Intersectionality Victimization-Marginalization Calculator


Uppity Water Nymph from the Land of Funk
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 12, 2007
At first, I thought this was satire. But it's true. Some concerned SJWs have developed a calculator to determine one's marginality score based on sliding scales for:
- White v. Not White
- Straight v. Gay
- Male v. Female
- Cisgender v. Transgender
- Rich v. Poor
- Younger v. Older
- Able-bodied v. Disabled
- English as First Language v. Non-English
- Born in USA v. Born Elsewhere
- More Education v. Less Education
- Not Christian v. Devout Christian
- Not Muslim v. Devout Muslim
- Not Jewish v. Devout Jewish

Clearly, AOC needs to add a Marginalization Score to the requirements of the New Green Deal. Government handouts to be based on one's Marginalization status.

Intersectionality Score Calculator | #IntersectionalityScore
I have a hard time accepting the score for things which are within one's control.

Education, religiosity, rich/poor, straight/gay, Cisgender/transgender. These are all entirely voluntary. I would even argue that English as a second language is somewhat voluntary, as people who work at it can become nearly un-accented.

Fortunately, it's all bullshit anyway. The myth that your status w/r/t any of these traits holds you back from accomplishing anything you want and are able to accomplish is dis-proven ubiquitously and constantly.

Intersectionality = emotional candy for losers.
You forgot low IQ vs high IQ
worker vs non-worker
educated vs non-educated

I didn't design the calculator.

It's utter SJW bully nonsense.
I scored 3. What do I win?

That means you are the oppressor who owes everyone reparations.

My score is 18. So, as I am more oppressed than you, I deserve a weekly shipment of dark chocolates of my choice.



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How can I improve my score?

Does tanning more and only using those family bathrooms count?
At first, I thought this was satire. But it's true. Some concerned SJWs have developed a calculator to determine one's marginality score based on sliding scales for:
- White v. Not White
- Straight v. Gay
- Male v. Female
- Cisgender v. Transgender
- Rich v. Poor
- Younger v. Older
- Able-bodied v. Disabled
- English as First Language v. Non-English
- Born in USA v. Born Elsewhere
- More Education v. Less Education
- Not Christian v. Devout Christian
- Not Muslim v. Devout Muslim
- Not Jewish v. Devout Jewish

Clearly, AOC needs to add a Marginalization Score to the requirements of the New Green Deal. Government handouts to be based on one's Marginalization status.

Intersectionality Score Calculator | #IntersectionalityScore
Cool, my intersectionality score is 52, making 79% of others more privileged than I am. BooYah! Read that and weep, snowflakes.
At first, I thought this was satire. But it's true. Some concerned SJWs have developed a calculator to determine one's marginality score based on sliding scales for:
- White v. Not White
- Straight v. Gay
- Male v. Female
- Cisgender v. Transgender
- Rich v. Poor
- Younger v. Older
- Able-bodied v. Disabled
- English as First Language v. Non-English
- Born in USA v. Born Elsewhere
- More Education v. Less Education
- Not Christian v. Devout Christian
- Not Muslim v. Devout Muslim
- Not Jewish v. Devout Jewish

Clearly, AOC needs to add a Marginalization Score to the requirements of the New Green Deal. Government handouts to be based on one's Marginalization status.

Intersectionality Score Calculator | #IntersectionalityScore
Cool, my intersectionality score is 52, making 79% of others more privileged than I am. BooYah! Read that and weep, snowflakes.

OK, what is your shakedown demand oh Non-Privileged One?
At first, I thought this was satire. But it's true. Some concerned SJWs have developed a calculator to determine one's marginality score based on sliding scales for:
- White v. Not White
- Straight v. Gay
- Male v. Female
- Cisgender v. Transgender
- Rich v. Poor
- Younger v. Older
- Able-bodied v. Disabled
- English as First Language v. Non-English
- Born in USA v. Born Elsewhere
- More Education v. Less Education
- Not Christian v. Devout Christian
- Not Muslim v. Devout Muslim
- Not Jewish v. Devout Jewish

Clearly, AOC needs to add a Marginalization Score to the requirements of the New Green Deal. Government handouts to be based on one's Marginalization status.

Intersectionality Score Calculator | #IntersectionalityScore
Cool, my intersectionality score is 52, making 79% of others more privileged than I am. BooYah! Read that and weep, snowflakes.

OK, what is your shakedown demand oh Non-Privileged One?
I'm satisfied just knowing how much more special I am than 79% of you other folks. Loosers!!
At first, I thought this was satire. But it's true. Some concerned SJWs have developed a calculator to determine one's marginality score based on sliding scales for:
- White v. Not White
- Straight v. Gay
- Male v. Female
- Cisgender v. Transgender
- Rich v. Poor
- Younger v. Older
- Able-bodied v. Disabled
- English as First Language v. Non-English
- Born in USA v. Born Elsewhere
- More Education v. Less Education
- Not Christian v. Devout Christian
- Not Muslim v. Devout Muslim
- Not Jewish v. Devout Jewish

Clearly, AOC needs to add a Marginalization Score to the requirements of the New Green Deal. Government handouts to be based on one's Marginalization status.

Intersectionality Score Calculator | #IntersectionalityScore
Cool, my intersectionality score is 52, making 79% of others more privileged than I am. BooYah! Read that and weep, snowflakes.

OK, what is your shakedown demand oh Non-Privileged One?
I'm satisfied just knowing how much more special I am than 79% of you other folks. Loosers!!

S'aright. We're just basking in our Edumacated White Privilege, donchaknow.

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