Iran, Declaration of War, and Congress


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
I don't believe they have yet, but what scenario would play out should Iran declare a "state of war" against the US? According to the War Powers Act, Congress alone has the ability to declare war. Although, the War Powers Act was ignored by President Obama on two separate occasions, once in Libya and once in Syria.

The War Powers Act was was also invoked in 2018 by Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Mike Lee (R-UT) in regard to Yemen, It was vetoed by President Trump.

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia

So what occurs if Iran declares a state of war against the US? Does Congress reciprocate by invoking the War Powers Resolution? And does President Trump sign the resolution or veto it?
I don't believe they have yet, but what scenario would play out should Iran declare a "state of war" against the US? According to the War Powers Act, Congress alone has the ability to declare war. Although, the War Powers Act was ignored by President Obama on two separate occasions, once in Libya and once in Syria.

The War Powers Act was was also invoked in 2018 by Bernie Sanders (I-VT), Chris Murphy (D-CT), and Mike Lee (R-UT) in regard to Yemen, It was vetoed by President Trump.

War Powers Resolution - Wikipedia

So what occurs if Iran declares a state of war against the US? Does Congress reciprocate by invoking the War Powers Resolution? And does President Trump sign the resolution or veto it?
Iran has been at a state of war with us for 40 years.

WHAT ELSE IS NEW? ‘This was an act of war’: Lawmakers react to Iran’s missile strike on US military bases.

The Suleimani killing forced Iran’s 40-year-war with us out of the shadows — where they can’t afford to fight.

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