Will Israel Finally Get its US attack on Iran? Iran Denies Involvement in Jordan Attack


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
Just like Bin Laden denied anything to do with 9/11 numerous times. We took out Saddam for Israel anyway.

Does anyone actually believe anything this government says? Just for fun they'll say the terr'ists were hiding in the floorboards of a nursery.

Iran Denies Involvement in Deadly Attack on US Troops in Jordan - THE DAILY STAR

Iran Denies Involvement in Deadly Attack on US Troops in Jordan

Iran has officially distanced itself from the recent attack that resulted in the deaths of three United States troops at a US military outpost in Jordan. In a statement, Iran refuted claims linking it to the incident, describing these accusations as unfounded.

Nasser Kanaani, a spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, asserted on Monday that groups involved in “regional resistance” do not operate under Iranian directives. Kanaani emphasized Iran’s stance against further escalating tensions or initiating a new conflict in the region.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has committed to bringing to justice those responsible for the deadly attack, attributing it to groups backed by Iran.

Kanaani also commented on the situation in Gaza, stating that war is not a solution and advocating for an immediate ceasefire as a foundation for restoring peace in the region.
Initial evidence suggests the attack was carried out by an Iraq group .

Regardless, the US station has long been decreed illegal and it should count itself fortunate that this has not happened before and much more severely .

Not that MSM will ever tell you .
Just like Bin Laden denied anything to do with 9/11 numerous times. We took out Saddam for Israel anyway.

Does anyone actually believe anything this government says? Just for fun they'll say the terr'ists were hiding in the floorboards of a nursery.

Iran Denies Involvement in Deadly Attack on US Troops in Jordan - THE DAILY STAR

Iran Denies Involvement in Deadly Attack on US Troops in Jordan

Iran has officially distanced itself from the recent attack that resulted in the deaths of three United States troops at a US military outpost in Jordan. In a statement, Iran refuted claims linking it to the incident, describing these accusations as unfounded.

Nasser Kanaani, a spokesperson for Iran’s Foreign Ministry, asserted on Monday that groups involved in “regional resistance” do not operate under Iranian directives. Kanaani emphasized Iran’s stance against further escalating tensions or initiating a new conflict in the region.

Meanwhile, US President Joe Biden has committed to bringing to justice those responsible for the deadly attack, attributing it to groups backed by Iran.

Kanaani also commented on the situation in Gaza, stating that war is not a solution and advocating for an immediate ceasefire as a foundation for restoring peace in the region.

On February 11, 2003, Al Jazeera broadcast an audio tape purportedly from bin Laden. Shortly before the US presidential election in 2004, in a taped statement, bin Laden publicly acknowledged al-Qaeda's involvement in the attacks on the US, and claimed a direct link to the attacks.
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia › wiki
Responsibility for the September 11 attacks - Wikipedia

We know’ Iran is behind drone strike that killed 3 U.S. troops: DOD
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On Sunday, the Axis claimed responsibility for the attack on the outpost in Jordan, saying it was a ‘continuation of our approach to resisting the American occupation forces in Iraq and the region.’

Iran‘s foreign ministry spokesman Nasser Kanaani said on Monday the militias ‘do not take orders’ from Iran and act independently.

But Tehran is widely known to be the driving force for the attacks on the U.S. targets. Biden’s own aides, according to The New York Times, admit the efforts to hit targets in the region in response to drone and missile attacks – to ‘restore deterrence,’ the administration says – have failed.
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Who attacked US base in Jordan?
The Iran-backed militia group Islamic Resistance in Iraq put out a statement Monday saying it had targeted a U.S. garrison at al-Tanf, just across the Jordan-Syria border from the U.S. Tower 22 base that came under attack over the weekend, as well as two other U.S. bases in the region and an Israeli oil facility.20 hours ago
CBS News - Breaking news, 24/7 live streaming news & top stories › news
Iran denies role in deadly drone attack on U.S. troops in Jordan as Iran ...
Sunnis and Shiites have enough common ground to JOIN
HANDS IN JIHAD------they just hate each other


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A cleric walks past Zolfaghar, top, and Dezful missiles displayed by the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, at Imam Khomeini grand mosque, in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Jan. 7, 2022 (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
A cleric walks past Zolfaghar, top, and Dezful missiles displayed by the paramilitary Revolutionary Guard, at Imam Khomeini grand mosque, in Tehran, Iran, Friday, Jan. 7, 2022 (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi)
Is Iran really the existential threat Israel claims it is? This author thinks not
In his new book ‘Fear and Insecurity,’ Jonathan Leslie says Israeli politicians are blowing Iranian nuclear aspirations out of proportion – and they’re doing it for the votes
5 Mar 2023, 6:04 am
Between Iran’s nuclear ambitions, funding of terror groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah, growing military presence in Syria, and attempts to target Jewish communities and Israeli diplomatic staff in the Diaspora, it’s no wonder that many Israelis today view the Islamic Republic as a mortal enemy.

In fact, writes Jonathan G. Leslie in his new book, “Fear and Insecurity: Israel and the Iran Threat Narrative,” most Israelis believe the threat posed by Iran’s extremist regime is “comparable only to that of the Third Reich.”

Leslie thinks those concerns are overblown — and not simply because Israel is responsible for its own share of attacks on Iran.



A consultant and adjunct professor at the Center for Security Studies at Georgetown University in Washington, DC, Leslie focuses most of his book’s attention on the narrative Israeli leaders have constructed about the Islamic Republic over the last two decades. He also explores how diplomatic relations have evolved between both countries since the State of Israel was established in 1948.

During the reign of shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, writes Leslie, Israel and Iran developed a diplomatic relationship known as The Periphery Alliance. This saw the two non-Arab nations sharing mutual interests — and allies — during the Cold War, with Israel receiving Iranian oil in exchange for technical and military expertise.

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Leslie notes that the genesis of Iran’s nuclear program dates to 1957, when the Shah, with the assistance of the United States, began to develop a nuclear program for prestige purposes. When Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini came to power with the establishment of the Islamic Republic in 1979, the nuclear program was seen as a decadent relic of the Shah era.

A technician works at the Uranium Conversion Facility just outside the city of Isfahan, Iran, 255 miles (410 kilometers) south of the capital Tehran, Iran, February 3, 2007. (AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, file)
Following the 1980-1988 Iran-Iraq war, however, which saw Iran suffer at the hands of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, Iranian thinking changed, leading to a gradual development and expansion of an Iranian nuclear program.

Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution, Iran’s clerical leaders included Israel among Iran’s enemies, “charging it with oppressing Palestinians, illegally occupying Lebanon, and aligning itself with the United States, among other sins,” writes Leslie.


From the 1990s to the present day, Israel has viewed Iran as an existential threat.

But Leslie claims the two nations’ threat perceptions of each other are asymmetrical. “Israeli leaders [view] Iran as a far greater danger to their state’s security than Iranian leaders perceived Israel to be,” he writes.

Jonathan Leslie, author of ‘Fear and Insecurity: Israel and the Iran Threat Narrative.’ (Courtesy)
Researching the book, the American academic embarked on a field trip to Israel under the guidance of numerous Israeli scholars including David Menashri of Tel Aviv University, Meir Javedanfar of Reichman University in Herzliya, and Yael Berda of Hebrew University and Harvard University. Leslie notes that while official Israeli documents involving strategic security debates remain classified, older state records and other historical studies are not; they detail the early years of the relationship between Iran and the new Israeli state. He also notes that Israel allows access both to unclassified archival materials on relatively recent policy matters as well as the document collections of the Prime Minister’s Office, the Knesset, and the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

Leslie says transcripts of parliamentary debates that discussed Iran in the Knesset provided useful insights into how members of different parties in Israel have viewed the urgency of the Iranian threat across the country’s diverse political spectrum over the last few decades.

The author says he would have liked to have conducted more research in Iran but was not able to do so due to visa restrictions and other safety concerns. He was, however, able to visit Iran for two weeks as a tourist in 2016, where he discussed, informally, perceptions of Israel with many Iranians over the course of his trip. But he was not able to travel freely, set up interviews, or investigate archival material while in Iran.

The American political scientist compares the Israel-Iran conflict to the frozen conflict the United States and the Soviet Union went through during the Cold War. Each cast the other as an existential threat that justified investing massive resources into maintaining a continuous war readiness, while engaging in nuclear brinksmanship. However, unlike “the superpowers’ standoff, which emerged from the ashes of World War II, the origins of the Israel-Iran conflict are not as obvious,” Leslie writes.


Illustrative: Women spend an afternoon around the Persian Gulf Martyrs’ Lake in Tehran, Iran, July 6, 2019. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)
The Times of Israel caught up with Leslie via Zoom from his home in Arlington, Virginia, to speak about these and other issues in his latest book, which hit shelves on February 15. The conversation has been edited for clarity.

The Times of Israel: Your book claims Benjamin Netanyahu, as Israel’s longest-serving prime minister, has transformed the Iran threat from a technical security challenge into a moral crusade, evoking emotional memories of the Holocaust. Are you suggesting that over the last two decades, Netanyahu has exaggerated the Iranian threat as a ploy to win votes?

Jonathan G. Leslie: Yes. I do think it’s more of a political tactic from Netanyahu rather than a true belief that Iran is actively seeking to bring about a second Holocaust. Netanyahu’s image of Iran is based on fiction, fear and emotion, rather than historical events. By drawing parallels between Iran and Nazi Germany, [Netanyahu] has made it impossible to accept the possibility of diplomatic engagement with Iran in good faith. This type of rhetoric proved very persuasive to an Israeli public primed to view Iran as a frightening, irrational and implacable enemy, and it contributed to their acceptance of the notion of Iran as an existential threat.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu set out his ‘red line’ for Iran on a cartoon-bomb drawing during a speech to the UN General Assembly, on September 27, 2012. (Avi Ohayon/GPO/Flash90)
Still, numerous Iranian politicians, including the country’s current Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, have engaged in Holocaust denial. And Ahmadinejad, as you note in the book, once claimed he would “use a nuclear weapon to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth.” Are these threats to be taken seriously?

Iranian leaders have been guilty of Holocaust denialism and used inflammatory rhetoric towards Israel. But are the leaders of the Islamic Republic genocidal, and by extension, suicidal? I’m not sure they are. If Iran was to use a nuclear bomb against Israel it would be unleashing nuclear war not only in the Middle East, but globally too, and that would mean the end of the Islamic Republic. This apocalyptic scenario doesn’t fit with their behavior [thus far] as a government and as a state.

In this Sunday, June 12, 2005 file photo, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad waves to his supporters next to a picture of Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, during an election campaign rally in Tehran. (AP/Hasan Sarbakhshian)
In the book, you write that Israel often sees its relationship with Iran “through [a] prism of victimhood.” But there is a documented history of Iran attacking Israeli citizens abroad.

Take, for example, two incidents that you briefly mention in the book’s introduction — the car bomb that killed 29 people and injured 250 at the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires in March 1992, which Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for; and the AMIA Jewish community center bombing in Buenos Aires two years later, where 85 people died and hundreds more were injured. Islamic Jihad has close ties with Iran and Hezbollah, and an Argentinian magistrate concluded in 2007 that Iran was behind the AMIA attack and responsible for dispatching the murderers.

In this photo from July 18, 1994, a man walks over the rubble left after of the Argentinian Israeli Mutual Association (AMIA) building in Buenos Aires after it was targeted in a deadly bombing. (Ali Burafi/AFP)
The attacks took place in the early 1990s. Iran, as a security issue, remained a relatively secondary concern to most members of the Israeli political and security establishment for the rest of that decade. The escalation of the Iran-Israel conflict — and its prominence in public discussions of Israel’s security challenges — is a much more recent phenomenon with roots that can be traced to events in the mid-to-late 2000s, including the election of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in 2005, the Second Lebanon War in 2006, and the return of Benjamin Netanyahu to the Prime Minister’s Office in 2009.

The book argues that Israelis see Iran as their foremost security challenge, but “Iranians, by contrast, have their own domestic problems and are not focused on Israel in the same way.” However, last June, Turkey detained suspects allegedly working for an Iranian intelligence cell that planned to kidnap and assassinate a former Israeli ambassador and kill Israeli tourists.

Also, this month the chairman of Yemen’s Presidential Leadership Council accused Iran of violating a UN Security Council resolution and other international treaties by delivering lethal weapons to Yemen’s Houthi militia. This seems to suggest that Iran is not just concerned with domestic issues.
Surada, you are wrong now and forever.

Iran's nuclear industry program will be destroyed before the year is out.
Surada, you are wrong now and forever.

Iran's nuclear industry program will be destroyed before the year is out.
so true----she did the islamo nazi thing----a thousand tons of unrelated
bull shit sophistry

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