Iowa congressman: Go slow with Sandy aid because Katrina victims used it for 'Gucci b


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Bruce Alpert, | Times-Picayune By Bruce Alpert, | Times-Picayune
on November 01, 2012 at 10:19 AM, updated November 01, 2012 at 11:42 AM
Iowa congressman: Go slow with Sandy aid because Katrina victims used it for 'Gucci bags and massage parlors' |

WASHINGTON -- An Iowa congressman says Hurricane Sandy victims deserve federal help, but not without a few strings attached -- given how he contends Hurricane Katrina victims spent some emergency aid for "Gucci bags and massage parlors."

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, one of only 11 House members to vote against a $50 billion emergency spending bill for Hurricane Katrina, made the comments during a campaign debate Tuesday with his Democratic House opponent.

"I want to get them the resources that are necessary to lift them out of the water and sand and the ashes and the death that's over there in the East Coast and especially in the Northeast," the congressman said in the debate according to multiple media reports. "But not one big shot to just open up the checkbook because they spent it on Gucci bags and massage parlors and everything you can think of in addition to what was necessary." King was alluding to Hurricane Katrina.

His Democratic opponent, Christie Villach, called King's remarks "heartless" and "extreme."

So, was King speaking accurately? According to the Government Accountability Office, there were indeed abuses in how some aid recipients spent the $2,000 debit cards handed out by FEMA after Hurricane Katrina. It estimated that about 16 percent of early FEMA payouts to Katrina victims were for fraudulent or improper purchases.

It cited some examples: $2,000 for five New Orleans Saints season tickets; $3,700 to a jeweler in Arlington Texas for diamond jewelry and watches; and $400 for massage services at the Swedish Institute in Irving, Tex. The GAO didn't say whether any of the jewelry was made by Gucci.
Any time there are large sums of money given out in an emergency situation, there will be abuses. However, for how many honest citizens was that money a real helping hand that helped them get through the crisis? So, are we to deny them because of a few rotters?

It is November, bad weather coming, and many people with no homes and no place to go. If there are some miscreants that suck off the system while we help the good citizens, should we cease to help the citizens? Should we put layers of beaucracy that slows the help in this situation in order to maybe winnow out the miscreants?

I don't think so. Given the circumstances, those calling for the slowing of aid are creating real hardship for all to many honest citizens in these circumstances.
Any time there are large sums of money given out in an emergency situation, there will be abuses. However, for how many honest citizens was that money a real helping hand that helped them get through the crisis? So, are we to deny them because of a few rotters?

It is November, bad weather coming, and many people with no homes and no place to go. If there are some miscreants that suck off the system while we help the good citizens, should we cease to help the citizens? Should we put layers of beaucracy that slows the help in this situation in order to maybe winnow out the miscreants?

I don't think so. Given the circumstances, those calling for the slowing of aid are creating real hardship for all to many honest citizens in these circumstances.

We have example after of example of federal government aid going to disaster areas doing NOTHING to improve the situation.

Just take a look at New Orleans. Entire parishes lie empty or still unrebuilt in all these years. Millions of dollars in temporary housing - trailers brought in that were never used - gone to waste.

In the vast majority of cases, disaster relief goes to political cronies who do more to line their own pockets than to help the general public.

Name just one Disaster where this is NOT the truth!!! :mad:

Where does the most EFFECTIVE relief come from? Churches and other local charities.

All Gov Romney has EVER said is that states and local communities know about what is needed far better than a bunch of bureaucrats sitting in Washington. :cool:
Obviously you have never been affected by a major disaster. Many of us have - some right now are in the affected areas. You might want to quietly back out of the thread.
Bruce Alpert, | Times-Picayune By Bruce Alpert, | Times-Picayune
on November 01, 2012 at 10:19 AM, updated November 01, 2012 at 11:42 AM
Iowa congressman: Go slow with Sandy aid because Katrina victims used it for 'Gucci bags and massage parlors' |

WASHINGTON -- An Iowa congressman says Hurricane Sandy victims deserve federal help, but not without a few strings attached -- given how he contends Hurricane Katrina victims spent some emergency aid for "Gucci bags and massage parlors."

Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, one of only 11 House members to vote against a $50 billion emergency spending bill for Hurricane Katrina, made the comments during a campaign debate Tuesday with his Democratic House opponent.

"I want to get them the resources that are necessary to lift them out of the water and sand and the ashes and the death that's over there in the East Coast and especially in the Northeast," the congressman said in the debate according to multiple media reports. "But not one big shot to just open up the checkbook because they spent it on Gucci bags and massage parlors and everything you can think of in addition to what was necessary." King was alluding to Hurricane Katrina.

His Democratic opponent, Christie Villach, called King's remarks "heartless" and "extreme."

So, was King speaking accurately? According to the Government Accountability Office, there were indeed abuses in how some aid recipients spent the $2,000 debit cards handed out by FEMA after Hurricane Katrina. It estimated that about 16 percent of early FEMA payouts to Katrina victims were for fraudulent or improper purchases.

It cited some examples: $2,000 for five New Orleans Saints season tickets; $3,700 to a jeweler in Arlington Texas for diamond jewelry and watches; and $400 for massage services at the Swedish Institute in Irving, Tex. The GAO didn't say whether any of the jewelry was made by Gucci.

There is something wrong with you.


It's Republicans who spent the money after Katrina on unusable formaldehyde filled carcinogenic trailers purchased from Bush buddies using NO BID contracts.

Just stop it with the lies and tell the truth. Right wingers know no shame. But they should. All that Bible stuff they say they believe. They should check out the part about lying.

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