Interview With A Coma Victim


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 16, 2012
This piece is great, it puts into perspective what the hell is going on, for those who don't engage in the propaganda. . .

I found the whole thing so creative and entertaining.

" . . . Well, today let's imagine that our interlocutor from that 2015 article fell into a coma immediately after having his conversation with the man from the 1950s. He just woke up yesterday. Now, someone from 2021 is trying to explain the last six years to him.

"OK, explain this to me again. Why are we wearing masks?"

"Because of a worldwide pandemic."

"A pandemic? Oh my God! This is terrible!"

"Tell me about it."

"So how many of your friends and family have you lost?"


"What? I thought you said it's a terrible pandemic."


"Oh, right. So what did I miss? Let me guess, Hillary won in 2016, didn't she?"

"Guess again."


"Never mind. You're not gonna guess. Basically, Vladimir Putin crafted a devilish plan to use hundreds of dollars worth of Facebook Jesus memes to install his puppet Donald Trump in the White House."


"Why? Why? Do you even have to ask? I mean, why do you think Russia would interfere in your elections? To gain power over the US and advance its position on the world stage, that's why."

"Did it work?"

"Well, a bunch of Russians got sanctioned, a bunch of diplomats got kicked out, some ex-spies were poisoned right next to England's biological warfare lab, Reagan-era arms control treaties were scrapped, Russia is more hated in the US than any time since the Cold War . . ."

"So that's why Putin put Trump in the White House?"

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, wait till you hear about what happened in England."


"They voted for Brexit."

"Really? So the UK isn't part of the EU anymore?"

"Uhhhh . . . I'm not sure. It got kind of complicated."


"The most thoroughly tested vaccines in—"

"—and it doesn't even prevent you from catching the disease?"

"Well it can't do everything, can it?"

"So how did it even get approved?"

"Well, it's technically not approved."


"It's emergency use authorization only so far. But don't worry. These vaccines will be approved."

"Alright. OK. So let's say I catch this new plague that's going around. What are my chances of dying?"

"It depends on your age and existing health condition."

"I'm 35 years old. My doctors have given me the all clear. I'm fit as a fiddle."

"Well, then, let me see . . . uhhh . . . do you want it rounded to the nearest whole number."


"Then your chances of dying are 0%."



"Well, that's what you get for filling your head with that horrible conspiracy theorizing and disinformation. Now put on your mask, it's time for your appointment."

"What appointment?"

"Your injection, of course. You should consider yourself lucky. There are still millions of people who are clamouring to get the vaccine."

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Hit me on the head as hard as you can. I want to go back into a coma."
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This piece is great, it puts into perspective what the hell is going on, for those who don't engage in the propaganda. . .

I found the whole thing so creative and entertaining.

" . . . Well, today let's imagine that our interlocutor from that 2015 article fell into a coma immediately after having his conversation with the man from the 1950s. He just woke up yesterday. Now, someone from 2021 is trying to explain the last six years to him.

"OK, explain this to me again. Why are we wearing masks?"

"Because of a worldwide pandemic."

"A pandemic? Oh my God! This is terrible!"

"Tell me about it."

"So how many of your friends and family have you lost?"


"What? I thought you said it's a terrible pandemic."


"Oh, right. So what did I miss? Let me guess, Hillary won in 2016, didn't she?"

"Guess again."


"Never mind. You're not gonna guess. Basically, Vladimir Putin crafted a devilish plan to use hundreds of dollars worth of Facebook Jesus memes to install his puppet Donald Trump in the White House."


"Why? Why? Do you even have to ask? I mean, why do you think Russia would interfere in your elections? To gain power over the US and advance its position on the world stage, that's why."

"Did it work?"

"Well, a bunch of Russians got sanctioned, a bunch of diplomats got kicked out, some ex-spies were poisoned right next to England's biological warfare lab, Reagan-era arms control treaties were scrapped, Russia is more hated in the US than any time since the Cold War . . ."

"So that's why Putin put Trump in the White House?"

"Yeah, I guess. Anyway, wait till you hear about what happened in England."


"They voted for Brexit."

"Really? So the UK isn't part of the EU anymore?"

"Uhhhh . . . I'm not sure. It got kind of complicated."


"The most thoroughly tested vaccines in—"

"—and it doesn't even prevent you from catching the disease?"

"Well it can't do everything, can it?"

"So how did it even get approved?"

"Well, it's technically not approved."


"It's emergency use authorization only so far. But don't worry. These vaccines will be approved."

"Alright. OK. So let's say I catch this new plague that's going around. What are my chances of dying?"

"It depends on your age and existing health condition."

"I'm 35 years old. My doctors have given me the all clear. I'm fit as a fiddle."

"Well, then, let me see . . . uhhh . . . do you want it rounded to the nearest whole number."


"Then your chances of dying are 0%."



"Well, that's what you get for filling your head with that horrible conspiracy theorizing and disinformation. Now put on your mask, it's time for your appointment."

"What appointment?"

"Your injection, of course. You should consider yourself lucky. There are still millions of people who are clamouring to get the vaccine."

"Can you do me a favor?"

"What's that?"

"Hit me on the head as hard as you can. I want to go back into a coma."
Dumb. Except for the observation "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen." the article was a wasted of bandwidth.
Dumb. Except for the observation "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen." the article was a wasted of bandwidth.
Dumb. Except for the observation "There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” Perhaps there are years in which centuries happen." the article was a wasted of bandwidth.
Whats dumb? Make a list :D

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