Iranian missile may be able to hit U.S. by 2015

im pretty sure we can reconstitute missle defense before they get near us:)
Yes....five years from now A misslike could reach the US

And we could reign down 1500 missiles in response. I'm sure they are chomping at the bit
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We spend more on defense than every other country in the world combined.

If we have to worry about a little pissant country like Iran, then (a) somebody doesn't know what the fuck they're doing or (b) us taxpayers are getting the royal screw job.
They're a bunch of religious nutbags. Religious nutbags don't do well with science. Religious nutbag damage only works well from within the country where they live. Like here.
it's nothing more than reminding everyone to be scared of iran even though none of the shit that has been promised regarding that nation has come to fruition.

the same shit happened during the run up to the invasion of iraq. ho hum.
let he who is sinless cast the first stone.

Yes....five years from now A misslike could reach the US

And we could reign down 1500 missiles in response. I'm sure they are chomping at the bit
How many of those retalitory missiles will bring the dead americans back to life?

BTW, Barry already said he would not respond that way, it would have to be 'measured'.
They're a bunch of religious nutbags. Religious nutbags don't do well with science. Religious nutbag damage only works well from within the country where they live. Like here.

They live here? Or we have religious nutbags working in science here? Im not following your point.
Yes....five years from now A misslike could reach the US

And we could reign down 1500 missiles in response. I'm sure they are chomping at the bit

As of a few days ago, thanks to the new nuclear pact, we will not use nukes on anyone who is not considered a nuclear power. Iran isn't...they're a nuclear in lunatic asylum.

But, then again...who knows...5 years from now we may have fewer nukes then anyone.
Heh, this is a funny report. Iran won't have viable ICBM technology without help from someone more advanced than N. Korea, their biggest nuclear supporter. Their most advanced missile, the sajjil is essentially a MRBM from the 1970's, but soon they will be building ICBM's?

I'll quote an Israeli friend on this:

Anyway in all seriousness I think 2015 is a bit too soon. The Iranians are still struggling with IRBM technology, nevermind ICBM. Their most advanced missile, the Sajjil, is essentially 1970's MRBM technology with heavy North Korean/Pakistani assistance. Additionally the Shahab-3 MRBM just went into service fairly recently and it was in development for well over a decade (and keep in mind the Shahab-3 is just an Iranian copied North Korean Rodong-1, itself a modified Soviet Scud-B).

We should be more worried about Pakistan or N Korea who are actually close to ICBM's than Iran's broke ass.

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