Iran or Obama, who's more trustworthy?

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Gads, that's a tough one.

Iran tells us exactly what they are going to do. Obie never fails to lie. Not a hard choice to make here as sad and pathetic as that choice is.
Both are equally trusthworthy or more accurately equally untrustworthy.

Both have continually broken promises when it suits them.

Obama is on a personal ego trip to be remember as somebody, and the Ayatollahs in Iran have done nothing else but cheat and lie their way through the negotiations all these years.

Birds of a feather both.
Iran or the GOP... which can reach a compromise with the U.S. President?
Neither can be trusted.......................

Both are known Liars.........................

Anyone who makes a deal with Liars is a Fool...............
Neither Iran nor obama are trustworthy. The difference is Iran doesn't expect me to believe them nor will their feelings get hurt if I don't.
Both are equally trusthworthy or more accurately equally untrustworthy.

Both have continually broken promises when it suits them.

Obama is on a personal ego trip to be remember as somebody, and the Ayatollahs in Iran have done nothing else but cheat and lie their way through the negotiations all these years.

Birds of a feather both.
Which nation's citizens are dancing in the streets over this "deal"?

Certainly not ours.

'Nuff said.

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