International Law: Jerusalem Belongs To Israel

I am gonna take a wild stab and postulate the following:

Were aliens to visit our planet and offer us an entirely new world to colonize, and were all the Jews of the world to say, "ok, we will pack our things and build a 4th temple of David somewhere on Argolias Prime" (or whatever the fuck the planet would be named), I would bet you top Dollar/Euro/Yuan/Yen that within 10 years, the "Religion of Peace" (puke) would be waging war on that planet and claiming New Yerushalayim for itself.


It's not about Eretz Yisrael, pe se. It's about raw, unbridled, illogical hated of Jews worldwide.

Arabs across the world did not give a fuck about the "Holy Land" until Eretz Yisrael was re-formed in 1948 and Israeli farmers were growing oranges the size of grapefruits on a land that the fucking Arabs coud never tame.

I contend once again: Israel's biggest mistake was in not finishing what it started in 1967. Once it won, it should have set every single one of those fucking palis across the border to Jordanian and simply been done with it.

Yerushalayeem belongs to Eretz Yisael.
Exactly. Proof of that is there was not a peep from ANYBODY about a "Palestine" when the West Bank and Gaza were controlled the Arabs for 20 years from 48 to 67.
Nope... I published the archives of US State Dept showing that Jordan was informed that their annexation of the West Bank WAS recognized by US.. It belonged to Jordan as far as we were concerned and Jordan gave FULL recognition and recognition to the "palestinians" as citizens of Jordan..

2nd or 3rd paragraph in :

FRUS: Foreign relations of the United States, 1950. The Near East, South Asia, and Africa: Israel

The US State Dept. recognized Jordanian soverignity over the West Bank, which they called "Arab Palestine".

Another massive fail child, don't you read the replies to your posts. The term arab Palestine takes in all of Iraq, Syria and Jordan. It was detailed on the maps produced for your sufferance
Nope... I published the archives of US State Dept showing that Jordan was informed that their annexation of the West Bank WAS recognized by US.. It belonged to Jordan as far as we were concerned and Jordan gave FULL recognition and recognition to the "palestinians" as citizens of Jordan..

2nd or 3rd paragraph in :

FRUS: Foreign relations of the United States, 1950. The Near East, South Asia, and Africa: Israel

The US State Dept. recognized Jordanian soverignity over the West Bank, which they called "Arab Palestine".

That's correct.. And they called it Arab Palestine because that was the intention of the damn Brits who pompously engineered the map of the Middle East..

<< Edited to Add >> Phoenal is correct that "Arab Palestine" was all of Trans-Jordan.. But I'm not certain if any specific declaration of other Arab nations in the vicinity were ever suggested..
Jews have been there longer than Arabs, moron. The region was Ottoman territory for 600 years and there is record of Jews defending Hebron from the Crusaders about 600 years ago. Last I checked there weren't that many Ottoman Turks in the land to claim "ownership". The Arabs have not owned this land for 700 years roughly, so they really had NO SAY in it's destiny. They are recent 20th century invaders. The British have records of the Arab invasion from neighboring Arab lands during the Palestine mandate years in the early to mid 1900's. Arabs are invaders and conquerors that raped and looted people and lands, that is how most of the middle east became Arab / Islamic lands.

True story. :cool:

Evidence says that the Muslim Arabs of Palestine, are descended from Muslim Arabs, Turks, Egyptians, Circassians, Bosnians, Kurds, Persians, who migrated to Palestine over the last 2,000 years...and Judeans who converted to Islam.

What evidence would that be, the ISLAMONAZI LIES and BLOOD LIBELS. The real evidence is that no arab muslims existed before 627 C.E. so could not have been around 2,000 years ago. But Jews have lived, owned and worked the land for 4,000 years
Clarification is needed. Because the Old City will never be given up.

why do Jews need to control the Muslim Quarter?

I don't know.. Maybe because it's a simple 10 minute back alley walk to the Knesset
for a suicide bomber?

You ever BEEN to Jerusalem? The foot traffic between the "Muslim quarters" the rest of it is thru 6 ft wide alleyways stuffed with spice merchants and donkeys. I got pinned to a wall for 10 minutes by Moslem and Jewish schoolkids and had my foot stomped on by a donkey.

Not the kinda place to set up Borders and checkpoints.. Works better intact...
Sure there is, Sherri #67, and it's been shown.

Arabs for sure have ZERO rights to the land, or Jerusalem.

Just as the Schutzstaffel said the Jews had no right to live on Earth. The Zionists learned their lessons well from their former masters.

Now, please name the law giving Jerusalem to the Jews exclusively.

There isn't one and you know it, just as there is no law giving Palestine to the muslims exclusively. But there is a law that give the Jews control over all the land of Palestine and the people who live there.
why do Jews need to control the Muslim Quarter?
Because all of Jerusalem is kosher and Arab swine is verboten there.

Actually Arabs/Muslims also don't eat swine/pork.

Not all as some do eat pork and it ends in a massive fail. A muslim cook put in a case of racism when he was sacked for refusing to cook bacon, sausages and other pork products. His defence was that being a muslim it was against his religion to touch unclean meat. A video of him eating a bacon sandwich, a sausage bun and a pork pie were produced as evidence. He lost the case and had to pay the other sides costs.

BBC NEWS | UK | England | London | Muslim chef loses tribunal case
Cute aren't they, and much cleaner than many muslims. Make excellent guard dogs and their bite can really hurt.
Can you name one palestinian muslim that can trace his ancestors back further than 3 generations. ?

But any Jew in Israel with the Cohen gene can trace his/her lineage back to Abraham.

In 1922 there were hundreds of thousands of Muslims in Palestine.

The vast majority of them were born there.

Not so, for the Jews.
Another massive fail child, don't you read the replies to your posts. The term arab Palestine takes in all of Iraq, Syria and Jordan. It was detailed on the maps produced for your sufferance

Iraq and Syria were part of Palestine?

Where do you get such Nazionist lies?
That's correct.. And they called it Arab Palestine because that was the intention of the damn Brits who pompously engineered the map of the Middle East..

<< Edited to Add >> Phoenal is correct that "Arab Palestine" was all of Trans-Jordan.. But I'm not certain if any specific declaration of other Arab nations in the vicinity were ever suggested..

The "damn Brits", as you call them, were instrumental in the creation of the Jewish state.
There isn't one and you know it, just as there is no law giving Palestine to the muslims exclusively. But there is a law that give the Jews control over all the land of Palestine and the people who live there.

That is a lie. There is no law giving the Jews exclusive ownership of Palestine.
Genesis, Chapter 13, verses 14-15.

You have got to be kidding me.

The Bible, that silly little fantasy book, is not a law. Not in any sense of the word.

Try arguing that the Bible is a law, at the UN. They will laugh you all the way to The Hague.

Genesis, Chapter 13, verses 14-15.

You have got to be kidding me.

The Bible, that silly little fantasy book, is not a law. Not in any sense of the word.

Try arguing that the Bible is a law, at the UN. They will laugh you all the way to The Hague.


Funny that your rep is disabled.... hmmmmm.... need some help enabling it.

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