Iranian information

Thank you. Yes...I agree the US should be calling out whats happening in Iran, but I think that we (more than other countries) need to be very careful about what we say. The last thing we want to do is lend an air of legitimacy to claims that this is just a US backed coup attempt.

Speaking of which, I know there have been some scattered reports of US officials speaking out against whats been happening, including Biden yesterday.

It would be nice if there were more American news organizations calling this out as well. Apparently CNN had nothing at all on Iran for a while, and there have been a lot of news organizations/pundits who have come out supporting the results, or saying that it doesn't matter if Ahmadinejad wins or not.

I've actually seen more on CNN than on FOX. CNN had some live reports over the weekend and they showed some footage this morning.

Supposedly CNN had nothing at ALL for a day or two, and then they got reamed on it which is why they are now trying to make up for it. I don't have a TV, so this is all second hand knowledge tho.

I think there is probably a very real chance that the US is at the very least taking the opportunity to spread some gasoline on the fire in Iran covertly.

We've had covert ops in Iran for years waiting for a catalyst.

Wouldn't surprise me, but if it goes from covert to outright support I think we've got a problem.

I think we definitely have to low key it. I wouldn't have Hillary come out in strong support of the protesters or anything. But, I think we may be overdoing it a little by "monitoring the situation" and having no response to the voting irregularities and violence.

I did see a little coy cat-who-swallowed-the-canary smile from Hillary at one point. She may know something is up and that's exactly why she's playing it like this.
One thing I've been a bit amazed at here, is the lack of respect for what is going on in Iran. Its actually a rather amazing, and in many ways unfortunate, event. There are mass beatings going on and the stories are telling some pretty terrible tales. There is obviously propaganda on both sides, but I propose this thread be a thread for current events in Iran. Rumors, as well as fact. Of course if they are rumors, please note that they are rumors.

Some sources for whats going on:

The Daily Dish | By Andrew Sullivan

Talking Points Memo | Breaking News and Analysis (Although not that current)

tehranbureau (Has gone down because of DoS attacks, but currentl up)

Landslide or Fraud? The Debate Online Over Iran’s Election Results - The Lede Blog -

Feel free to add your own sources, these are just a beginning.


There are going to be graphic video/pictures. There is blood involved and people are being beaten, sometimes severely. Not for the faint of heart.

What lack of respect are you talking about exactly? who, what, when, and where?

its nik...nuff' said...he probably gets his panties in a twist if you spell the alleged winner's name imadejihadinmypants
let's assume imadejihadinmypants did rig the election....what are you going to do about it?
Sullivans site is apparently being hit by a DoS attack. Any reports of other sites suffering the same?

Can someone explain this to me: Supposedly all SMS (text messaging) is down. So how are people using Twitter? They seem to be using it remotely, that is on their phones since its a minute to minute update. Does shutting down SMS not effect twitter for some reason?
let's assume imadejihadinmypants did rig the election....what are you going to do about it?

Nothing as there isn't really anything I can do about it. What was the purpose of your question exactly?
Reports of shots into the crowd...but only from one source so far. No indication of live ammunition or not.
More reports of shooting. Also reports of university students killed. University professors resign en masse to protest the brutality against students.
Huffington Post is running a live blog on the violence.

Reports from ABC and AP (and now Reuters) of gunshots and deaths.

Now reporting several wounded when shots were fired into a Pro-Mousavi crowd. They have a cell pic up of a building on fire and crowds or protesters around.
Fuck...they are shooting in Azadi Square. One dead. More wounded. This may be Irans Tianneman.
It looks like the Mullahs didn't learn from the Shah's experience.

The picture of the mob protecting the cop shows there is a bit of disaffection even among the secret police. The end of the Shah came when he ordered the use of live ammo on protesters, and the soldiers turned their guns around and joined the mob.

Same thing happened to the Tsar in 1917

Regime change really is the responsibility of the Iranians themselves. If they want it, they have to make it happen.

Holy shit...reports of more dead too.
It looks like the Mullahs didn't learn from the Shah's experience.

The picture of the mob protecting the cop shows there is a bit of disaffection even among the secret police. The end of the Shah came when he ordered the use of live ammo on protesters, and the soldiers turned their guns around and joined the mob.

Same thing happened to the Tsar in 1917

Regime change really is the responsibility of the Iranians themselves. If they want it, they have to make it happen.

How does the picture of the mob protecting the cop show disaffection?

Also they are using militais apparently. Something called "Bareej". Cops/Army were at Azadi square, but weren't doing anything, its the Bareej who are/were killing people. Same as at the Universities as well.
I saw video this morning of the secret police trying to harass a reporter. The mob surrounded the secret police and chased him away.
Water Cannons in Tehran This is a Persian language site, but some stuff is in English. Pretty interesting.

Haha, I just posted that site. Are those water cannons you reckon? I wasn't sure if they were being used against the crowd, or against the fires.

If you look at the pic, the guy operating the cannon is in riot gear with a plexi face shield. That would lead me to believe he is shooting the crowd not the fire.

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