International Lord of Hate


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
and author, Larry Correia, has some points to make about audits;

From the link;

When you run a business you will get audited by the government. If something your company does raises a red flag with the government, they will audit you. If there is an anomaly in your government mandated paperwork you must legally submit, it can trigger an audit. And sometimes, various agencies will just randomly audit you to make sure you are obeying all their regulations.
The IRS audits everyone’s financials to make sure they are paying all their taxes. That’s federal, but you will also be audited by your state tax commission. If your state has sales tax you will eventually undergo a sales tax audit.
If you have employees you will get random audits to make sure your EEOC paperwork is in order, and you can have ICE audits to make sure all your employees are citizens or have their immigration paperwork in order.
Your workplace will eventually be audited by OSHA to make sure it is compliant with health and safety regulations. If you process food products, you will be audited by the USDA inspectors. They even have people to check your dairy cows.
If you own a restaurant you’ve surely met your state Health Inspectors many times. Are you building a house? That’s getting inspected by a building inspector to make sure it is up to code.
If you are involved in military contracting you will be audited by the DCAA. Every single invoice, every part, and every single billable hour had better match what you reported to the government. (and trust me, this one is basically a colonoscopy).
If you are part of any small business programs you will be audited by the SBA. If you sell or manufacture firearms you will be audited by the BATFE. In preparing this post I did a quick search for government auditor positions, and there were jobs for agencies I’d never even heard of before.
In between all of these various government audits, companies employ internal auditors to continually check all their systems to make sure they are in compliance, and then they bring in outside 3rd party CPA firms to test them as well, all to get ready and fix any potential problems before the various government auditors show up. Because if the government catches you doing something wrong they can fine you, shut you down, or even throw you in jail.
Every government department has auditors to check on every single entity under their purview. Every single government program that does business with the private sector has auditors to check those businesses for compliance. Every single state and city that gets money from some government department gets audited by that government department, and then those local governments check all the people and businesses they work with too. Every step of the way the government audits the people, and if you don’t obey their rules, you will be corrected, punished, fined, or imprisoned.
It is a great big audit jamboree of everybody checking everybody else’s work, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing, because it is always safe to assume in any given endeavor human beings make mistakes and sometimes they are dishonest.
Except for elections. Elections are special.
Apparently elections are a sainted process, and people would never lie and cheat there, and the people over the controls would never obfuscate and cover their asses if their controls were insufficient. That only happens in literally every other industry on Earth… but not in elections. They are different.
Because the government gets to audit the people, but the people don’t get to audit the government. Nope. At best we get recounts, where we simply count the fraudulent data twice. And if you don’t like it, shut up."

Go read the whole thing.
Yes, an election is different than an audit of a business, and it is done on different levels just like and audit can be done..An election audit takes a court order, it is no secret yet none were produced...
It's estimated there are so many fed laws on the books (so many they can't even be counted) that every individual breaks at least 3/day- I seriously doubt those who "audited" the constitution had that in mind under the purview of securing liberty-
I guess no one wants to talk about that election that was just stolen from the American people.
I wish everybody would too.
They don't have intellectual capacity or the intellectual honesty- they have to have direction from the elders in their church of godvenment, filtered through the media, just to tie their shoes-

Or....the Voting Implementation Manager of the State of Georgia is a better source on Georgia's election integrity than you are.
And by 'stolen', you mean the election you lost, Tinfoil?
NO, I mean the election that some maggots like you, stole from us (the overwhelming majority of the American people). May a deranged, foaming-at-the-mouth, homosexual assault you, in the middle of the night.
Or....the Voting Implementation Manager of the State of Georgia is a better source on Georgia's election integrity than you are.
Interesting that those with zero integrity, come in here and talk about integrity. No integrity, no soul, no brain, damned for eternity.
I guess no one wants to talk about that election that was just stolen from the American people.

Do you Facebook?

Trump said that he's glad Loeffler and Perdue lost in Georgia because they weren't loyal and didn't defend him enough.
There was no Election Fraud just like there were no Democrat Cult Riots and Murders.


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