or not.
This probably isn't true. Look at the source.

Yea, who would want Republicans to call witnesses when we are deciding on impeaching a sitting POTUS?

That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I'm fine with them calling relevant witnesses. Bring on Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvany, or even tRump.

But I see no need to let the conservitards use it as a platform to push their silly conspiracy theories.

They should call the rat and his or her informant. There are a lot of things I would like to know about them, including if they broke the law or not.

Doesn’t it seem odd for a CIA operative to be eavesdropping on a POTUS phone call? Or reporting hearing people talking about it?

This probably isn't true. Look at the source.

Yea, who would want Republicans to call witnesses when we are deciding on impeaching a sitting POTUS?

That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I'm fine with them calling relevant witnesses. Bring on Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvany, or even tRump.

But I see no need to let the conservitards use it as a platform to push their silly conspiracy theories.

They should call the rat and his or her informant. There are a lot of things I would like to know about them, including if they broke the law or not.

Doesn’t it seem odd for a CIA operative to be eavesdropping on a POTUS phone call? Or reporting hearing people talking about it?


No, actually that's the standard. Even Trump knew people monitor his calls in the White House. But the real question is who the leaker is and should be thrown out of the White House. Furthermore, whoever the rat is, did they have clearance to listen to that information. Who did the rat go to first? Was the rat known to Schiff Head as he claims that wasn't the case. And who wrote up the rats complaint? People that seen it all agreed it wasn't from the rat. It was written by a lawyer, who again, may not have had clearance to the content of the call.

Just a lot of things left out of the story.
This probably isn't true. Look at the source.

Yea, who would want Republicans to call witnesses when we are deciding on impeaching a sitting POTUS?

That wouldn’t be fair, would it?
I'm fine with them calling relevant witnesses. Bring on Bolton, Giuliani, Mulvany, or even tRump.

But I see no need to let the conservitards use it as a platform to push their silly conspiracy theories.

They should call the rat and his or her informant. There are a lot of things I would like to know about them, including if they broke the law or not.

Doesn’t it seem odd for a CIA operative to be eavesdropping on a POTUS phone call? Or reporting hearing people talking about it?

Who said anyone was eavesdropping?

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