Iraq: Sinjar was only the beginning – eyewitness


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Will there be many of these people left after the fighting has been stopped?



By Matthew Barber for Syria Comment

The calm is slowly unraveling in Kurdistan, and a growing, pervasive anxiety is beginning to afflict us all.

We know that the fighting between the Kurdish Peshmerga forces and the Islamic State jihadis continues to develop and move from place to place, but we’re never exactly sure what’s happening, where the fighting is occurring, or who has the upper hand. News—both local and international—has proved highly unreliable since this crisis began on Sunday.

If it’s not happening on your block, you probably don’t really know what’s going on.

The Case of Shariya

This photo is of one of the rebuilt villages in-progress, taken some time before this crisis. Many families have taken shelter inside such structures. A Yazidi village, previously destroyed by Saddam Hussein, in the process of being rebuilt—Photo: Matthew Barber/Syria Comment

The Yazidi town of Shariya, located a few miles south of Dohuk, is a “collective village” created by Saddam Hussein during his Arabization program in the 1970s. Saddam bulldozed countless Yazidi towns until there was nothing left but gravel, and then forcibly moved their former inhabitants into collectives situated in locations that served his strategic interests. Shariya lies in the center of a valley ringed by hills, along the bases of which were originally a number of Yazidi villages. Saddam destroyed all of these villages (fearing that their proximity to the mountains would facilitate the harboring of Peshmerga fighters) and huddled all the villagers together in the center of the open plain between the mountains, where they would be much easier to keep an eye on.

Read more at:

Iraq: Sinjar Was Only The Beginning - Eyewitness | Eurasia Review
The Yazidi do not stand a chance under the stink and filth of THE CALIPHATE ----
Most important----pay attention to the people who trivialize the filth of the caliphate ----
and those who laud it. ------they are members of a long line of genocidal pigs------from
Constantine, to Genghis Khan, ................from the AUTO de FE-----to the stink of Adolf
and al Husseini and Idi Amin ----and Saddaam Hussein and Osama bin Laden---they are with
us and their sluts dance on the dead bodies of our infants

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