Iran condemns US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Iran condemns US airstrikes in Iraq and Syria​

Iran's foreign ministry condemned overnight the U.S. retaliatory airstrikes in Iraq and Syria as a "violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity" of the two countries.
In a statement, Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Nasser Kanaani said the attacks were also "a clear violation of the United Nations Charter."
“In addition to an all-out support of the US for four months of relentless and barbaric attacks by the Zionist regime against the residents of Gaza and the West Bank, and military attacks on Yemen and violating the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, last night’s attacks on Syria and Iraq were another adventurous action and another strategic error by the US government which will have no result but to intensify tensions and instability in the region," Kanaani said.
“The attacks merely support the goals of the Zionist regime. Such attacks increasingly involve the US government in the region and overshadow the crimes of the Zionist regime in Gaza," he concluded.
The U.S. airstrikes came in response to the deaths of three U.S. service members last Sunday on a U.S. base in Jordan.
The American soldiers were killed in a drone strike launched by militant groups supported by Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), according to U.S. officials.
Reuters contributed to this update.
those Iranian leaders think they can reduce this awful war to a 'he said, she said' game in which children are thoroughly indoctrinated to become "Allah's Holy warriors" one day, making this series of wars to eradicate the presence of all things Western in the wider Iranian region an endless cycle of horrific, glorified violence.

they are mistaken to think this will last very long.
people tend to grow tired of war, especially if you use pictures of your own casualties as advertising material for demonstrations and such.

and i'm hereby notifying the rest of the social media forces (including via the form and social media itself), to pay close attention to just how ridiculous the recruitment efforts of the Palestinian-Iranian leaderships really can get.

we need to figure out a response.
i'll be happy to assist. for free.

those Iranian leaders think they can reduce this awful war to a 'he said, she said' game in which children are thoroughly indoctrinated to become "Allah's Holy warriors" one day, making this series of wars to eradicate the presence of all things Western in the wider Iranian region an endless cycle of horrific, glorified violence.

they are mistaken to think this will last very long.
people tend to grow tired of war, especially if you use pictures of your own casualties as advertising material for demonstrations and such.

and i'm hereby notifying the rest of the social media forces (including via the form and social media itself), to pay close attention to just how ridiculous the recruitment efforts of the Palestinian-Iranian leaderships really can get.

we need to figure out a response.
i'll be happy to assist. for free.
The MAGA folks will now side with the

those Iranian leaders think they can reduce this awful war to a 'he said, she said' game in which children are thoroughly indoctrinated to become "Allah's Holy warriors" one day, making this series of wars to eradicate the presence of all things Western in the wider Iranian region an endless cycle of horrific, glorified violence.

they are mistaken to think this will last very long.
people tend to grow tired of war, especially if you use pictures of your own casualties as advertising material for demonstrations and such.

and i'm hereby notifying the rest of the social media forces (including via the form and social media itself), to pay close attention to just how ridiculous the recruitment efforts of the Palestinian-Iranian leaderships really can get.

we need to figure out a response.
i'll be happy to assist. for free.
The problem is that Iran now has Big Brothers in Russia and China and they are untouchable unless a global war breaks out or a full decoupling occurs, which won't happen. The know this, so they will continue to arm proxies and attack U.S interests while the West continues to live on hopes and optimism that China will decide it is not in their economic interests to continue their pursuits. Check out their military expansion over the last two decades and their funding of Russian war efforts (also through N Korea), they have no interest in stopping. We did it to ourselves. Kudos to Chinas intelligence agencies, grossly underestimated.
The problem is that Iran now has Big Brothers in Russia and China and they are untouchable unless a global war breaks out or a full decoupling occurs, which won't happen. The know this, so they will continue to arm proxies and attack U.S interests while the West continues to live on hopes and optimism that China will decide it is not in their economic interests to continue their pursuits. Check out their military expansion over the last two decades and their funding of Russian war efforts (also through N Korea), they have no interest in stopping. We did it to ourselves. Kudos to Chinas intelligence agencies, grossly underestimated.
Russia and China are not going to do a thing if we smack Iran.
The problem is that Iran now has Big Brothers in Russia and China and they are untouchable unless a global war breaks out or a full decoupling occurs, which won't happen. The know this, so they will continue to arm proxies and attack U.S interests while the West continues to live on hopes and optimism that China will decide it is not in their economic interests to continue their pursuits. Check out their military expansion over the last two decades and their funding of Russian war efforts (also through N Korea), they have no interest in stopping. We did it to ourselves. Kudos to Chinas intelligence agencies, grossly underestimated.
Right on cue...there is MAGA supporting our enemies.
The problem is that Iran now has Big Brothers in Russia and China and they are untouchable unless a global war breaks out or a full decoupling occurs, which won't happen. The know this, so they will continue to arm proxies and attack U.S interests while the West continues to live on hopes and optimism that China will decide it is not in their economic interests to continue their pursuits. Check out their military expansion over the last two decades and their funding of Russian war efforts (also through N Korea), they have no interest in stopping. We did it to ourselves. Kudos to Chinas intelligence agencies, grossly underestimated.
you just advertised that the draft should be re-instated... ..

and you might well be right, but just to be safe, we should prep our entire economies for a conventional series of large scale proxy wars happening at the same time.. US, Canada, all of the EU and UK Commonwealth, Japan, South-Korea, and of course Taiwan too.
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we need to figure out a response.
The response should be the following.

1 - Start by taking out their entire Navy. Dont allow crippled ships to limp back to port either. Literally sink them ALL.

2 - Destroy their entire airforce. Destroy every civilian airport as well.

3 - Destroy every nuclear reactor they have. Is that going leave families without power? Aww, too fucking bad. I dont give a shit. They can never be allowed to start working towards nukes again.

4 - Tell them that if they or their terror proxies respond in any way to the above, we will actively hunt their leaders (governmental AND religious leaders) with missiles and bombs. If they continue attacking after that, we simply drop a bunch of nukes and be done with them forever.

Iran wouldnt be doing jack shit if i was president. I would bring the motherfucking pain.
Iran had some of its Tinker Toys in other countries that were being used to target US troops broken.

Russia and China are not going to do a thing if we smack Iran.
yep. first Afghan and Pakistani men organize 9/11, then they celebrate, then they get 20 years of "the treatments".

and next, Iran organizes and promotes a smaller scale Oct 7th attack series (and a longer and longer lasting war in Gaza and other parts in and around Israel), but still large enough to provoke the west into anger again.

i see no other solution than to keep the pressure (Judo-style and if necessary Nin-Jitsu style) on ALL Muslims world-wide, until they change themselves, possibly with the aid of the internet (i for instance am also active on DefenceHub | Global Military & Security Forum), or with frigging properly hierarchially orchestrated (counter-)indoctrination (internet-)schools for Muslim youths.

coz it's always the youngest that are the key to ending madness like this.
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Russia and China are not going to do a thing if we smack Iran.
Want to wager on that? You mean just as China didn't do anything when the U.S attacked Vietnam? There were estimates that as many as one million Chinese were fighting for Vietnam. China doesn't need to declare any action, they will just operate from afar in secrecy as they always do knowing they won't be called out or.punised, just as they today. When the entire Western governments covered for China (except for.Trump) after covid as millions died was the most revealing piece of evidence for China and their intel agencies as to just how powerful their influence efforts are. They will hence provide a great amount of assistance and/or rile up problems elsewhere in the SCS or Taiwan, activate their proxy in N Korea etc. China focused on aligning themselves with EVERY nation that sees America as their enemy and/or feel threatened by America. do we believe this was by accident? Iran was the perfect partner for Chinas long term strategic objective. Hey, we can always hope otherwise right? There's always that...
Want to wager on that? You mean just as China didn't do anything when the U.S attacked Vietnam? There were estimates that as many as one million Chinese were fighting for Vietnam. China doesn't need to declare any action, they will just operate from afar in secrecy as they always do knowing they won't be called out or.punised, just as they today. When the entire Western governments covered for China (except for.Trump) after covid as millions died was the most revealing piece of evidence for China and their intel agencies as to just how powerful their influence efforts are. They will hence provide a great amount of assistance and/or rile up problems elsewhere in the SCS or Taiwan, activate their proxy in N Korea etc. China focused on aligning themselves with EVERY nation that sees America as their enemy and/or feel threatened by America. do we believe this was by accident? Iran was the perfect partner for Chinas long term strategic objective. Hey, we can always hope otherwise right? There's always that...
They arm and send advisors, but will not directly engage us. Russia is busy. It is losing assets in Ukraine. China would possibly go to War with us over Taiwan

In regards to Tawain. Japan is arming back up over it and North Korea incidents.

those Iranian leaders think they can reduce this awful war to a 'he said, she said' game in which children are thoroughly indoctrinated to become "Allah's Holy warriors" one day, making this series of wars to eradicate the presence of all things Western in the wider Iranian region an endless cycle of horrific, glorified violence.

they are mistaken to think this will last very long.
people tend to grow tired of war, especially if you use pictures of your own casualties as advertising material for demonstrations and such.

and i'm hereby notifying the rest of the social media forces (including via the form and social media itself), to pay close attention to just how ridiculous the recruitment efforts of the Palestinian-Iranian leaderships really can get.

we need to figure out a response.
i'll be happy to assist. for free.
U spelled it wrong, I think U meant "allah's helly warriors".
They arm and send advisors, but will not directly engage us. Russia is busy. It is losing assets in Ukraine. China would possibly go to War with us over Taiwan

In regards to Tawain. Japan is arming back up over it and North Korea incidents.
Japan is arming up primarily to protect themselves as their intel agencies clearly worry about Americas long term viability as a super power. They certainly won't take on China alone. If the world REALLY wants to unite around "good vs evil", they would recognize Taiwan and even offer them into NATO. That is conviction of the higest order. Instead Cameron and the U.S are whispering about recognizing Gaza, probably in a attempt to force Bibis hand. Imagine how Taiwan would feel if that occurred? Men must be cautious but also courageous and principled. We don't have that in todays world and covid exposed a great deal about the world order as I imagined it would. I stated online that "we will know a great deal about our governments (in Canada) by how covid is handled". In Ontario they were.arresting people for walking their dog and an elderly man was killed by police ultimately for not wearing a mask in a grocery store. Our RCMP chief was telling people to get vaxxed, careers destroyed (China had to laugh at this outcome). Again, we did it to ourselves, I am a nobody but I am a great observer.
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