Iraqi's respond to Dick & Liz Cheney's op-ed

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Nullius in verba
Feb 15, 2011
Fairfax, NoVA
In Rare Consensus, Sunnis and Shiites Tell Cheney to Shut Up : The New Yorker
Iraqi observers in recent days have reported seeing both Sunnis and Shiites reading the Cheneys’ op-ed then tearing it to shreds in a rage.

“Cheney is an ass!” a Sunni merchant reportedly exclaimed in a Baghdad market on Thursday, to the resounding cheers of several Shiites nearby.

“Historically, it’s been challenging to find anything that Sunnis and Shiites agree on,” said Sabah al-Alousi, a history professor at the University of Baghdad. “That’s why their apparent consensus that Dick Cheney needs to shut the hell up is so significant.”
In Rare Consensus, Sunnis and Shiites Tell Cheney to Shut Up : The New Yorker
Iraqi observers in recent days have reported seeing both Sunnis and Shiites reading the Cheneys’ op-ed then tearing it to shreds in a rage.

“Cheney is an ass!” a Sunni merchant reportedly exclaimed in a Baghdad market on Thursday, to the resounding cheers of several Shiites nearby.

“Historically, it’s been challenging to find anything that Sunnis and Shiites agree on,” said Sabah al-Alousi, a history professor at the University of Baghdad. “That’s why their apparent consensus that Dick Cheney needs to shut the hell up is so significant.”

Trying to deflect, all of your messiah 's many failures?
reminds me of this excellent article:

Why Are We Listening To These People?
A stopped clock is right twice a day, but in the Orwellian world that is U.S. mainstream media it seems that stopped clocks are always right — as long as one doesn’t look too much into the background, that is, to see the rusted, smashed-up innards of the clocks themselves. For a perfect example of this inexplicable ability of the media to never hold people accountable, just look at how American media has responded to the advance of extremist Sunni guerrillas across northern Iraq.

It’s like going back in time to 2003, when all things Iraq were still fresh and horrifyingly new. Eleven years ago, pundits, government officials and “experts” trotted out by right-wing think tanks assured us that war against Iraq was both necessary and extremely expedient. Why, some said, the war would pay for itself! We would be greeted with chocolates and flowers, said others. Yes, of course, the “liberated” people of Iraq would naturally get along and form a Madisonian democracy even though they had no history or cultural experience of it! The media, compliant as ever, lapped it up.
repub-voting, rw, deflection force is strong in this thread :eusa_hand:

You stupid broad, the OA's foreign policy is not much different than the BA's. It's based on the same doctrines, and pushed by some of the same advisers under the BA. Under the OA, for obvious reasons, those policies have failed and there are many reasons why that can't be pinned on just 1 administration since both are complicit.

Now go play on Facebook, and please feel free to text and drive you ignorant bimbo.

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