INTRIGUE IN IRAN: U.S./Israel Murder Iranian Nuclear Scientist...

Iran has no fear if it would state unequivocally that it respects Israel's right to exist within defensible borders, and if Iran vows to defend Israel against aggressors.
When has Israel ever declared its borders?
The answer is never since that makes it much easier to steal your neighbors' land and water.

Doesn't wash, son, and as long as the U.S. backs Israel against Iran, the latter is a bag of potato chips in the game of world politics.
Iran has no fear if it would state unequivocally that it respects Israel's right to exist within defensible borders, and if Iran vows to defend Israel against aggressors.
LOL, like that's ever going to happen!! :lol: :cuckoo:

Like Iran is not going to end in nuclear hellfire and flame if it ever uses the weapon. Fact, bud.
I believe that Iran wants them as a deterrent and not as an offensive weapon. :cool:
Iran has no fear if it would state unequivocally that it respects Israel's right to exist within defensible borders, and if Iran vows to defend Israel against aggressors.
When has Israel ever declared its borders?
The answer is never since that makes it much easier to steal your neighbors' land and water.

Doesn't wash, son, and as long as the U.S. backs Israel against Iran, the latter is a bag of potato chips in the game of world politics.

land and water a bag of potato chips ?
Pure water and land will be priceless and the envy of all.
Iran has no fear if it would state unequivocally that it respects Israel's right to exist within defensible borders, and if Iran vows to defend Israel against aggressors.
When has Israel ever declared its borders?
The answer is never since that makes it much easier to steal your neighbors' land and water.

Doesn't wash, son, and as long as the U.S. backs Israel against Iran, the latter is a bag of potato chips in the game of world politics.
The more time that goes by.

The more the U.S. will distance it's self from Israel.

And eventually leave Israel to fend for it's self.

Not today, not tomorrow, but someday in the future. :cool:
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Iran has no fear if it would state unequivocally that it respects Israel's right to exist within defensible borders, and if Iran vows to defend Israel against aggressors.
When has Israel ever declared its borders?
The answer is never since that makes it much easier to steal your neighbors' land and water.

Doesn't wash, son, and as long as the U.S. backs Israel against Iran, the latter is a bag of potato chips in the game of world politics.
If you're saying Iran is another victim of US/Israeli imperialism, I agree.

Do you agree the increasing threats of military action against Iran are in violation of the UN Charter and specifically a violation of Security Council resolution 1887 which calls on all states to resolve disputes related to nuclear issues peacefully and bans the use or threat of force?
I agree that neither you nor Sunni Man understand the real import of this struggle, one that Iran cannot win, one that can only end in devastation. Most of the world has no trouble seeing similarities between the the Third Reich and the Imam islamofascism of Iran.
If Iran currently possessed the same number of nuclear warheads as Israel (or the late Soviet Union), is it logical crippling sanctions would be on the table? How is it the US and Western Europe survived a Cold War involving tens of thousands of nuclear warheads on both sides, yet Iran poses an existential threat to civilization as we know it?

Crippling sanctions are intended to prevent Iran from putting nuclear warheads on its Shahab 6 and Shahab 7 missiles and becoming a nuclear threat to the US and western Europe.
Israel and the US are currently nuclear threats to Iran which is the only one of the three countries supporting a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East. It seems more likely crippling sanctions are designed to have the same effect of Iran's central bank as US interventions had on the central banks of Iraq and Libya; the New World Order has its sights set on Iran next.

It may well be that the Iranian regime is crazy enough to believe either Israel or the US is a nuclear threat to the country, but whatever their reasons for for doing it, it is clear that Iran is developing long range missiles in order to threaten western Europe and the US with nuclear attack, and it would be irresponsible of western governments to allow them to realize this desire.
Crippling sanctions convinced Japan that bombing Pearl Harbor was a good idea.

The US was incapable of applying crippling sanctions against Japan, however if it had before Japan became powerful enough to challenge us, WWII might have been avoided at least in the Pacific theater.
If Iran currently possessed the same number of nuclear warheads as Israel (or the late Soviet Union), is it logical crippling sanctions would be on the table? How is it the US and Western Europe survived a Cold War involving tens of thousands of nuclear warheads on both sides, yet Iran poses an existential threat to civilization as we know it?

Because the leaders of Iran are guided by religious zealots, who for a secular logic they have not the slightest need. They want to punish Israel and the land for the Jewish curse they believed has cursed the land unless the land is purged by fire. Several nukes would fulfill that desire nicely.
It's more likely the richest 0.1 of Iranians, including many high ranking military officers, control whatever madness the mullahs may have in mind. The rich are seldom suicidal in any country.

What's considerably more clear is how the US has been gearing up for the total destruction of Iran, with bombers and missiles ready to destroy 10,000 Iranian targets in a matter of hours. The firepower has quadrupled since 2003 and it's been accelerating since Obama took office.

The only existential threat this country is facing is on Wall Street and in the Pentagon.

No one is gearing up for the total destruction of Iran. The US, Israel and others are just preparing to apply enough force, if it becomes necessary, to prevent Iran from threatening much of the western world with nuclear armed long range missiles.
Iran has no fear if it would state unequivocally that it respects Israel's right to exist within defensible borders, and if Iran vows to defend Israel against aggressors.
LOL, like that's ever going to happen!! :lol: :cuckoo:

Like Iran is not going to end in nuclear hellfire and flame if it ever uses the weapon. Fact, bud.

Probably not. Iran's potential targets for its nuclear armed missiles would find it hard to justify the use of nukes when conventional weapons that would kill fewer innocents would suffice to destroy Iran's government and military.
LOL, like that's ever going to happen!! :lol: :cuckoo:

Like Iran is not going to end in nuclear hellfire and flame if it ever uses the weapon. Fact, bud.
I believe that Iran wants them as a deterrent and not as an offensive weapon. :cool:

Only if they're stupid. Israel was attacked by virtually the entire Arab world in 1973 despite the fact it was widely believed Israel had nuclear weapons and effective delivery systems, and China sent its soldiers swarming over the border into Korea to fight US troops during the Korean War despite the fact that the US had used nuclear weapons on an enemy just a few years before.

There are no historical instances that support the idea that possessing nuclear weapons provides a deterrence against attacks with conventional weapons, and while a substantial second strike capability may provide some deterrence against a nuclear attack if it can utterly devastate the enemy, the strategic thinking of the US and USSR during the Cold War that if either side could gain a strategic advantage over the other, nuclear war could be won suggests that possessing a modest nuclear arsenal may provide no deterrence against a nuclear attack from an enemy with a superior nuclear arsenal.
LOL, like that's ever going to happen!! :lol: :cuckoo:

Like Iran is not going to end in nuclear hellfire and flame if it ever uses the weapon. Fact, bud.
I believe that Iran wants them as a deterrent and not as an offensive weapon. :cool:

:doubt:Wrong Sunni boy ..

Throughout time, there have been many evil madmen who cite their cause as reason to perform horrific acts upon his fellow man. In the recent past, Hitler comes to mind. Among other things, under the guise of ethnic cleansing (or the elimination of an “inferior race”) for the greater good. One example is Hitler, who killed many Jewish people in an attempt to eliminate through horrific gas chambers what he saw as an "inferior race."

Jump forward to present day. The madman’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He refers to Israelis and Americans are "Little Satan" and "Great Satan," since to radical Muslims, the term "Satan" refers to groups rather than a specific individual as Christians know. Christians know that a fallen angel, Lucifer, is Satan. To a lot of radical Muslims, Satan is groups of people, or countries, not an individual, hence the “Satan” labels he’s given to Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad's potential weapons are even more horrific than Hilter's gas chambers in that they are capable of killing millions in minutes. His goal in doing this is to hail the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam.

According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover, among the Islamic Shia, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic prophet Allah and a perfect example being able to lead mankind in every way. The 12th Imam, according to some Shia Muslims, is a great spiritual savior. This savior has a name; Muhammad al Mahdi.
Mahdi was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called ‘Twelvers’. Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.

The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return al Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about their savior Jesus Christ returning to earth, as you will soon discover. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon and that he is the chosen one. Chosen by Allah himself to hasten Mahdi’s return; which wherein is where the problem lies.

Let’s pause and recap for a moment. At the very least, we clearly have an unbalanced man, most likely a psychopathic killer, who is the leader of an oil rich nation where money is essentially endless. His scientists are working around the clock to develop nuclear weapons. If unable to produce, he has the resources to purchase them along with biological weapons or E.M.P. devices from a friendly rogue nation. As a fanatical Muslim, he hates all non-Muslims especially Christians and Jews, which he openly states. Ahmadinejad is also someone who believes he has been told by the prophet Mohammed that he is the chosen one to hasten the return of the Muslim’s messiah by creating chaos throughout the world. Combine all of this with a world full of countries, except for Israel, who is unable or unwilling to stop this madman and we have all the ingredients of a very serious situation.

Iran, Ahmadinejad, & the 12th Imam
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I agree that neither you nor Sunni Man understand the real import of this struggle, one that Iran cannot win, one that can only end in devastation. Most of the world has no trouble seeing similarities between the the Third Reich and the Imam islamofascism of Iran.
Really you spew such rubbish....the dynamics will change completely when China and Russia come down on Irans side.Israel will of course will use nuclear before anyone else.
Yet they still deny they have them......they Iran etc., should be stripped of all Nuclear facilities and weapons NOW:cool:because t5hey are all MAD
Like Iran is not going to end in nuclear hellfire and flame if it ever uses the weapon. Fact, bud.
I believe that Iran wants them as a deterrent and not as an offensive weapon. :cool:

:doubt:Wrong Sunni boy ..

Throughout time, there have been many evil madmen who cite their cause as reason to perform horrific acts upon his fellow man. In the recent past, Hitler comes to mind. Among other things, under the guise of ethnic cleansing (or the elimination of an “inferior race”) for the greater good. One example is Hitler, who killed many Jewish people in an attempt to eliminate through horrific gas chambers what he saw as an "inferior race."

Jump forward to present day. The madman’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He refers to Israelis and Americans are "Little Satan" and "Great Satan," since to radical Muslims, the term "Satan" refers to groups rather than a specific individual as Christians know. Christians know that a fallen angel, Lucifer, is Satan. To a lot of radical Muslims, Satan is groups of people, or countries, not an individual, hence the “Satan” labels he’s given to Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad's potential weapons are even more horrific than Hilter's gas chambers in that they are capable of killing millions in minutes. His goal in doing this is to hail the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam.

According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover, among the Islamic Shia, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic prophet Allah and a perfect example being able to lead mankind in every way. The 12th Imam, according to some Shia Muslims, is a great spiritual savior. This savior has a name; Muhammad al Mahdi.
Mahdi was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called ‘Twelvers’. Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.

The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return al Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about their savior Jesus Christ returning to earth, as you will soon discover. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon and that he is the chosen one. Chosen by Allah himself to hasten Mahdi’s return; which wherein is where the problem lies.

Let’s pause and recap for a moment. At the very least, we clearly have an unbalanced man, most likely a psychopathic killer, who is the leader of an oil rich nation where money is essentially endless. His scientists are working around the clock to develop nuclear weapons. If unable to produce, he has the resources to purchase them along with biological weapons or E.M.P. devices from a friendly rogue nation. As a fanatical Muslim, he hates all non-Muslims especially Christians and Jews, which he openly states. Ahmadinejad is also someone who believes he has been told by the prophet Mohammed that he is the chosen one to hasten the return of the Muslim’s messiah by creating chaos throughout the world. Combine all of this with a world full of countries, except for Israel, who is unable or unwilling to stop this madman and we have all the ingredients of a very serious situation.

Iran, Ahmadinejad, & the 12th Imam
You are such an Asshole......theliq.....just cut the crap for a change.:clap2::clap2::clap2::eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle::eusa_hand:By the way YOU ARE NOTHING BUT A TERRORIST SCUMBAG and HYPOCRITE TO BOOT
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Throughout time, there have been many evil madmen who cite their cause as reason to perform horrific acts upon his fellow man. In the recent past, Hitler comes to mind. Among other things, under the guise of ethnic cleansing (or the elimination of an “inferior race”) for the greater good. One example is Hitler, who killed many Jewish people in an attempt to eliminate through horrific gas chambers what he saw as an "inferior race."

Jump forward to present day. The madman’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He refers to Israelis and Americans are "Little Satan" and "Great Satan," since to radical Muslims, the term "Satan" refers to groups rather than a specific individual as Christians know. Christians know that a fallen angel, Lucifer, is Satan. To a lot of radical Muslims, Satan is groups of people, or countries, not an individual, hence the “Satan” labels he’s given to Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad's potential weapons are even more horrific than Hilter's gas chambers in that they are capable of killing millions in minutes. His goal in doing this is to hail the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam.

According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover, among the Islamic Shia, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic prophet Allah and a perfect example being able to lead mankind in every way. The 12th Imam, according to some Shia Muslims, is a great spiritual savior. This savior has a name; Muhammad al Mahdi.
Mahdi was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called ‘Twelvers’. Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.

The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return al Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about their savior Jesus Christ returning to earth, as you will soon discover. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon and that he is the chosen one. Chosen by Allah himself to hasten Mahdi’s return; which wherein is where the problem lies.

Let’s pause and recap for a moment. At the very least, we clearly have an unbalanced man, most likely a psychopathic killer, who is the leader of an oil rich nation where money is essentially endless. His scientists are working around the clock to develop nuclear weapons. If unable to produce, he has the resources to purchase them along with biological weapons or E.M.P. devices from a friendly rogue nation. As a fanatical Muslim, he hates all non-Muslims especially Christians and Jews, which he openly states. Ahmadinejad is also someone who believes he has been told by the prophet Mohammed that he is the chosen one to hasten the return of the Muslim’s messiah by creating chaos throughout the world. Combine all of this with a world full of countries, except for Israel, who is unable or unwilling to stop this madman and we have all the ingredients of a very serious situation.

Iran, Ahmadinejad, & the 12th Imam
LOL, this is a very silly article.

And the author doesn't have a clue.

He is just mixing all kinds of nonsense about Iran; Ahmadinejad; and Shia Islam.

Into a huge loony lie that has No basis on reality. :lol: :cuckoo:

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