Iran says US, Israel not welcome to inauguration of Hasan Rouhani

Upon hearing the bad news....

It's too bad Iran did not invite them. I think it would set a good precedent for future diplomatic relations. True though that U.S. and Israel could care less.
Mebbe dey's light at the end o' the tunnel...
Iran's New President Picks Reformist as Top Deputy
August 05, 2013 > New Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has picked a prominent reformer to be his top deputy.
Iran's state-run TV on Monday said the president chose former industry and mines minister Eshaq Jahangiri as his first vice president. Jahangiri is a close ally of former reformist president Mohammad Khatami and would be first in line to take over as president if anything happened to Rouhani. Late Sunday, Rouhani submitted the names of his Cabinet ministers to parliament. All are men and few are reformists, though many had served under another former reformist president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Two names that have been getting attention are Javad Zarif, the nominee for foreign minister, and Mostafa Pourmohammadi, the nominee for justice minister. Zarif is a former ambassador to the United Nations and a fluent English speaker who has spent half his life in the United States. Some human rights groups have linked Pourmohammadi to the killings of Iranian political prisoners. Rouhani swept to victory in Iran's presidential elections in June thanks in large part to the support of reform-minded voters.

During his swearing-in ceremony before parliament on Sunday, Rouhani said his administration "will try to build up better and more mutual confidence between Iran and other countries." Rouhani takes office as Iran's economy suffera from high inflation and high unemployment, some of it due to ongoing international sanctions targeting Iran's nuclear program. The United States and many Western nations suspect Iran of trying to build nuclear weapons, a charge Iran denies.

Following his election victory, Rouhani said Iran's "nuclear program is completely transparent but we are willing to show more transparency and to make clear to the entire world that the Islamic Republic's measures are within international guidelines." Even though Rouhani wields power as president, major policy decisions in Iran still rest with the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. On Monday, the supreme leader appointed former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the Expediency Council. The council advises the supreme leader on key issues.

Iran's New President Picks Reformist as Top Deputy
There's light at the end of the tunnel, but there's no tunnel. iow:

There might be a lot of talk, but I doubt there will be any walk.

Still, I've been wrong before. Yet the arming of the Green Shia Crescent continues at record pace.


Mebbe dey's light at the end o' the tunnel...
Iran's New President Picks Reformist as Top Deputy
August 05, 2013 > New Iranian President Hassan Rouhani has picked a prominent reformer to be his top deputy.
Iran's state-run TV on Monday said the president chose former industry and mines minister Eshaq Jahangiri as his first vice president. Jahangiri is a close ally of former reformist president Mohammad Khatami and would be first in line to take over as president if anything happened to Rouhani. Late Sunday, Rouhani submitted the names of his Cabinet ministers to parliament. All are men and few are reformists, though many had served under another former reformist president, Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani.

Two names that have been getting attention are Javad Zarif, the nominee for foreign minister, and Mostafa Pourmohammadi, the nominee for justice minister. Zarif is a former ambassador to the United Nations and a fluent English speaker who has spent half his life in the United States. Some human rights groups have linked Pourmohammadi to the killings of Iranian political prisoners. Rouhani swept to victory in Iran's presidential elections in June thanks in large part to the support of reform-minded voters.

During his swearing-in ceremony before parliament on Sunday, Rouhani said his administration "will try to build up better and more mutual confidence between Iran and other countries." Rouhani takes office as Iran's economy suffera from high inflation and high unemployment, some of it due to ongoing international sanctions targeting Iran's nuclear program. The United States and many Western nations suspect Iran of trying to build nuclear weapons, a charge Iran denies.

Following his election victory, Rouhani said Iran's "nuclear program is completely transparent but we are willing to show more transparency and to make clear to the entire world that the Islamic Republic's measures are within international guidelines." Even though Rouhani wields power as president, major policy decisions in Iran still rest with the supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. On Monday, the supreme leader appointed former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to the Expediency Council. The council advises the supreme leader on key issues.

Iran's New President Picks Reformist as Top Deputy
It always baffles me that the American right wing accuse Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and then dance around in delight when the opposite is proven true.

So tell us Skye - does this story suggest that Obama has a good relationship with Hezbollah, or not?
It always baffles me that the American right wing accuse Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and then dance around in delight when the opposite is proven true.

saigon ----your statement makes no sense
It always baffles me that the American right wing accuse Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and then dance around in delight when the opposite is proven true.

saigon ----your statement makes no sense

This is likely why he's baffled himself.
Rosie, Ropey -

Obviously it does make sense.

1) Obama is accused often of "palling around with terrorists"

2) The country in the world which is he greatest supporter of terror in the world just proved once again that they hate Obama.

How hard was that to figure out, really?
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It always baffles me that the American right wing accuse Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and then dance around in delight when the opposite is proven true.

saigon ----your statement makes no sense

This is likely why he's baffled himself.
Rosie, Ropey -

Obviously it does make sense.

1) Obama is accused often of "palling around with terrorists"

2) The country in the world which is he greatest supporter of terror in the world just proved once again that they hate Obama.

How hard was that to figure out, really?

You're the one who is baffled.

I'm just laughing at you admitting how you've baffled yourself.

Doubly now that you're trying to explain why you're not baffled after saying you were baffled.

Ropey -

Not only do I understand my point - I don't understand how any literate adult would not understand it. If you can understand it - why not discuss it?
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Ropey -

The point is very simple. I have no idea why you are struggling with it.

I'll walk you through it.

1) Do you understand and accept that Obama has often been accused of "palling around" with terrorists?
Ropey -

Putting you on ignore more now.

I really don't know why people waste their time on this board when they simply lack the lacnguage skills to communicate or understand even basic ideas.

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