Iran Declares Victory Over Obama


Umm...Iran supports terrorism and has funded terrorists who have killed Americans ...Just do you know

You mean we stick our dicks in the Middle East Hornet's nest and whine about getting stung.

Hey, you know who else has funded terrorists who have killed Americans?


Yup, Osama Bin Laden was one of those wonderful "Freedom Fighters" that Ronald Reagan gave Stinger missiles to because the mean old Commies were teaching girls how to read in Afghanistan.

How'd that turn out again?

Bin laden was nothing back then, we funded the mujahidin which defeated the soviets as a result get it straight.
Thus Jimmy Carter's misguided implementation of human rights policies not only indirectly led to overthrow of the Shah of Iran, but also paved the way for loss of more than 600,000 lives, Iran's rule by Ayatollahs, the Iran-Iraq War, Iraq's Invasion of Kuwait and Desert Storm, the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, and the mass murder of Americans and destruction of the World Trade Center towers on September 11, 2001
LOL......that's quite a laundry list of blame laid at Pres. Carter's feet. :cuckoo: :lol: :lol:

Most of which he had zero responsibility for. .. :cool:

the Shah provided stability in the region and kept the wako muslim nutjobs in check

Very true.

I lived in Tehran from 1967 to 1970. I was constantly trying to explain to people back in the UK that as autocrats went the Shah was not too bad. He was trying to educate the citizens into something like the modern world. I pointed out that there was no good alternative: if the Shah went religious fanatics would take over and that would be much worse.

I got it right. Though I did not see how very much worse. I did not forecast the savage cruelty of the Islamic republic which would hang little girls in public squares on trumped up religious charges. The Shah was not a saint. Bu nor was he a devil like those who came after him.
Not a great surprise. This is the same mentality of their Hezbollah brothers or Hamas terrorists that when being hammered by Israel, beg for cease fire and then they dance and shoot in the air, declaring victory when Israel stops/retreats!

That's is what they want "to be more western"

No, they really didn't and they really don't.

the reforms were started untill the 70s

Actually, Iran was a state where the rich lived very well and the rest of the population lived in Shit. And it got the appropriate result.

and there is no real democracy there now,

Hmmm.. they have elections. They count the votes. And sometimes you really don't know who is going to win.

Now, it is silly that the Clerics decide who is on the ballot? Yup. But frankly, in this country, our candidates are picked by Wall Street, so not much of a difference.

also the muslim nutjobs killed far more people than the Shah ever did

Not really. Maybe you need to read up on SAVAK, the Shah's Secret Police.

SAVAK - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bin laden was nothing back then, we funded the mujahidin which defeated the soviets as a result get it straight.

Bin Laden made his bones in Afghanistan. Gorbachev BEGGED Reagan to stop funding these guys, they were really bad news.

How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden | News One

Former British Foreign secretary, Robin Cook said:

Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.

Several other authors, journalists and statesmen have all made the claim that Bin Laden was funded, armed and trained by the CIA to fight off the Russians.

The U.S.A. would fund Gulbuddin Hekmatyar a mujahideen leader and alleged heroin dealer who worked closely with Bin Laden. Hekmaytyar and his political party/paramilitary group would receive more than $600 million from the USA. Author, Alfred McCoy, would claim that the CIA supported Hekmatyar in his illicit heroin trade to allow him to fund the mujahideen.Like Bin Laden, Hekmatyar has also become an enemy of the U.S., waging a war against coalition forces in Afghanistan after 2001.

Just remember- when they kill Russians, they are "Freedom Fighters"
When they kill Americans, they are "Terrorists".

Bin laden was nothing back then, we funded the mujahidin which defeated the soviets as a result get it straight.

Bin Laden made his bones in Afghanistan. Gorbachev BEGGED Reagan to stop funding these guys, they were really bad news.
How The CIA Helped Create Osama Bin Laden | News One

Former British Foreign secretary, Robin Cook said:

Bin Laden was, though, a product of a monumental miscalculation by western security agencies. Throughout the 80s he was armed by the CIA and funded by the Saudis to wage jihad against the Russian occupation of Afghanistan.

Several other authors, journalists and statesmen have all made the claim that Bin Laden was funded, armed and trained by the CIA to fight off the Russians.

The U.S.A. would fund Gulbuddin Hekmatyar a mujahideen leader and alleged heroin dealer who worked closely with Bin Laden. Hekmaytyar and his political party/paramilitary group would receive more than $600 million from the USA. Author, Alfred McCoy, would claim that the CIA supported Hekmatyar in his illicit heroin trade to allow him to fund the mujahideen.Like Bin Laden, Hekmatyar has also become an enemy of the U.S., waging a war against coalition forces in Afghanistan after 2001.

Just remember- when they kill Russians, they are "Freedom Fighters"
When they kill Americans, they are "Terrorists".

Gorbachev?:lol: Really? Are you one of those Gorbachev admirers? :lol: You're too funny The mujahideen and Talaban are not the same thing

Gorbachev?:lol: Really? Are you one of those Gorbachev admirers? :lol: You're too funny The mujahideen and Talaban are not the same thing

No, actually, they WERE the same thing. They were the same bunches of assholes who lived in mortal terror the Commies might teach girls to read, and maybe show a little ankle.

And one didn't need to admire Gorby to realize- giving religious assholes weapons and encouraging them to kill people is a really stupid thing to do.

Again, sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.
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Gorbachev?:lol: Really? Are you one of those Gorbachev admirers? :lol: You're too funny The mujahideen and Talaban are not the same thing

No, actually, they WERE the same thing. They were the same bunches of assholes who lived in mortal terror the Commies might teach girls to read, and maybe show a little ankle.

And one didn't need to admire Gorby to realize- giving religious assholes weapons and encouraging them to kill people is a really stupid thing to do.

Again, sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

There was some crossover, but they were not the same. We had bigger fish to fry at the time

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend "

Gorbachev?:lol: Really? Are you one of those Gorbachev admirers? :lol: You're too funny The mujahideen and Talaban are not the same thing

No, actually, they WERE the same thing. They were the same bunches of assholes who lived in mortal terror the Commies might teach girls to read, and maybe show a little ankle.

And one didn't need to admire Gorby to realize- giving religious assholes weapons and encouraging them to kill people is a really stupid thing to do.

Again, sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

There was some crossover, but they were not the same. We had bigger fish to fry at the time

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend "

Actually, they were the same bunch of assholes.

and you need to pick your friends carefully.

We though Autocracy was bad in WWI. So we toppled the Autocrats and made room for the Fascists.

Then we thought the Fascists were bad, so we allied ourselves with the Communists (who actually did most of the real fighting) and eventually were a threat to our very homeland. I'm assuming you are too young to remember atom bomb drills, but I'm not.

Then we decided to enable the Jihadists to beat the Communists. How's that working out for us?
The mujahideen and Talaban are not the same thing
Yes, and no......

The word 'mujahideen' is a generic arab word for any muslim who fights a jihad for the cause of Islam against the infidels.

Whereas, the Taliban is an ethnic Afghan fighter; but is also considered a mujahideen. .. :cool:
No, actually, they WERE the same thing. They were the same bunches of assholes who lived in mortal terror the Commies might teach girls to read, and maybe show a little ankle.

And one didn't need to admire Gorby to realize- giving religious assholes weapons and encouraging them to kill people is a really stupid thing to do.

Again, sticking our dicks into a hornet's nest and wondering why we get stung.

There was some crossover, but they were not the same. We had bigger fish to fry at the time

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend "

Actually, they were the same bunch of assholes.

and you need to pick your friends carefully.

We though Autocracy was bad in WWI. So we toppled the Autocrats and made room for the Fascists.

Then we thought the Fascists were bad, so we allied ourselves with the Communists (who actually did most of the real fighting) and eventually were a threat to our very homeland. I'm assuming you are too young to remember atom bomb drills, but I'm not.

Then we decided to enable the Jihadists to beat the Communists. How's that working out for us?

all those you mentioned have been defeated :cool: Take um out one at a time :thup:
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The mujahideen and Talaban are not the same thing
Yes, and no......

The word 'mujahideen' is a generic arab word for any muslim who fights a jihad for the cause of Islam against the infidels.

Whereas, the Taliban is an ethnic Afghan fighter; but is also considered a mujahideen. .. :cool:

The mujahideen who fought the Soviets are not the Taliban. Plenty of the former Mujahideen helped us drive the Taliban from power
The mujahideen and Talaban are not the same thing
Yes, and no......

The word 'mujahideen' is a generic arab word for any muslim who fights a jihad for the cause of Islam against the infidels.

Whereas, the Taliban is an ethnic Afghan fighter; but is also considered a mujahideen. .. :cool:

The mujahideen who fought the Soviets are not the Taliban. Plenty of the former Mujahideen helped us drive the Taliban from power
The muslims who fought against the Soviet Union were your garden variety jihadists from various countries and were called mujahideen.

Whereas, the Taliban (the students) was an indigenous Afghan political movement composed almost entirely of Afghan citizens fighting for control of their country against other Afghan political parties. . :cool:
There was some crossover, but they were not the same. We had bigger fish to fry at the time

"the enemy of my enemy is my friend "

Actually, they were the same bunch of assholes.

and you need to pick your friends carefully.

We though Autocracy was bad in WWI. So we toppled the Autocrats and made room for the Fascists.

Then we thought the Fascists were bad, so we allied ourselves with the Communists (who actually did most of the real fighting) and eventually were a threat to our very homeland. I'm assuming you are too young to remember atom bomb drills, but I'm not.

Then we decided to enable the Jihadists to beat the Communists. How's that working out for us?

all those you mentioned have been defeated :cool: Take um out one at a time :thup:

Until it's our turn, then...

Because frankly, with declining birth rates and sloth, I don't think we can keep manipulating others to do our fighting without getting blowback.

Oh, this is what blow-back looks like...

Frankly who gives a rats ass about Iran, Jimmy Cater, and the rest of the rag heads in the mid east, let them continue to live in the medieval ages and war against each other over the proper interpretation of the Koran. In the event they want to step out of the sand box and spread their hate, then you have a problem, which will require a deadly retaliatory force.
One final note, Israel never threatened their neighbors with extinction, and if you think Iran is some peace loving blissful nation maybe you should move there.
As for Obama, well lets just say he a Jimmy are cut from the same cloth. Rag heads 2 Democrats 0.
Actually, they were the same bunch of assholes.

and you need to pick your friends carefully.

We though Autocracy was bad in WWI. So we toppled the Autocrats and made room for the Fascists.

Then we thought the Fascists were bad, so we allied ourselves with the Communists (who actually did most of the real fighting) and eventually were a threat to our very homeland. I'm assuming you are too young to remember atom bomb drills, but I'm not.

Then we decided to enable the Jihadists to beat the Communists. How's that working out for us?

all those you mentioned have been defeated :cool: Take um out one at a time :thup:

Until it's our turn, then...

Because frankly, with declining birth rates and sloth, I don't think we can keep manipulating others to do our fighting without getting blowback.

Oh, this is what blow-back looks like...


The war goes on no matter what people like you or Obama think...

What is our aim? Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; Victory how ever long and hard the road may be. — Sir Winston Churchill
Iran Declares Victory Over Obama

Hilarious. Republicans foreign policy has been the most disastrous ever for the country and the world.

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The war goes on no matter what people like you or Obama think...

What is our aim? Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; Victory how ever long and hard the road may be. — Sir Winston Churchill

What war?

Frankly, the Zionists are welcome to fight their own damned war. We need to stay the fuck out of it.

The war goes on no matter what people like you or Obama think...

What is our aim? Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; Victory how ever long and hard the road may be. — Sir Winston Churchill

What war?

Frankly, the Zionists are welcome to fight their own damned war. We need to stay the fuck out of it.


The war goes on no matter what people like you or Obama think...

What is our aim? Victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror; Victory how ever long and hard the road may be. — Sir Winston Churchill

What war?

Frankly, the Zionists are welcome to fight their own damned war. We need to stay the fuck out of it.

which war is that of the 'zionists' ??? was world war II a "jew's war"??? Interestingly
enough---your comment is a reprise of the nazi and pro-nazi propaganda of the 1930s.
I believe that there is going to be a war -----into which the US will be forced to intervene.
No matter what the circumstances galvanizing that intervention----you and yours will
complain "jews'' (or zionists') war. Some things never change

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