INTRIGUE IN IRAN: U.S./Israel Murder Iranian Nuclear Scientist...

I agree that neither you nor Sunni Man understand the real import of this struggle, one that Iran cannot win, one that can only end in devastation. Most of the world has no trouble seeing similarities between the the Third Reich and the Imam islamofascism of Iran.
Really you spew such rubbish....the dynamics will change completely when China and Russia come down on Irans side.Israel will of course will use nuclear before anyone else. Yet they still deny they have them......they Iran etc., should be stripped of all Nuclear facilities and weapons NOW:cool:because t5hey are all MAD

theliq is gibbering like one in a cage. China and Russia will not support Iran on this. Israel will, of course, defend the integrity of its borders, with nukes, if invaded or in retaliation for being overrun. Iran should be stripped of its abilities to continue, and, yes, one way or another it will be.
Crippling sanctions are intended to prevent Iran from putting nuclear warheads on its Shahab 6 and Shahab 7 missiles and becoming a nuclear threat to the US and western Europe.
Israel and the US are currently nuclear threats to Iran which is the only one of the three countries supporting a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East. It seems more likely crippling sanctions are designed to have the same effect of Iran's central bank as US interventions had on the central banks of Iraq and Libya; the New World Order has its sights set on Iran next.

It may well be that the Iranian regime is crazy enough to believe either Israel or the US is a nuclear threat to the country, but whatever their reasons for for doing it, it is clear that Iran is developing long range missiles in order to threaten western Europe and the US with nuclear attack, and it would be irresponsible of western governments to allow them to realize this desire.
It is "clear" that Iran is developing long range missiles to terrorize Western Europe in the same way it was "clear" Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. Two things are truly clear; the US and Israel possess thousands of nuclear weapons and both states are violating the UN Charter and SCR 1887 which specifically calls on all states to resolve disputes over nuclear issues peacefully and bans the use or threat of force.

The Iranian regime would be crazy if they didn't consider the US and Israel a threat to their country.
Throughout time, there have been many evil madmen who cite their cause as reason to perform horrific acts upon his fellow man. In the recent past, Hitler comes to mind. Among other things, under the guise of ethnic cleansing (or the elimination of an “inferior race”) for the greater good. One example is Hitler, who killed many Jewish people in an attempt to eliminate through horrific gas chambers what he saw as an "inferior race."

Jump forward to present day. The madman’s name is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran. He refers to Israelis and Americans are "Little Satan" and "Great Satan," since to radical Muslims, the term "Satan" refers to groups rather than a specific individual as Christians know. Christians know that a fallen angel, Lucifer, is Satan. To a lot of radical Muslims, Satan is groups of people, or countries, not an individual, hence the “Satan” labels he’s given to Israel and the United States. Ahmadinejad's potential weapons are even more horrific than Hilter's gas chambers in that they are capable of killing millions in minutes. His goal in doing this is to hail the Shiite Muslim's messiah, the 12th Imam.

According to Islamic belief, an Imam is an anointed leader or ruler. Moreover, among the Islamic Shia, an Imam is believed to be a prayer leader or cleric who is anointed by the Islamic prophet Allah and a perfect example being able to lead mankind in every way. The 12th Imam, according to some Shia Muslims, is a great spiritual savior. This savior has a name; Muhammad al Mahdi.
Mahdi was born around 868 A.D. at a time of large persecutions of Shiite Muslims. In order to protect him, his father, the 11th Imam, sent him into hiding. Mahdi appeared briefly in public as a child, but when his father died, he went back into the shadows. Even today, Shiites believe he continues to guide Muslims. Mahdi’s followers are often called ‘Twelvers’. Some devout Shiite Muslims believe him to be a direct descendant of the prophet Mohammed.

The president of Iran, Ahmadinejad, is a deeply committed Shiite Muslim and has spoken often and openly about praying for the return al Mahdi, his savior. But not in a way Christians speak about their savior Jesus Christ returning to earth, as you will soon discover. Ahmadinejad believes that the 12th Imam is coming soon and that he is the chosen one. Chosen by Allah himself to hasten Mahdi’s return; which wherein is where the problem lies.

Let’s pause and recap for a moment. At the very least, we clearly have an unbalanced man, most likely a psychopathic killer, who is the leader of an oil rich nation where money is essentially endless. His scientists are working around the clock to develop nuclear weapons. If unable to produce, he has the resources to purchase them along with biological weapons or E.M.P. devices from a friendly rogue nation. As a fanatical Muslim, he hates all non-Muslims especially Christians and Jews, which he openly states. Ahmadinejad is also someone who believes he has been told by the prophet Mohammed that he is the chosen one to hasten the return of the Muslim’s messiah by creating chaos throughout the world. Combine all of this with a world full of countries, except for Israel, who is unable or unwilling to stop this madman and we have all the ingredients of a very serious situation.

Iran, Ahmadinejad, & the 12th Imam
LOL, this is a very silly article.

And the author doesn't have a clue.

He is just mixing all kinds of nonsense about Iran; Ahmadinejad; and Shia Islam.

Into a huge loony lie that has No basis on reality. :lol: :cuckoo:

Really? Shiah and Sunni are killing each other Sunni boy. Muslims with never be at peace, It's not in their nature.
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Really? Shiah and Sunni are killing each other Sunni boy. Muslims with never be at peace, It's not in their nature.
What does the internecine warfare between Sunni and Shia have to do with Israel, Iran, and the nonsense article you posted? :doubt:
Sunni Man clearly can't defend his position logically. Iran simply has to state that Israel has the same right to exist as Iran does, and Iran must allow public inspections of its nuclear operations. There is no other way except severely punishing Iran. That will happen if Iran continues in its warmongering way.
Sunni Man clearly can't defend his position logically. Iran simply has to state that Israel has the same right to exist as Iran does, and Iran must allow public inspections of its nuclear operations. There is no other way except severely punishing Iran. That will happen if Iran continues in its warmongering way.

:lol: Yes because the U.S. and the West would never Warmonger. Wow,some Americans really are incredibly ignorant. They just swallow down anything their Government feeds them. The U.S.,Israel,and the West are doing all the Warmongering at this point. How many Nations has Iran invaded lately? How many innocent Civilians have they slaughtered in recent years? Certainly not as many as the U.S. has.

More Americans need to start putting themselves in Iran's shoes for a bit. They're being threatened everyday by numerous foreign nations. How would we like it if that was happening to us? How would we like spy drones flying over our nation,being bombed,and suffering from crippling sanctions? My guess is,we wouldn't like all that so much. Just a hunch anyway.
Defenders of Iran and opponents of Israel have the right to believe as they do.

They also have a moral obligation to understand that the USA, a good portion of the West, and Israel do not give a rat's fart for those beliefs.

If Iran continues in her nuclear construction and uranium enrichment, she will be severely punished and her people liberated from political islamofascism.
How many Iranians will be maimed, murdered and displaced?
Fewer than the millions of Iraqis who were "liberated?"
Really? Shiah and Sunni are killing each other Sunni boy. Muslims with never be at peace, It's not in their nature.
What does the internecine warfare between Sunni and Shia have to do with Israel, Iran, and the nonsense article you posted? :doubt:

Nonsense?....Coming from you it doesn't mean much. A white, American, convert who has these views...

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:

Whats does that say? In the end it doesn't matter what you say or these other defenders of the whack job in Iran.
Defenders of Iran and opponents of Israel have the right to believe as they do.

They also have a moral obligation to understand that the USA, a good portion of the West, and Israel do not give a rat's fart for those beliefs.

If Iran continues in her nuclear construction and uranium enrichment, she will be severely punished and her people liberated from political islamofascism.
What makes it a "moral obligation"? :confused:
Israel and the US are currently nuclear threats to Iran which is the only one of the three countries supporting a nuclear weapons free zone in the Middle East. It seems more likely crippling sanctions are designed to have the same effect of Iran's central bank as US interventions had on the central banks of Iraq and Libya; the New World Order has its sights set on Iran next.

It may well be that the Iranian regime is crazy enough to believe either Israel or the US is a nuclear threat to the country, but whatever their reasons for for doing it, it is clear that Iran is developing long range missiles in order to threaten western Europe and the US with nuclear attack, and it would be irresponsible of western governments to allow them to realize this desire.
It is "clear" that Iran is developing long range missiles to terrorize Western Europe in the same way it was "clear" Saddam possessed weapons of mass destruction. Two things are truly clear; the US and Israel possess thousands of nuclear weapons and both states are violating the UN Charter and SCR 1887 which specifically calls on all states to resolve disputes over nuclear issues peacefully and bans the use or threat of force.

The Iranian regime would be crazy if they didn't consider the US and Israel a threat to their country.

Israel and the US are threatening Iran because the regime is crazy. Neither country had any hostile intentions towards Iran, despite Iran's decades of supporting international terrorism and trying to destabilize its neighboring states, until the regime decided to make Iran a nuclear threat to Israel, the US and western Europe. The US may have been mistaken about Saddam's nukes, but, as events have proved, Saddam was crazy not to try to prove to us that he had none, and the Iranian regime is just as crazy as Saddam was to follow the same script he followed.
How many Iranians will be maimed, murdered and displaced?
Fewer than the millions of Iraqis who were "liberated?"

How many Iranians have been maimed, murdered and displaced by the Iranian regime and how many Lebanese, Israelis, Palestinian Arabs and now Syrians are being maimed, murdered and displaced by the Iranian regime? How many millions of people in the ME, western Europe and the US is the Iranian regime planning to threaten with its nuclear armed missiles?
I agree that neither you nor Sunni Man understand the real import of this struggle, one that Iran cannot win, one that can only end in devastation. Most of the world has no trouble seeing similarities between the the Third Reich and the Imam islamofascism of Iran.
Really you spew such rubbish....the dynamics will change completely when China and Russia come down on Irans side.Israel will of course will use nuclear before anyone else. Yet they still deny they have them......they Iran etc., should be stripped of all Nuclear facilities and weapons NOW:cool:because t5hey are all MAD

theliq is gibbering like one in a cage. China and Russia will not support Iran on this. Israel will, of course, defend the integrity of its borders, with nukes, if invaded or in retaliation for being overrun. Iran should be stripped of its abilities to continue, and, yes, one way or another it will be.
Integrity of its a very strange expression......and which borders are those may I ask,the borders from 1967,or did you mean the continuance of land illegally aquired by stealth from the Palestinians.....Israel as you should know but your total ignorance prevents you from comprehending,have little or NO INTEGRITY,their assasination of three and near miss of one Iranian scientist over the past 4 years is testiment to that.....something you tend to ignore,I don't happen to like the fuckers running Iran but I do balk at murder through ASSASINATION...IT GIVES OTHERS CARTE BLANCHE to do the same.

In NO WAY COULD YOU USE INTEGRITY AND ISRAEL IN THE SAME SENTENCE,when you see how theY have behaved in the it happens I do believe in the state of Israel but to suggest that they are cleanskins is in view of their past ridiculous.TL:cool:by the way a lot of these countries should be stripped of NC capability<so in that we agree>Pakistan,India,Iran and Israel.
theliq is melting down! :lol:

This is fun!! Where is the pet, tor or ter or derp, or whatever the name is?
theliq is melting down! :lol:

This is fun!! Where is the pet, tor or ter or derp, or whatever the name is?
Yep I'm quite enjoying it too:cool:but Crikey Jake,there is little FUN for the Palestinian and Israelis in all this,if only they could,should,would come to a agreement........Iran and all the other Fuckers would not be able to use this conflict to pressure Israel.These Arab nations and Iran,don't give a shit about Palestine or Israel...they are just making capital out of this situation,of which both these nations are well aware. As for melting down,well when I read that..I did have a wry like you I do still have a solid my spelling and grammar is pretty poor today,but who really gives a toss.
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Good sport! My point is that morality plays no role in this. America and Israel and the West will destroy Iran if necessary, and China and Russia will not interfere.
Good sport! My point is that morality plays no role in this. America and Israel and the West will destroy Iran if necessary, and China and Russia will not interfere.
Russia shares a border with Iran and China is a close neighbor.

And they each are most favored trading partners with the peaceful nation of Iran.

So yes, Russia and China will get involved; especially if the rouge state of Israel is the agresser.

That's why the Israeli lobby in the U.S. keeps agitating for America to attack Iran.

That way all blame will fall on the U.S. and not Israel.
It's pretty obvious how certain opinions in this thread would differ were it isreali scientists being murdered by unknown motorcyclists.
It's pretty obvious how certain opinions in this thread would differ were it isreali scientists being murdered by unknown motorcyclists.
Don't you know that to even ponder such a thing is anti-semitic!! :eek:

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