Investigation will show Trump's policies led directly to the deaths of those four soldiers.

deans threads are fun aint they?....

Truth is seldom fun. The OP is right. 4 Seals are dead because of his reckless travel ban.
dean has won the award "the most biased poster" every year here since 2009....i have never seen him bad mouth the left,he overlooks anything they do,but will dig up shit on the right,and will repeat shit if he cant find nothing new....yea deans threads are funny because its hard to take anyone on the far left or right seriously....
deans threads are fun aint they?....
You should read the previous two posts just before yours. Or are you afraid you might learn something of value?

Has that been your fear all along?

Sophophobia is the fear of learning. It come from the Greek word sophia, meaning "wisdom" or "knowledge". It is considered a specific phobia. It is related to epistemophobia or gnosiophobia (both meaning fear of knowledge).
you dont learn anything from you dean,there is no knowledge,its all just rantings by a paranoid are like a commercial that gets played over and far lefties are just as bad as your kin on the far people like dividing people,you people hate those that have the gall and audacity to disagree with is some real knowledge for you dean.... people with your paranoid obsessive mindset are not helping those who you think you are helping,you make it worse...
deans threads are fun aint they?....
You should read the previous two posts just before yours. Or are you afraid you might learn something of value?

Has that been your fear all along?

Sophophobia is the fear of learning. It come from the Greek word sophia, meaning "wisdom" or "knowledge". It is considered a specific phobia. It is related to epistemophobia or gnosiophobia (both meaning fear of knowledge).
you dont learn anything from you dean,there is no knowledge,its all just rantings by a paranoid are like a commercial that gets played over and far lefties are just as bad as your kin on the far people like dividing people,you people hate those that have the gall and audacity to disagree with is some real knowledge for you dean.... people with your paranoid obsessive mindset are not helping those who you think you are helping,you make it worse...
Sophophobia - learning fear, knowledge fear, wisdom fear, learning phobia, knowledge phobia, wisdom phobia, fear of learning, fear of knowledge, fear of wisdom, phobia of learning, phobia of knowledge, phobia of wisdom, Epistemophobia, Gnosiophobia

I would be surprised that any right wingers learn anything. It's very difficult for them. It's the fear and terror that comes from actually knowing something. Imagine how many freaked out when Trump said Iraq was a disaster because of Bush. And they had been defending that for years.
deans threads are fun aint they?....
You should read the previous two posts just before yours. Or are you afraid you might learn something of value?

Has that been your fear all along?

Sophophobia is the fear of learning. It come from the Greek word sophia, meaning "wisdom" or "knowledge". It is considered a specific phobia. It is related to epistemophobia or gnosiophobia (both meaning fear of knowledge).
you dont learn anything from you dean,there is no knowledge,its all just rantings by a paranoid are like a commercial that gets played over and far lefties are just as bad as your kin on the far people like dividing people,you people hate those that have the gall and audacity to disagree with is some real knowledge for you dean.... people with your paranoid obsessive mindset are not helping those who you think you are helping,you make it worse...
Sophophobia - learning fear, knowledge fear, wisdom fear, learning phobia, knowledge phobia, wisdom phobia, fear of learning, fear of knowledge, fear of wisdom, phobia of learning, phobia of knowledge, phobia of wisdom, Epistemophobia, Gnosiophobia

I would be surprised that any right wingers learn anything. It's very difficult for them. It's the fear and terror that comes from actually knowing something. Imagine how many freaked out when Trump said Iraq was a disaster because of Bush. And they had been defending that for years.
cant defend yourself from what i said about you?.....thats because you are incapable of learning about yourself.... you would think by now you would have "Catagelophobia"...and "Bogyphobia"....
deans threads are fun aint they?....
You should read the previous two posts just before yours. Or are you afraid you might learn something of value?

Has that been your fear all along?

Sophophobia is the fear of learning. It come from the Greek word sophia, meaning "wisdom" or "knowledge". It is considered a specific phobia. It is related to epistemophobia or gnosiophobia (both meaning fear of knowledge).
you dont learn anything from you dean,there is no knowledge,its all just rantings by a paranoid are like a commercial that gets played over and far lefties are just as bad as your kin on the far people like dividing people,you people hate those that have the gall and audacity to disagree with is some real knowledge for you dean.... people with your paranoid obsessive mindset are not helping those who you think you are helping,you make it worse...
Sophophobia - learning fear, knowledge fear, wisdom fear, learning phobia, knowledge phobia, wisdom phobia, fear of learning, fear of knowledge, fear of wisdom, phobia of learning, phobia of knowledge, phobia of wisdom, Epistemophobia, Gnosiophobia

I would be surprised that any right wingers learn anything. It's very difficult for them. It's the fear and terror that comes from actually knowing something. Imagine how many freaked out when Trump said Iraq was a disaster because of Bush. And they had been defending that for years.
cant defend yourself from what i said about you?.....thats because you are incapable of learning about yourself.... you would think by now you would have "Catagelophobia"...and "Bogyphobia"....
Who knows what you said? Who cares?
Because many times, what you imagine you said and what you actually said are at odds.

You are like the spaz with the soccer ball. You attempt to kick it and six in a row, you miss. On the seventh time, you manage to give it a glancing touch and then you jump up and down and scream, "I won". Even though you never got anywhere near the net. The ball only moved about half a foot and not even in the right direction. That's you.
It's pitiful.
Just pitiful.
Chad was included in Trump's travel ban because it ran out of passport paper

Homeland Security, working with the White House, pushed Chad onto the list without significant input from the State Department or the Defense Department, said a congressional official briefed on the process who wasn't authorized to discuss it publicly and requested anonymity.

Other officials said once the other national security agencies learned of the plan to add Chad, they objected vehemently, but were overruled.


You see, Chad was our biggest ally in the region. They have been fighting Isis for years and winning. The were the reason the area was safe.

Then the Trump Administration added them to the "banned Muslim" list without any input from the State Department or the Defense department.


What we know and don't know about the deadly Niger attack - CNNPolitics

After multiple visits to the area, why was there an attack at this time?: Last week, Joint Staff director Lt. Gen. Kenneth Mckenzie said the patrol that was attacked had completed 29 patrols in the area without contact with hostile fighters over the previous six months or so and there was no indication an attack would occur on October 4.


And that was because a couple of weeks ago, when Trump posted his Travel ban, Chad became so incensed, they withdrew all their soldiers. They were quickly replaced by Isis.

The US relied on a country Trump bitch slapped. So they left. There were no drones. No other surveillance.

This is a direct result of Trump being inept. That's why he won't talk about it.
There needs to be a Benghazi type investigation. Trump will do this in other areas of the world if he hasn't already.
Trump has nothing to worry about. He didn't lie about it to cover his ass. That is what the Bengazi scandle was all about.
deans threads are fun aint they?....
You should read the previous two posts just before yours. Or are you afraid you might learn something of value?

Has that been your fear all along?

Sophophobia is the fear of learning. It come from the Greek word sophia, meaning "wisdom" or "knowledge". It is considered a specific phobia. It is related to epistemophobia or gnosiophobia (both meaning fear of knowledge).
you dont learn anything from you dean,there is no knowledge,its all just rantings by a paranoid are like a commercial that gets played over and far lefties are just as bad as your kin on the far people like dividing people,you people hate those that have the gall and audacity to disagree with is some real knowledge for you dean.... people with your paranoid obsessive mindset are not helping those who you think you are helping,you make it worse...
Sophophobia - learning fear, knowledge fear, wisdom fear, learning phobia, knowledge phobia, wisdom phobia, fear of learning, fear of knowledge, fear of wisdom, phobia of learning, phobia of knowledge, phobia of wisdom, Epistemophobia, Gnosiophobia

I would be surprised that any right wingers learn anything. It's very difficult for them. It's the fear and terror that comes from actually knowing something. Imagine how many freaked out when Trump said Iraq was a disaster because of Bush. And they had been defending that for years.
cant defend yourself from what i said about you?.....thats because you are incapable of learning about yourself.... you would think by now you would have "Catagelophobia"...and "Bogyphobia"....
Who knows what you said? Who cares?
Because many times, what you imagine you said and what you actually said are at odds.

You are like the spaz with the soccer ball. You attempt to kick it and six in a row, you miss. On the seventh time, you manage to give it a glancing touch and then you jump up and down and scream, "I won". Even though you never got anywhere near the net. The ball only moved about half a foot and not even in the right direction. That's you.
It's pitiful.
Just pitiful.
and who gives a shit what you say?....thats the thing many here say about your ranting one cares,you just get laughed at over and over again because as you have been told over and over, the rantings of the paranoid obsessed are just that,paranoid rants...and that is pitiful that you are too stupid to understand that and maybe try and come off a little more sane......the "spaz" with the soccer ball? usual making fun of the handicapped,how right wing of you....
Deanie claims to have been in the military.

Yet he can't seem to grasp the concept of the enemy staging a well planned ambush.

As we say in the south, "somethings wrong with that boy". ... :lol: :lol:
You have to know where someone is going to be for an ambush to work.
It’s called “intelligence”.
Something you find both perplexing and mysterious.
Now all he has to do is make up a phony story about a video causing everything and hope CNN and MSNBC and NBC and CBS and ABC all run with it.
Now all he has to do is make up a phony story about a video causing everything and hope CNN and MSNBC and NBC and CBS and ABC all run with it.
Phony? You mean the one that caused the deaths of more than 50 people worldwide.

Timeline: Protests over anti-Islam video

Seriously, I don't understand what fuels the ignorance that seems to infest your kind? Is it genetic? Brain trauma? What?

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