Ex VP Dick Cheney DESTROYS Obama on 9/11: ‘No President Has Done More to Weaken the US’

Reported. Rosh, that is exactly what you do in #140. What is wrong with you clowns?

GW can't even think straight in an interview or delivering a speech. How the hell could he pilot a plane?

His reflexive capabilities were clearly demonstrated when news of the 9/11 attack was whispered to him while he was seated in a grade-school classroom. He froze -- and he stayed frozen for several critically important minutes.

Luckily the attack was over by then. Because if it had just begun those dormant, leaderless minutes could have enabled disastrous consequences.

George W. Bush is best described as a dim bulb. He was not elected. He was appointed President by a rigged political system which favors the Military Industrial Complex and the oil industry.
I understand what it means to be an American more than you do, and I left 20 years ago.
Good riddance!
I don't know what you mean by 'good riddance'. He left the States 20 years ago .......... but he's right here on this forum kicking your ass 24/7.
..... I think the neocons really believed they were bringing democracy to Iraq and that we would be greeted by grateful citizens. They were ideological true believers .....
There is far too much proof that this is not the case.
Really? I haven't seen any of this proof, can you point me to it?
Many of them, indeed, were ideologues for democracy in the ME. Amazing how they justified that thinking.
..... I think the neocons really believed they were bringing democracy to Iraq and that we would be greeted by grateful citizens. They were ideological true believers .....
There is far too much proof that this is not the case.
Really? I haven't seen any of this proof, can you point me to it?
* Lying about WMD's.
* Falsifying 'proof' on multiple occasions.
* Sending CIA spies posing as members of the first UN inspection team.
* Ignoring international law against the United Nations and invading illegally.
* Setting up illegal torture centres at Abu Graib and Guantanamo.
* Refusing to respond to culture officials 'in country' to prevent the sacking of one of the most important museums in the world.
* The activities of 'Black Water' and 'Halliburton'.
* Creating death squads headed by Colonel James Steele.
* and much, much more ....
Ex VP Dick Cheney DESTROYS Obama on 9/11: 'No President Has Done More to Weaken the US' [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Dick Cheney, along with his daughter Liz Cheney, has written an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that simply destroys Barack Obama on 9/11. He says that no other president has done more to weaken the US. Obama has blatantly aided our enemies… he has funded Iran, given deference to Russia and bowed before China. He has gutted our military, leaving us weak and undefended in the face of growing military threats. In short, he is a traitor to America and her security.

Obama has given arms and money to the biggest purveyors of terror on the planet. There are now stories out there that in reality, he gave the Iranians $33 billion and made deals in secret to let them develop nuclear weapons. He’s also knowingly bringing ISIS terrorists into the US via the Refugee Resettlement Program.

He has undone all the good works of Bush and Cheney and has brought shame to our nation… especially on the 15th anniversary of 9/11.

Tricky Dicky can STFU.
Ex VP Dick Cheney DESTROYS Obama on 9/11: 'No President Has Done More to Weaken the US' [VIDEO] | John Hawkins' Right Wing News

Dick Cheney, along with his daughter Liz Cheney, has written an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal that simply destroys Barack Obama on 9/11. He says that no other president has done more to weaken the US. Obama has blatantly aided our enemies… he has funded Iran, given deference to Russia and bowed before China. He has gutted our military, leaving us weak and undefended in the face of growing military threats. In short, he is a traitor to America and her security.

Obama has given arms and money to the biggest purveyors of terror on the planet. There are now stories out there that in reality, he gave the Iranians $33 billion and made deals in secret to let them develop nuclear weapons. He’s also knowingly bringing ISIS terrorists into the US via the Refugee Resettlement Program.

He has undone all the good works of Bush and Cheney and has brought shame to our nation… especially on the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
Tricky Dicky can STFU.
Cheney is the worst Republican presence in a 100 years. He should be in prison until he dies.
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..... I think the neocons really believed they were bringing democracy to Iraq and that we would be greeted by grateful citizens. They were ideological true believers .....
There is far too much proof that this is not the case.
Really? I haven't seen any of this proof, can you point me to it?
* Lying about WMD's.
* Falsifying 'proof' on multiple occasions.
* Sending CIA spies posing as members of the first UN inspection team.
* Ignoring international law against the United Nations and invading illegally.
* Setting up illegal torture centres at Abu Graib and Guantanamo.
* Refusing to respond to culture officials 'in country' to prevent the sacking of one of the most important museums in the world.
* The activities of 'Black Water' and 'Halliburton'.
* Creating death squads headed by Colonel James Steele.
* and much, much more ....
This seems like just what would be done and said if short-sighted, arrogant, incompetent ideologues were running the show.

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