Iowa "student" killed after being deported to Mexico

Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.
I have morals but in war morals take a back seat to defending my family,country and people and we ARE in a war.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.

Given your "ruthlessness" is taken out on others on this MB, while you hide behind a keyboard, I have no doubt that when you use it in battle, you will be hiding in a tower or a hotel room, and take it out on humanity.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.
Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.
Duh, "mostly minor shit..." means sometimes major shit. So, you admit to being a criminal who has not been caught.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.

Given your "ruthlessness" is taken out on others on this MB, while you hide behind a keyboard, I have no doubt that when you use it in battle, you will be hiding in a tower or a hotel room, and take it out on humanity.
Not hardly. Yesterday I stood behind a mexishit at WalMart and thought how much I wouldn't care if I took his head from his shoulders in one swing from my axe.... I think about weird things but it gave me pleasure to think an enemy of my people would be gone from MY LAND.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.
I have morals but in war morals take a back seat to defending my family,country and people and we ARE in a war.
How did you do when you were put to the test, or are you just posting your fantasy of yourself as a soldier?
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.
Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.
Duh, "mostly minor shit..." means sometimes major shit. So, you admit to being a criminal who has not been caught.
You're reading comprehension needs help. I said traffic shit..aka seatbelt tickets,speeding tickets,following too closely. That's all you are getting out of me. Any criminal acts I committed I had damn good reason to do them and don't regret a damn thing I have done.
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.

I have morals but in war morals take a back seat to defending my family,country and people and we ARE in a war.

We are not in a war, and even if we were, William Laws Calley Jr. was a United States Army officer convicted by court-martial of murdering 22 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War.

BTW, have you seen the Elephant?

It seems your values are no different than Calley.
I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.

I have morals but in war morals take a back seat to defending my family,country and people and we ARE in a war.

We are not in a war, and even if we were, William Laws Calley Jr. was a United States Army officer convicted by court-martial of murdering 22 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War.

BTW, have you seen the Elephant?

It seems your values are no different than Calley.
Please. Democrats nuked entire civilian cities and firebombed civilians in Germany and Japan. Hundreds of thousands of dead civilians.
I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.

I have morals but in war morals take a back seat to defending my family,country and people and we ARE in a war.

We are not in a war, and even if we were, William Laws Calley Jr. was a United States Army officer convicted by court-martial of murdering 22 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War.

BTW, have you seen the Elephant?

It seems your values are no different than Calley.
Oh we are in a war absolutely. Every day my people are one day closer to extinction and its a war between the Jew and its lackeys and the white race. You can sit on the sidelines you can actively fight it or you can actively help it...I know where you stand which is why there are databases of enemies and those that aid the enemy
Iowa student killed after being deported to Mexico

1. He was 19 he is an ADULT
2. MAYBE if he wasn't a criminal he wouldn't have been deported before his DACA papers came back through.

He has no one to blame but himself. Eh at least he won't be jumping the border again!

I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.

Because I am smart. :)

So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.

Duh, "mostly minor shit..." means sometimes major shit. So, you admit to being a criminal who has not been caught.

Being proud of minor traffic laws demonstrates a lack of responsibility and a disregard for the care for others on the road. A character flaw in most callous conservatives.
I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.
Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.
Duh, "mostly minor shit..." means sometimes major shit. So, you admit to being a criminal who has not been caught.
You're reading comprehension needs help. I said traffic shit..aka seatbelt tickets,speeding tickets,following too closely. That's all you are getting out of me. Any criminal acts I committed I had damn good reason to do them and don't regret a damn thing I have done.
My reading skills are fine. You posted and said "mostly minor shit" separated and continued as "traffic stuff". You made no firm confirmation or claim that the major crimes you may have committed were traffic offenses such as DUI's, hit and runs, reckless endangerment, etc.
What kind of headline is that, does the link not know how many people get killed in Mexico by the cartels ?

News flash it happens everyday.
Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.

I have morals but in war morals take a back seat to defending my family,country and people and we ARE in a war.

We are not in a war, and even if we were, William Laws Calley Jr. was a United States Army officer convicted by court-martial of murdering 22 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War.

BTW, have you seen the Elephant?

It seems your values are no different than Calley.
Oh we are in a war absolutely. Every day my people are one day closer to extinction and its a war between the Jew and its lackeys and the white race. You can sit on the sidelines you can actively fight it or you can actively help it...I know where you stand which is why there are databases of enemies and those that aid the enemy

Some internet tough guy, do you drink the bar dry also?
[QUOTE="Camp, post: 20095497,
My reading skills are fine. You posted and said "mostly minor shit" separated and continued as "traffic stuff". You made no firm confirmation or claim that the major crimes you may have committed were traffic offenses such as DUI's, hit and runs, reckless endangerment, etc.[/QUOTE]
A 19 year old high school student? With a one year old child? A mom who brought him here illegally is giving interviews? A criminal record? What is this all about?

So he was held back a couple of years in school, got a girl pregnant, has a drug and DUI conviction, next are property crimes. Sounds like the typical liberal, good riddance.
I think there are some people who are sub-human, and you are one of them. Many of them spent long periods of their life in jails and prison; I wonder how you have (if you have) avoided being caged.

Because I am smart. :)

So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.

Duh, "mostly minor shit..." means sometimes major shit. So, you admit to being a criminal who has not been caught.

Being proud of minor traffic laws demonstrates a lack of responsibility and a disregard for the care for others on the road. A character flaw in most callous conservatives.
Most people are stupid so yep I am callous. I truly only care about my wife and kids and my Aunt. I will fight for my race but then I want to retire to a 20 acre spread in the middle of no where and be left alone.
A 19 year old high school student? With a one year old child? A mom who brought him here illegally is giving interviews? A criminal record? What is this all about?

So he was held back a couple of years in school, got a girl pregnant, has a drug and DUI conviction, next are property crimes. Sounds like the typical liberal, good riddance.
Liberalism has nothing to do with it, the human condition does.
He was well on his way to being a career criminal when he pissed off the wrong person. He was killed in a gang hit.

Such is the majority of daca.
Because I am smart. :)

So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

Nope. I am smart so I know EXACTLY how far I can take it. Sure I have broken the law many times mostly minor shit..traffic stuff. I tend to keep my temper in check I know one day I will get a chance to use my ruthlessness in battle.

Duh, "mostly minor shit..." means sometimes major shit. So, you admit to being a criminal who has not been caught.

Being proud of minor traffic laws demonstrates a lack of responsibility and a disregard for the care for others on the road. A character flaw in most callous conservatives.
Most people are stupid so yep I am callous. I truly only care about my wife and kids and my Aunt. I will fight for my race but then I want to retire to a 20 acre spread in the middle of no where and be left alone.
I heard they are taking volunteers for a trip to Mars.

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