Intellectual Dishonesty, Altruism, or Agenda


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
This is an interesting article by a professor of philosophy, Emrys Westacott- he has some credentials

I like reading about philosophers thoughts- and letting the reader make their own determination about the motives or the results through their own eyes- some people though, believe, I suppose, that their credentials entitle them to call something other than what the reader sees the truth- this was a pretty good article until the following agenda reared its ugly head-

However wise the sages, it would not have occurred to Socrates or Epicurus to argue for the simple life in terms of environmentalism. Two centuries of industrialisation, population growth and frenzied economic activity has bequeathed us smog; polluted lakes, rivers and oceans; toxic waste; soil erosion; deforestation; extinction of plant and animal species, and global warming. The philosophy of frugal simplicity expresses values and advocates a lifestyle that might be our best hope for reversing these trends and preserving our planet’s fragile ecosystems.

But, the above did occur to the professor- it doesn't make him wise- it makes him susceptible to propaganda- it seems to me, philosphers of note were observationist, by nature, and perhaps students of History- apparently the "professor" conveniently forgets the earth and man has adapted to way worse conditions-

The article makes some salient points- then the professor illustrates he ain't really that wi

se- or intelligent- but, he has credentials-
His skills at observation are lacking- therefore, his philosophical bent is skewed-
Why the Simple Life Is Not Just Beautiful, It’s Necessary

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