Iran Teams Up With Al-Qaeda, Claims Dubious Telegraph Report


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2012

Iran Teams Up With Al-Qaeda, Claims Dubious Telegraph Report

While Israel openly directs US-backed Al-Qaeda linked terror group to carry out attacks in Iran

While it’s an open secret that Israel is funding US-backed terror groups with links to Al-Qaeda to carry out attacks in Iran, the London Telegraph now claims in a dubious report that Iran has teamed up with Al-Qaeda to carry out attacks in the United States, in a repeat of the lurid propaganda that preceded the 2003 invasion of Iraq when Saddam Hussein was falsely linked with Al-Qaeda.
Iran Teams Up With Al Qaeda, Claims Dubious Telegraph Report Irans Revolutionary Guard 006

Despite the fact that the war propaganda used to justify the attack on Iraq went down in history as being notorious for its complete lack of any basis in reality, the exact same rhetoric is once again being used to create a pretext for striking Iran.

Although it’s now common knowledge Israel is funding a terrorist group also backed by the US, the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (otherwise known as MEK), which has direct links to Al-Qaeda, to carry out bombings and assassinations in Iran, the London Telegraph cites “security experts” whose very existence relies on hyping non-existent threats, in claiming that “Iran has improved its ties with al–Qaeda as part of a campaign to target Western interests around the world that could lead to a spectacular attack in Europe.”

The primary target for this mythical alliance between Iran and Al-Qaeda is named as the London Olympics, which begins on July 27.

The unspecified “intelligence” cited to make the claim that Iran and Al-Qaeda have teamed up to attack the west is noticeably absent the proviso that the two are mortal enemies, given that Al-Qaeda is Sunni and Iran is the largest Shi’a country in the world.

Absent too is the fact that Al-Qaeda leaders routinely denounce Iran, accusing the “Persians” of being complicit in the western-backed occupation of the Middle East. Ayman al-Zawahiri, Al-Qaeda’s number, two blasted Iran in 2008. Now deceased “ideological leader of al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)” Anwar al-Awlaki did likewise in 2010.

But it’s not just the fact that Iran and Al-Qaeda are natural foes who habitually denounce one another that renders the Telegraph propaganda piece so ludicrous, it’s the fact that the United States, Britain and Israel have brazenly supported Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorist groups to accomplish their deeds in Libya, Syria and Iran, while pointing the finger at others to accuse them of doing precisely the same thing. Continued

Comment: Remember we are fighting Al-Qaeda when it benifits the elites plans, or we support Al-Qaeda when it benitits the elites plans

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