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IRS Bombshell

There's a criminal investigation under way because of this most recent discovery.

Koskinen is now a proven liar. Lerner will be called to testify again and given immunity -- Which means that if she doesn't testify, she goes to prison.

Lerner already asked for immunity 2 years ago. The GOP told her no. What has changed since then to motivate her to take any different position?

And remember, there's zero evidence of any criminal activity on the part of Lerner. Zip.
When this came up a year or two ago, the Democrats stalled, stonewalled, refused to turn over evidence, ignored subpoenas, delayed, and concealed as much as they could.

Now isn't it about time some Democrat stands up any says, "Old news, this has all been examined, nothing was found, that proves there's nothing wrong, nothing to see here, move along."


And where is the smoking gun that conservatives predicted were being 'hidden' in the missing emails?

There isn't one. There's is absolutely nothing in any of the emails they've recovered that even suggests a crime.
Lerner already asked for immunity 2 years ago. The GOP told her no. What has changed since then to motivate her to take any different position?

And remember, there's zero evidence of any criminal activity on the part of Lerner. Zip.

You are mistaken. Or lying. Or stupid, I'm going with 'all of the above'.

The lying whore requested blanket immunity. Meaning she was home scot-free whether she lied to Congress or not.

Issa told her to go fuck herself, as would I.

If she wants immunity, she has to tell the truth and answer ALL questions. If she is caught in a lie, she gets prosecuted and imprisoned.

Transaction Immunity Law & Legal Definition

Immunity from prosecution for an individual is generally sought when that individual has information necessary to the public interest, but has refused or is likely to refuse to testify or provide the information on the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination. There are different types of immunity that may be granted in exchange for a person's testimony.

Transactional immunity bars any subsequent action against the immunized person, regardless of the source of the evidence against that person. Testimonial or "use" immunity is generally preferred because it does not prevent the government from prosecuting the person based on independently-acquired evidence.
I didn't steal their lede, they stole mine :)

People, this is going to lead back to the White House.... Trust me.

The question is now, who will fall on their sword for the Liar in Chief? Anybody?

  • IRS BOMBSHELL: Thousands of Lerner emails recovered in targeting probe
    INVESTIGATORS RECOVER 32,000 emails to and from former IRS exempt organizations director Lois Lerner, top left, related to targeting of conservative groups, and tell the House oversight committee that employees did not ask for backup tapes, contradicting testimony of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, bottom left.

And if these emails contain the same big bucket of nothing as all the other emails contained......what then?

Does there come a point when you admit that your claims are blithering nonsense. Or do you just push your time line back again, as your ilk have been doing for 3 years?

Not the point, the point is they lied about the existence of the e-mails. They lied when they said the e-mails were on a PC that crashed. Any idiot knows that e-mails are not stored on a PC but on a e-mail server.. that I can guarantee is bakes up at the least, daily.
You are mistaken. Or lying. Or stupid, I'm going with 'all of the above'.

Or not blinded by rabid partisan hatred like you are. But tell me more about the 'lying whore'.

The lying whore requested blanket immunity. Meaning she was home scot-free whether she lied to Congress or not.

Issa told her to go fuck herself, as would I.

If she wants immunity, she has to tell the truth and answer ALL questions. If she is caught in a lie, she gets prosecuted and imprisoned.

Her lawyer requested immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. There was no demand that she be exempt from any 'lies she told congress' as part of that testimony. You're just making that shit up.

And of course, there's still zero indicating that Lerner did anything illegal. None of the emails have contained any of the smoking guns conservatives promised would be there. Nor is there the slightest evidence that any criminal investigation is targeting or even suspecting Lerner of any criminal wrong doing.

Just like 2 years ago. So what's different now? Nothing. Its the same schtick, still pristinely void of anything resembling actual evidence.
You are mistaken. Or lying. Or stupid, I'm going with 'all of the above'.

Or not blinded by rabid partisan hatred like you are. But tell me more about the 'lying whore'.

The lying whore requested blanket immunity. Meaning she was home scot-free whether she lied to Congress or not.

Issa told her to go fuck herself, as would I.

If she wants immunity, she has to tell the truth and answer ALL questions. If she is caught in a lie, she gets prosecuted and imprisoned.

Her lawyer requested immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. There was no demand that she be exempt from any 'lies she told congress' as part of that testimony. You're just making that shit up.

And of course, there's still zero indicating that Lerner did anything illegal. None of the emails have contained any of the smoking guns conservatives promised would be there. Nor is there the slightest evidence that any criminal investigation is targeting or even suspecting Lerner of any criminal wrong doing.

Just like 2 years ago. So what's different now? Nothing. Its the same schtick, still pristinely void of anything resembling actual evidence.

So the IG went to the back up depot in West Virginia and asked if they had back ups and they were told "yes"...and then the IG asked if others had requested those back ups and they said "no"....

So the fact that the IRS and the special appointed investigator by Obama never asked for back ups and the head of the IRS simply declared that no back ups existed UNDER OATH shows you nothing?

How about the fact that the IG admitted yesterday that criminal activity is a possibility and thus the investigation includes that?

Or how about the IG saying that there is evidence that back up tapes were erased for no apparent reason...but he refused to state it as fact until they do further forensic testing on them...

None of that means nothing to you?

If not, then you are most certainly not worthy of my time.
When this came up a year or two ago, the Democrats stalled, stonewalled, refused to turn over evidence, ignored subpoenas, delayed, and concealed as much as they could.

Now isn't it about time some Democrat stands up any says, "Old news, this has all been examined, nothing was found, that proves there's nothing wrong, nothing to see here, move along."


And where is the smoking gun that conservatives predicted were being 'hidden' in the missing emails?

There isn't one. There's is absolutely nothing in any of the emails they've recovered that even suggests a crime.

Then why did the IG admit that there is just cause for a criminal investigation?

Heck, never mind....you are a fool. Live in your ignorance.
You are mistaken. Or lying. Or stupid, I'm going with 'all of the above'.

Or not blinded by rabid partisan hatred like you are. But tell me more about the 'lying whore'.

The lying whore requested blanket immunity. Meaning she was home scot-free whether she lied to Congress or not.

Issa told her to go fuck herself, as would I.

If she wants immunity, she has to tell the truth and answer ALL questions. If she is caught in a lie, she gets prosecuted and imprisoned.

Her lawyer requested immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. There was no demand that she be exempt from any 'lies she told congress' as part of that testimony. You're just making that shit up.

And of course, there's still zero indicating that Lerner did anything illegal. None of the emails have contained any of the smoking guns conservatives promised would be there. Nor is there the slightest evidence that any criminal investigation is targeting or even suspecting Lerner of any criminal wrong doing.

Just like 2 years ago. So what's different now? Nothing. Its the same schtick, still pristinely void of anything resembling actual evidence.


"She has offered only that she is innocent and misunderstood," Issa said. "We've referred criminal charges from Congress because she's not misunderstood. We understood her pretty well."

Lerner is the former IRS official in the middle of the investigation of allegations that the agency targeted conservative groups for added scrutiny when they sought tax-exempt status.

Issa told O'Reilly that Congress has referred four criminal charges against Lerner and held her in contempt, putting the ball in Attorney General Eric Holder's court.

If Holder would charge her, then Congress could offer her immunity from prosecution, Issa said. But Republicans say Holder, an appointee of President Barack Obama, is more interested in his allegiance to the president than to investigating wrongdoing that favored Obama's re-election chances.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Issa I ll Consider Immunity for Lois Lerner
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
Here's one of the scrunt's emails that were just discovered.

Nothing to see here

You are mistaken. Or lying. Or stupid, I'm going with 'all of the above'.

Or not blinded by rabid partisan hatred like you are. But tell me more about the 'lying whore'.

The lying whore requested blanket immunity. Meaning she was home scot-free whether she lied to Congress or not.

Issa told her to go fuck herself, as would I.

If she wants immunity, she has to tell the truth and answer ALL questions. If she is caught in a lie, she gets prosecuted and imprisoned.

Her lawyer requested immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. There was no demand that she be exempt from any 'lies she told congress' as part of that testimony. You're just making that shit up.

And of course, there's still zero indicating that Lerner did anything illegal. None of the emails have contained any of the smoking guns conservatives promised would be there. Nor is there the slightest evidence that any criminal investigation is targeting or even suspecting Lerner of any criminal wrong doing.

Just like 2 years ago. So what's different now? Nothing. Its the same schtick, still pristinely void of anything resembling actual evidence.

So the IG went to the back up depot in West Virginia and asked if they had back ups and they were told "yes"...and then the IG asked if others had requested those back ups and they said "no"....

That's not what I'm reading. This is:

According to Camus, the IRS’s technology specialists told investigators that no one from the agency asked for the tapes. His comments raised doubts about whether the IRS did its due diligence in trying to locate Lerner’s emails, or possibly greater troubles.

Investigators probing for criminal activity with Lois Lerner s missing emails - The Washington Post

So this appears to be a due diligence investigation. Not a 'yes', then 'no' narrative that you're describing.

And of course, it doesn't involve Lerner. Or implicate her of any crime. Making the entire 'immunity for her testimony' exchange pointless for Lerner. As there's no indication any crime was commited.

As for the 'IG' going to west virginia, finding the tapes and then saying ''no' to congress, that's the exact opposite of what I've found:

Under questioning from chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Camus confirmed that the inspector general found Lerner’s backup email tapes at a storage facility in West Virginia and that the IT professionals who had the tapes were never asked — by the IRS or anyone else — for the tapes. Camus said that he found what he believes are Lerner’s 2011 tapes just two weeks ago.

Investigators probing for criminal activity with Lois Lerner s missing emails - The Washington Post

So the tapes would have been found in the days leading up to Valentines day of this year.There's no testimony between the time the emails were found and the time he testified that they'd been found....where he ever said 'no'.

So where is the 'bombshell'? Remember, there is zero indication that anything in the emails implicates anyone of any crime.

......I still haven't gotten a reasonable answer to my question.
You are mistaken. Or lying. Or stupid, I'm going with 'all of the above'.

Or not blinded by rabid partisan hatred like you are. But tell me more about the 'lying whore'.

The lying whore requested blanket immunity. Meaning she was home scot-free whether she lied to Congress or not.

Issa told her to go fuck herself, as would I.

If she wants immunity, she has to tell the truth and answer ALL questions. If she is caught in a lie, she gets prosecuted and imprisoned.

Her lawyer requested immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. There was no demand that she be exempt from any 'lies she told congress' as part of that testimony. You're just making that shit up.

And of course, there's still zero indicating that Lerner did anything illegal. None of the emails have contained any of the smoking guns conservatives promised would be there. Nor is there the slightest evidence that any criminal investigation is targeting or even suspecting Lerner of any criminal wrong doing.

Just like 2 years ago. So what's different now? Nothing. Its the same schtick, still pristinely void of anything resembling actual evidence.


"She has offered only that she is innocent and misunderstood," Issa said. "We've referred criminal charges from Congress because she's not misunderstood. We understood her pretty well."

Lerner is the former IRS official in the middle of the investigation of allegations that the agency targeted conservative groups for added scrutiny when they sought tax-exempt status.

Issa told O'Reilly that Congress has referred four criminal charges against Lerner and held her in contempt, putting the ball in Attorney General Eric Holder's court.

If Holder would charge her, then Congress could offer her immunity from prosecution, Issa said. But Republicans say Holder, an appointee of President Barack Obama, is more interested in his allegiance to the president than to investigating wrongdoing that favored Obama's re-election chances.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Issa I ll Consider Immunity for Lois Lerner
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!

And where did Lerner request that she be immune from any prosecution 'any lies she told congress'?

So far, you've presented a big bucket of nothing to back that up.

And of course, there's nothing in the emails, lost, found or otherwise, that indicates Lerner did anything illegal. So why would she 'trade immunity for testimony' now?

You can't say. I can't think of a single reason either.
You are mistaken. Or lying. Or stupid, I'm going with 'all of the above'.

Or not blinded by rabid partisan hatred like you are. But tell me more about the 'lying whore'.

The lying whore requested blanket immunity. Meaning she was home scot-free whether she lied to Congress or not.

Issa told her to go fuck herself, as would I.

If she wants immunity, she has to tell the truth and answer ALL questions. If she is caught in a lie, she gets prosecuted and imprisoned.

Her lawyer requested immunity from prosecution in exchange for her testimony. There was no demand that she be exempt from any 'lies she told congress' as part of that testimony. You're just making that shit up.

And of course, there's still zero indicating that Lerner did anything illegal. None of the emails have contained any of the smoking guns conservatives promised would be there. Nor is there the slightest evidence that any criminal investigation is targeting or even suspecting Lerner of any criminal wrong doing.

Just like 2 years ago. So what's different now? Nothing. Its the same schtick, still pristinely void of anything resembling actual evidence.

So the IG went to the back up depot in West Virginia and asked if they had back ups and they were told "yes"...and then the IG asked if others had requested those back ups and they said "no"....

That's not what I'm reading. This is:

According to Camus, the IRS’s technology specialists told investigators that no one from the agency asked for the tapes. His comments raised doubts about whether the IRS did its due diligence in trying to locate Lerner’s emails, or possibly greater troubles.

Investigators probing for criminal activity with Lois Lerner s missing emails - The Washington Post

So this appears to be a due diligence investigation. Not a 'yes', then 'no' narrative that you're describing.

And of course, it doesn't involve Lerner. Or implicate her of any crime. Making the entire 'immunity for her testimony' exchange pointless for Lerner. As there's no indication any crime was commited.

As for the 'IG' going to west virginia, finding the tapes and then saying ''no' to congress, that's the exact opposite of what I've found:

Under questioning from chairman Rep. Jason Chaffetz, Camus confirmed that the inspector general found Lerner’s backup email tapes at a storage facility in West Virginia and that the IT professionals who had the tapes were never asked — by the IRS or anyone else — for the tapes. Camus said that he found what he believes are Lerner’s 2011 tapes just two weeks ago.

Investigators probing for criminal activity with Lois Lerner s missing emails - The Washington Post

So the tapes would have been found in the days leading up to Valentines day of this year.There's no testimony between the time the emails were found and the time he testified that they'd been found....where he ever said 'no'.

So where is the 'bombshell'? Remember, there is zero indication that anything in the emails implicates anyone of any crime.

......I still haven't gotten a reasonable answer to my question.

What the hell are you talking about. You're links support exactly what I say.....sure, there was not the exact narrative of "yes and no".....but jeez.....your links support 100% what I am saying.

Oh wait.....now I remember...you played that childish game with me once before....

Go put your big boy pants on. Until then, Im putting you and your childish games on ignore.
I didn't steal their lede, they stole mine :)

People, this is going to lead back to the White House.... Trust me.

The question is now, who will fall on their sword for the Liar in Chief? Anybody?

  • IRS BOMBSHELL: Thousands of Lerner emails recovered in targeting probe
    INVESTIGATORS RECOVER 32,000 emails to and from former IRS exempt organizations director Lois Lerner, top left, related to targeting of conservative groups, and tell the House oversight committee that employees did not ask for backup tapes, contradicting testimony of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, bottom left.

Of course it leads back to the white house.......they told them to do it......
Oh wait.....now I remember...you played that childish game with me once before....

Go put your big boy pants on. Until then, Im putting you and your childish games on ignore.

Good day then. Would anyone else like to take up the question that sent Jarhead aflutter.

"So where is the 'bombshell'? Remember, there is zero indication that anything in the emails implicates anyone of any crime. "

I didn't steal their lede, they stole mine :)

People, this is going to lead back to the White House.... Trust me.

The question is now, who will fall on their sword for the Liar in Chief? Anybody?

  • IRS BOMBSHELL: Thousands of Lerner emails recovered in targeting probe
    INVESTIGATORS RECOVER 32,000 emails to and from former IRS exempt organizations director Lois Lerner, top left, related to targeting of conservative groups, and tell the House oversight committee that employees did not ask for backup tapes, contradicting testimony of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, bottom left.

Of course it leads back to the white house.......they told them to do it......

Says who?
Oh wait.....now I remember...you played that childish game with me once before....

Go put your big boy pants on. Until then, Im putting you and your childish games on ignore.

Good day then. Would anyone else like to take up the question that sent Jarhead aflutter.

"So where is the 'bombshell'? Remember, there is zero indication that anything in the emails implicates anyone of any crime. "

Koskinen and others testified there were no copies, the hard drives had been shredded. No one had any backups.
That was all a lie. How did you miss that?
Oh wait.....now I remember...you played that childish game with me once before....

Go put your big boy pants on. Until then, Im putting you and your childish games on ignore.

Good day then. Would anyone else like to take up the question that sent Jarhead aflutter.

"So where is the 'bombshell'? Remember, there is zero indication that anything in the emails implicates anyone of any crime. "

Koskinen and others testified there were no copies, the hard drives had been shredded. No one had any backups.
That was all a lie. How did you miss that?

That was mistaken, apparently. But since this particular location in West Virginia wasn't asked if there were copies, there's zero evidence that Koskinen knew that such copies existed at that location. And he'd have to know of such copies to 'lie' about there being none.

The issue appears to be a due diligence question. Which is rarely if ever a criminal matter.

And of course, there's zero evidence of any criminal wrong doing in the emails. And this after years of conservative promises that the 'smoking gun' was 'hidden' within them.

So how'd that work out again?
Oh wait.....now I remember...you played that childish game with me once before....

Go put your big boy pants on. Until then, Im putting you and your childish games on ignore.

Good day then. Would anyone else like to take up the question that sent Jarhead aflutter.

"So where is the 'bombshell'? Remember, there is zero indication that anything in the emails implicates anyone of any crime. "

Koskinen and others testified there were no copies, the hard drives had been shredded. No one had any backups.
That was all a lie. How did you miss that?

That was mistaken, apparently. But since this particular location in West Virginia wasn't asked if there were copies, there's zero evidence that Koskinen knew that such copies existed at that location. And he'd have to know of such copies to 'lie' about there being none.

The issue appears to be a due diligence question. Which is rarely if ever a criminal matter.

And of course, there's zero evidence of any criminal wrong doing in the emails. And this after years of conservative promises that the 'smoking gun' was 'hidden' within them.

So how'd that work out again?
So Koskinen was incompetent? Is that your defense?
Remember, he was supposed to make a thorough investigation of this. Thorough would be figuring out what backups the IRS had in place. He either didnt do that or intentionally misled Congress.
So is Koskinen incompetent? Or he is criminal?

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