Interesting reader comment


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
“Obama said he was going to create a domestic federal police force and he received rounds of applause. Now the Treasury, DHS, ATF, DEA, NSA and IRS are armed and joined into an army which will take to the streets against anyone on the Right who rises up. The military, once a bastion of traditional America, has been turned into a gay liberation army and neutered. This is a police state and if anyone is to organize they will have to do it without electronic means.”

Ferguson Hot Dog Vendor at Home Depot Robbed and Beaten With Hammer for His Cell Phone
Posted by Gateway Guest Blogger on Thursday, August 22, 2013, 11:46 PM

By: Rachel Pulaski

Video | News | Weather | Sports

Thu Aug 22 10:19:29 PDT 2013
Police: Suspects hit hot dog vendor with hammer at local Home Depot
Police are hoping surveillance video will help catch four suspects after a hot dog vender was robbed and attacked with a stolen hammer at a Ferguson Home Depot on Wednesday. view full article
A hot dog vendor at a Ferguson Home Depot was robbed of his cellphone and struck in the head with a hammer by four shoplifters. The incident occurred around 3 p.m on Wednesday. The Home Depot is located in St. Louis County at the 10900 block of New Halls Ferry Road. According the CBS St Louis, “the suspects are black men in their early 20s. Two of the suspects were wearing white t-shirts, one had a plaid shirt. The fourth was wearing a blue shirt and had his right arm in a cast.”

- See more at: Ferguson Hot Dog Vendor at Home Depot Robbed and Beaten With Hammer for His Cell Phone | The Gateway Pundit
A lot of LEO in the gov't are former military, and tend to be more right than left. So I don't worry about such things.
Pathetic creatures like the paranoid Alex Jones minion in the OP remind me of an old joke:

A policeman encounters a man jumping up and down on the sidewalk in Times Square. He asks the nut what he is doing.

"I'm keeping elephants out of Times Square!!!"

The cop responds, "There are no elephants in Times Square."


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