
Hi All, I happened upon this site as I was searching for truths. Glad to find a place that allows exchanging of ideas while still allowing freedom of speech. Thank you.

Welcome to the forum!

Welcome rookie.

Did you read the forum rules? If so, you know about the new prerequisite bunga bunga ritual.

You're a very brave individual. Good luck.
:welcome: lls...

is that the default 'intro' for one message posters?

seems to be.

anyhoo, welcome.
Hi All, I happened upon this site as I was searching for truths. Glad to find a place that allows exchanging of ideas while still allowing freedom of speech. Thank you.
Good luck
Enjoy our catering while it lasts (budget constraints and all that jazz).
Hi All, I happened upon this site as I was searching for truths. Glad to find a place that allows exchanging of ideas while still allowing freedom of speech. Thank you.
Freedom of speech is allowed here. Just don't let Pogo catch you misspelling any of it.
Hi All, I happened upon this site as I was searching for truths. Glad to find a place that allows exchanging of ideas while still allowing freedom of speech. Thank you.
Welcome to USMB, IIs. Hope you enjoy the boards.
Hi All, I happened upon this site as I was searching for truths. Glad to find a place that allows exchanging of ideas while still allowing freedom of speech. Thank you.
Searching for truths? Whatever.

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