Iranian chief nuclear scientist assassinated

you--also--- fked up!!!!!
it had military and government personnel/facilities/etc
'''''In 1938, the Mandatory government requisitioned the entire southern wing of the hotel, and housed the military command and the Mandatory government secretariat there''''''.
I thought you had a problem with terrorism?
Planting and detonating bombs in a civilian hotel is an act of terror unless committed by Jews, right?

King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia

"The Irgun committed the attack in response to Operation Agatha, known in Israel as 'Black Saturday'.[17]

"British troops had searched the Jewish Agency on June 29 and confiscated large quantities of documents directly implicating the Haganah in the Jewish insurgency against Britain.

"The intelligence information was taken to the King David Hotel,[18] where it was initially kept in the offices of the Secretariat in the southern wing. In order to destroy the incriminating documentation, the Irgun, therefore, determined to destroy that wing of the hotel."
....stop trying to double talk babble shit--it wasn't terrorism--they had the military there-I put it in big bold letters!!!! DUH
.stop trying to double talk babble shit--it wasn't terrorism--they had the military there-I put it in big bold letters!!!! DUH
The military that had been protecting Jews in Palestine for thirty years. What sort of (psychopathic) terrorist attacks his imperial bodyguards?

USS Liberty Memorial

"The Attack

"After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning.

"USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter.

"Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

"The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us.

"Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded.

"The ship, a $40-million dollar state-of-the-art signals intelligence platform, was later declared unsalvageable and sold for scrap."
...just like the US war on terrorism is ongoing, the Israelis have been at war since 1947--against terrorism and conventionally
...the world condemned Israel for attacking Iraq's nuke plant-----and we now see it was the CORRECT thing to do .....

....there is much more to it than what many here think--they think in one dimensional/TV-movie terms
A. for example, Iran has been in chaos--you don't want these jackasses to get nukes---
aa. the Iranians said they had their revolution because the Shah/SAVAK were evil/etc --murdered and tortured---so what do the revolutionists do: murder and torture
etc etc

..considering ALL Israel has put up with, we cannot just immediately condemn them
4000 nuclear weapons & trump has the code.

You can't get more dangerous than that.
AND the war with NK
you people said that shit in 2016--and NOTHING happened
Iran has attacked whom?
Israel. Lebanon. Syria. Iraq. Saudia Arabia. The gulf Countries. The United States. Western nations.. shall I go on?
Military attacks? Really?
.stop trying to double talk babble shit--it wasn't terrorism--they had the military there-I put it in big bold letters!!!! DUH
The military that had been protecting Jews in Palestine for thirty years. What sort of (psychopathic) terrorist attacks his imperial bodyguards?

USS Liberty Memorial

"The Attack

"After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning.

"USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter.

"Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

"The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us.

"Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded.

"The ship, a $40-million dollar state-of-the-art signals intelligence platform, was later declared unsalvageable and sold for scrap."
..another MAJOR fuck up by you--there are friendly fire/attacks by a LOT of countries --on their OWN troops!!!!!!!

'''''Nearly one in four American service personnel killed during the Persian Gulf War was felled by errant fire from other U.S. forces, the Pentagon announced Tuesday in a major upward revision of earlier estimates.'''''
etc MANY examples
you--also--- fked up!!!!!
it had military and government personnel/facilities/etc
'''''In 1938, the Mandatory government requisitioned the entire southern wing of the hotel, and housed the military command and the Mandatory government secretariat there''''''.
I thought you had a problem with terrorism?
Planting and detonating bombs in a civilian hotel is an act of terror unless committed by Jews, right?

King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia

"The Irgun committed the attack in response to Operation Agatha, known in Israel as 'Black Saturday'.[17]

"British troops had searched the Jewish Agency on June 29 and confiscated large quantities of documents directly implicating the Haganah in the Jewish insurgency against Britain.

"The intelligence information was taken to the King David Hotel,[18] where it was initially kept in the offices of the Secretariat in the southern wing. In order to destroy the incriminating documentation, the Irgun, therefore, determined to destroy that wing of the hotel."
hotel with MILITARY targets-----
..if the military sets up near civilians, it's not the ATTACKERS fault
.stop trying to double talk babble shit--it wasn't terrorism--they had the military there-I put it in big bold letters!!!! DUH
The military that had been protecting Jews in Palestine for thirty years. What sort of (psychopathic) terrorist attacks his imperial bodyguards?

USS Liberty Memorial

"The Attack

"After surveilling USS Liberty for more than nine hours with almost hourly aircraft overflights and radar tracking, the air and naval forces of Israel attacked our ship in international waters without warning.

"USS Liberty was identified as a US naval ship by Israeli reconnaissance aircraft nine hours before the attack and continuously tracked by Israeli radar and aircraft thereafter.

"Sailing in international waters at less than five knots, with no offensive armament, our ship was not a military threat to anyone.

"The Israeli forces attacked without warning and without attempting to contact us.

"Thirty four Americans were killed in the attack and another 174 were wounded.

"The ship, a $40-million dollar state-of-the-art signals intelligence platform, was later declared unsalvageable and sold for scrap."
many--many examples---gagaghahahahhahahahhahah
...just like the US war on terrorism is ongoing, the Israelis have been at war since 1947--against terrorism and conventionally
...the world condemned Israel for attacking Iraq's nuke plant-----and we now see it was the CORRECT thing to do .....

....there is much more to it than what many here think--they think in one dimensional/TV-movie terms
A. for example, Iran has been in chaos--you don't want these jackasses to get nukes---
aa. the Iranians said they had their revolution because the Shah/SAVAK were evil/etc --murdered and tortured---so what do the revolutionists do: murder and torture
etc etc

..considering ALL Israel has put up with, we cannot just immediately condemn them
4000 nuclear weapons & trump has the code.

You can't get more dangerous than that.
AND the war with NK
you people said that shit in 2016--and NOTHING happened
Iran has attacked whom?

for the answer to that one----find a few Yemenis, Syrians, Lebanese-----or even Iranians who are refugees from the AYATOILETS. ------or ask some
sunnis who carry a family legacy of SHIITE SHIT.
I understand that you love IED's that blow children who play in the fields APART------Hezbollah (read that "the army of piles of shiite shit") planted some adorable IED's a few weeks ago in opened spaces in

He even had several body guards !
Do you approve of these assassinations ???

I have to Neville Chamberlain, the "Peace in our time," idiot who believed hitler was a good and honest guy....are left wingers really dumb enough to believe that the Iranian government wasn't breaking everything they agreed to about nuclear weapons? Do they actually trust the Iranian government over Trump?

Are they really that stupid?

Yes.....yes they are...

All of this, of course, prompts an obvious question: How could Fakhrizadeh and SPND continue to operate during the Iran nuclear deal when the deal was premised on Iran’s commitment to an exclusively peaceful nuclear program? Indeed, the existence of SPND and the discovery of Iran’s nuclear archive paints a picture of regime that never truly halted its nuclear weapons program — but instead separated its pieces, keeping its personnel fresh and ready for a time of Iran’s choosing.

That reality was deliberately obfuscated to sell the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. Iran deal supporters wanted the world to believe that Iran had left its nuclear ambitions in the past. To clear the way for the deal, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was pressured to close the book on Iran’s past activities and remove issues related to Iran’s undeclared nuclear work from the agency’s agenda. Outstanding questions were left unresolved. Iran was required to respond to questions posed by the IAEA — but under the terms of the nuclear deal, those responses could remain incomplete, untruthful and unverifiable for sanctions relief to follow.

We now know Iran lied to the IAEA and to the participants of the Iran nuclear deal. Today, the IAEA is again investigating Iran’s concealment of undeclared nuclear material, activities and sites. The investigation reportedly stems from an inspection of a warehouse in Iran where commercial satellite imagery suggested Iran was engaged in sanitization work after Netanyahu had exposed the location in a speech to the UN General Assembly.

This month, IAEA Director General Rafael Grossi told reporters that Iran’s responses to the agency were deemed “not technically credible” — which is IAEA speak for “liar, liar, pants on fire.”

Taken together, SPND’s existence, Iran’s curation of a secret nuclear weapons archive and its concealment of undeclared nuclear material present a simple truth.

We do not face an Iran deal crisis created by President Donald Trump, as members of the incoming U.S. administration have alleged. Instead, we face a more fundamental Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty crisis created by Iran.

President-elect Joe Biden can no longer pretend that the Iran deal prevented the Islamic Republic’s nuclear advancement. It did not.

Trump did bankrupt them and made Iran stop the spread of terrorist money
Iran having a few bombs is a Jewish problem

Israel and state-sponsored terrorism - Wikipedia

"1950–1951 Baghdad bombings refers to a series of bombings of Jewish targets in Baghdad, Iraq, between April 1950 and June 1951.

"There is a dispute around the true identity and objective of the offenders behind the bombings, and this issue remains unresolved.

"Two activists in the Iraqi Zionist underground were found guilty by an Iraqi court for a number of the bombings, and were sentenced to death. Another was sentenced to life imprisonment and seventeen more were given long prison sentences."
Come on man
That kid don’t even look Jewish
That kid looks like he is from Indiana or Wisconsin
you--also--- fked up!!!!!
it had military and government personnel/facilities/etc
'''''In 1938, the Mandatory government requisitioned the entire southern wing of the hotel, and housed the military command and the Mandatory government secretariat there''''''.
I thought you had a problem with terrorism?
Planting and detonating bombs in a civilian hotel is an act of terror unless committed by Jews, right?

King David Hotel bombing - Wikipedia

"The Irgun committed the attack in response to Operation Agatha, known in Israel as 'Black Saturday'.[17]

"British troops had searched the Jewish Agency on June 29 and confiscated large quantities of documents directly implicating the Haganah in the Jewish insurgency against Britain.

"The intelligence information was taken to the King David Hotel,[18] where it was initially kept in the offices of the Secretariat in the southern wing. In order to destroy the incriminating documentation, the Irgun, therefore, determined to destroy that wing of the hotel."
hotel with MILITARY targets-----
..if the military sets up near civilians, it's not the ATTACKERS fault

the british military use of that which was called
KING DAVID "hotel" by islamo nazi pigs is a typical
islamo nazi pig libel--------sorta like the islamo nazi
pig libel that AUSCHWITZ which was first used to house Polish political prisoners-----'had a music room' when it was FIRST used to house polish political prisoners------therefore the islamo nazi program of gassing children to death NEVAH HAPPEND"
For more "logic" read the koran
..another MAJOR fuck up by you--there are friendly fire/attacks by a LOT of countries --on their OWN troops!!!!!!!
What do you know that every single survivor of Israel's deliberate attack on Liberty does not?

USS Liberty Memorial: Summary of Events

"Following their torpedo attack, the torpedo boats moved up and down the length of the ship (both the port and starboard sides), continuing their attack, raking the ship with cannon and machine gun fire.[21]

"In Malta, crewmen were later assigned the task of counting all of the holes in the ship that were the size of a man's hand or larger.

"They found a total of 861 such holes, in addition to 'thousands' of .50 caliber machine gun holes.

"Survivors report that the torpedo boat crews swept the decks of USS Liberty with continuous machine gun fire, targeting communications equipment and any crewmembers who ventured above decks.[22]

"Damage control firefighters, who had already risked their lives merely by appearing on deck, had to abandon their efforts because their fire hoses had been shredded by machine gun fire.[23]

"Survivors also report that the torpedo boat crews fired on the inflated life boats launched by the crew after the captain gave the order 'prepare to abandon ship.'[24]

"This order had to be rescinded because the crew was unable to stand on the main deck without being fired upon and the life rafts were destroyed as they were launched

So how did the heroic Jews accidentally machine gun life rafts?
hotel with MILITARY targets-----
..if the military sets up near civilians, it's not the ATTACKERS fault
When did the Jews of Palestine declare war on the UK, Chuckles?
Without the British guns to hide behind, Zionists would have all been shipped back to Europe in body bags long before 1946.:auiqs.jpg:
Without the British guns to hide behind, Zionists would have all been shipped back to Europe in body bags long before 1946.
That's what happens when you are aggressors in a world war and get your asses kicked. These alliances were triggered by the evil Ottoman Empire and the ensuing alliances between arabs and axis powers. Maybe they shouldn't be aggressors in wars they can't win...?
t wasn't deliberate. Not every survivor says that. Stop lying.
The Captain of Liberty won a MOH for his service that day.
This is his testimony.
Pay attention to his final two words.


"After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty.

"This same torpedo boat crew had been circling the ship, machine-gunning anyone who stuck his head above decks, as well as the lifeboats the crew had put over the side.

"What had changed? The Israeli government knew that US aircraft carriers had just launched aircraft to come to Liberty's aid and the attack was quickly called off.

"The Israeli government called the US Embassy and said that they had made a 'mistake.'

"A torpedo boat officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?"

"The wounded commander of the Liberty, Captain William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: 'Fuck you.'"
t wasn't deliberate. Not every survivor says that. Stop lying.
The Captain of Liberty won a MOH for his service that day.
This is his testimony.
Pay attention to his final two words.


"After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty.

"This same torpedo boat crew had been circling the ship, machine-gunning anyone who stuck his head above decks, as well as the lifeboats the crew had put over the side.

"What had changed? The Israeli government knew that US aircraft carriers had just launched aircraft to come to Liberty's aid and the attack was quickly called off.

"The Israeli government called the US Embassy and said that they had made a 'mistake.'

"A torpedo boat officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?"

"The wounded commander of the Liberty, Captain William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: 'Fuck you.'"

so? what is your point?------deaths in the NAVY during peacetime are not at all uncommon-----do not ask me how I know-----by Military law as a separated
officer-------I am not supposed to discuss it. I have never handled such a case in which the affected relatives or friends etc-----DID NOT LAY BLAME ON SOMEONE or just anyone. In fact even in simple personal injury cases the injured seek to lay blame
t wasn't deliberate. Not every survivor says that. Stop lying.
The Captain of Liberty won a MOH for his service that day.
This is his testimony.
Pay attention to his final two words.


"After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty.

"This same torpedo boat crew had been circling the ship, machine-gunning anyone who stuck his head above decks, as well as the lifeboats the crew had put over the side.

"What had changed? The Israeli government knew that US aircraft carriers had just launched aircraft to come to Liberty's aid and the attack was quickly called off.

"The Israeli government called the US Embassy and said that they had made a 'mistake.'

"A torpedo boat officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?"

"The wounded commander of the Liberty, Captain William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: 'Fuck you.'"
That doesn't prove he thought it was intentional. Thanks for wasting my time.
That's what happens when you are aggressors in a world war and get your asses kicked. These alliances were triggered by the evil Ottoman Empire and the ensuing alliances between arabs and axis powers. Maybe they shouldn't be aggressors in wars they can't win...?
World War I was triggered by three evil capitalist empires, the US, UK, and German. Palestine was a victim of that conflict as much as Appalachia was in the US. The British promised Jews and Arabs their own homelands in the aftermath of the "War to End All Wars" and lied to both people. Smedley Butler knew best:

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