Interesting Campaign: What is it all about?


Take Down ~ Tap Out
Aug 27, 2010
I am sitting pondering what is this campaign all about. The republicans made one back door announcement on what they plan to do, raise taxes, etc. I am not sure of any expectations of what the Democrats will do, aside from carry on same-o same-o. It is interesting because there are millions of dollars being pumped into the campaign to tell us something besides media getting rich, huge campaign secret funding, and republicans wanting the House.

Anyone getting any more than that. And shouldn't the Democrats be telling us what they plan to do if elected, besides cancel Christmas? I admit I don't watch news, and get my news from various sources on the internet, just for posting stories. But I am not seeing any bigger picture emerge than I stated above.
The campaign is about setting up the eject button for Obama in 2012.

OK, you handled Obama, now what is it about for American citizens? That 300 million milling around the nation?
You're expecting an actual policy agenda?


These drones don't do policy wonk stuff. That would require pointy-headed, arrogant college education and stuff.
Yeah, that's a real tough question.

Um, lemme see, before the Democrats seized power unemployment was under 5%, and the deficit was $300B and shrinking.

We're now at 10% unemployment with annual annual Trillion deficits.

Let me get back to you on that
This drone has been trained in the fine art of the ad hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

Advanced drone. Level II.
Yeah, that's a real tough question.

Um, lemme see, before the Democrats seized power unemployment was under 5%, and the deficit was $300B and shrinking.

We're now at 10% unemployment with annual annual Trillion deficits.

Let me get back to you on that

Boggles the mind doesn't it? Yet the Republicans [Whom are on Double Secret Probation] that were part of it...are going to steal the thunder out from underneath the Statists...
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