Iowa "student" killed after being deported to Mexico

Because I am smart. :)
So you admit to being a criminal that has not been caught, yet.

LOL, his posts lack the substance and thought to conclude he is smart. He's like MindWars both echo a neo fascist lack of morality.

I have morals but in war morals take a back seat to defending my family,country and people and we ARE in a war.

We are not in a war, and even if we were, William Laws Calley Jr. was a United States Army officer convicted by court-martial of murdering 22 unarmed South Vietnamese civilians in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968, during the Vietnam War.

BTW, have you seen the Elephant?

It seems your values are no different than Calley.

Please. Democrats nuked entire civilian cities and firebombed civilians in Germany and Japan. Hundreds of thousands of dead civilians.

Democrats and Republicans and those who were too young to vote committed similar acts, under orders of their superiors in the Civil War, the Spanish-American war, Korea, Vietnam and The Middle East. WW II had crimes against humanity on both sides; I understand the difference between a war crime, and the use of ordinance to end a conflict or encounter which ultimately reduces more carnage.

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