IRS Chief: I Want to Keep My Health Care Plan, Not Switch to Obamacare!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
IRS Chief: I Want to Keep My Health Care Plan, Not Switch to Obamacare

"Mr. Werfel, last week your employees who are a member of the National Treasury Employee's Union sent a form letter for union members to send in to ask they be exempt from the exchanges," a congressman asked.
"Why are your employees trying to exempt themselves from the very law that you're tasked to enforce?"

"I don't want to speak for the NTEU, but I'll offer a perspective as a federal employee myself and a federal employee at the IRS," said the IRS chief. "And that is, we have right now as employees of the government, of the IRS, affordable health care coverage.
I think the ACA was designed to provide an option or an alternative for individuals that do not.
And all else being equal, I think if you're an individual who is satisfied with your health care coverage, you're probably in a better position to stick with that coverage than go through the change of moving into a different environment and going through that process.
So I think for a federal employee, I think more likely, and I would -- can speak for myself, I would prefer to stay with the current policy that I'm pleased with rather than go through a change if I don't need to go through that change."

UPDATE: Texas senator John Cornyn responds:

“Count the head of the IRS among the growing list of folks that includes Big Labor and the law’s chief architect who are deeply skeptical of the President’s signature achievement and don’t want any part of it.

IRS Chief: I Want to Keep My Health Care Plan, Not Switch to Obamacare | The Weekly Standard

Do you people understand that The Affordable Care Act is NOW being rejected by the group (IRS!)...that WANTS YOU to pay for it and they will collect the money?

AND NONE of this had to happen!
If someone would just count the real NUMBER of people that are insured and real number that WANT insurance!
RIGHT NOW.. according to nearly 331 million people are covered!

Right now "Employers provide most of the insurance in this country. About 60 percent of everyone under 65 is covered through either a large-group or small-group plan, according to the Employee Benefits Research Institute, an independent think tank. Statistically, if Julie has insurance today, it’s most likely in one of those markets and the ad should not assume that her rates will rise.
About 22 percent of people under 65 are with a government program, either Medicaid or a children’s program, S-CHIP. The individual market represents the smallest slice of people with insurance, about 7 percent."

"About 60 percent of everyone under 65 is covered....a large-group or small-group
About 22 percent of people under 65 are with a government program,
about 7 percent....individual market...."
PolitiFact | AFP ad says premiums will rise under Obamacare

Now that adds up to if my simple arithmetic is correct, 89% of ALL AMERICANS...Right?

Medicare states in the below on Page 8..
"In 2011, Medicare covered 40.4 million aged 65 and older," which is 12.7% of current
known USA population below.

When you multiple 89% (YOUR % of people covered without Medicare...) times 316,295,540 people

You get 281,503,030 people covered under everything ......
BUT Medicare and Tricare.

source:Population Clock
Again... this is the HEAD of the IRS and he's going to force YOU to buy but HE doesn't want the same product!
This is what commissars do! Proletariats!
I Want to Keep My Health Care Plan, Not Switch to Obamacare!!!

That's pretty funny. Hopefully, someone will explain to him that his health care plan will not change but he'll be paying less for it.

Little by little, its getting through to even the most stubborn and thick headed. Thanks for posting.
He wants to keep his health Obama promised us all we could do.

I too want to keep mine, and I can. But, unlike this lying turd at the IRS, it is going to cost me an 80 per cent increase...thanks to Obama-care.

That increase for me is over $4,000 a year....nothing but a tax increase to fund the Federal Government Plantation...and so this prick at the IRS can go to Hell; Obama can go to Hell; Harry Reid, the worst scumbag in Congress, can go to Hell; Nancy Pelosi, with that sub-reptilian intellect, can go to Hell, in fact everybody in Washington can go to Hell, including my Whore Senators, both of them, and my Whore Representative--they can go to Hell too. Thanks
The elite will never be inconvenienced by this train wreck.

The law of supply and demand is beyond liberals' ability to understand. They merely wish it away with good intentions. We already have a decreasing supply of doctors as the baby boomers retire. Supply reduction = increased price. Now add 30 million people to the demand. Demand increase = increased price. Two market forces acting together to increase the price of medical care. Liberal response is to ration care and set prices. Set prices at 60% the market rate as they do with Medicare and Medicaid.

OK, riddle me this Batman: What are you going to do to the doctors who refuse to work for Obamacare-set fees? Communist states have places to put dissidents and reactionaries. What are Democrats going to use as coercion to make Obamacare work?

"I have interrupted practicing medicine because of Obamacare," said Dr. Rosenwasser. "I'd read the bill. I was conversant with what had already happened with Medicaid, and I didn?t want to go down that road with Obamacare."

"Medicaid pays about 60 percent as much as private insurance. For many doctors, the costs of treating someone on Medicaid are higher than what the government will pay them."

"Three times more doctors are refusing Medicare patients than three years ago, many citing Medicare's increasing rules and lowered payment rates.

According to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, which administers the program, even doctors who still see some Medicare patients are limiting the number of Medicare patients they will treat, reports The Wall Street Journal.

The declines are in addition to the growing number of doctors who won't accept new Medicaid patients, and come just as millions of Americans are poised to become eligible for coverage under Obamacare."

"The IPAB is essentially a health-care rationing body. By setting doctor reimbursement rates for Medicare and determining which procedures and drugs will be covered and at what price, the IPAB will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them.

---Howard Dean, former DNC Chair (7/29/2013)
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Here we go again. A bunch of rw's just conveniently sign up to piss and moan about ObamaCare. And, as usual, they're clueless and more than willing to lie.

80% increase?

What next? You gonna tell us about those nonexistent Obama Death Panels?

Yes, 80 percent, so predicts my agent. Simply calling me a liar, when you clearly have no idea, is not reasonable.

"When reason is against a man, a man will be against reason." John Stuart Mill
Nothing's changed for me, except I get a free exam once a year.

I'm glad it's working out for you PJ and I hope it continues to. "Free" to you means someone else is paying for it. What's going to happen to your "free" service when doctors can't afford your "free" payments?

With the shrinking supply of doctors and the increasing amount of people on Medicare, Medicaid, "free emergency rood care" and soon Obamacare, how are you going to force the shrinking population of doctors to accept lower than market rates for their services? As Howard Dean points out, the Obamacare IPABs "will be able to stop certain treatments its members do not favor by simply setting rates to levels where no doctor or hospital will perform them".

PJ: Let's say your "free exam once a year" discovers you have a life threatening condition. You have your Medicare, Medicaid or Obamacare insurance card and you seek treatment. What happens when you can't find a doctor who can perform the treatment at the cost the government is willing to pay? How long can a doctor stay in business if he spends more treating you than the government will reimburse him for? Not long.

One big help would be tort reform. By capping frivolous law suits, doctors and hospitals could save billions on malpractice insurance, end costly 'defensive medicine' and drastically reduce the cost of health care. But Obama fiercely refuses to bring that to the table. Trial lawyers are big Obama and Democrat contributors.

Obama, Pelosi and Reid are not medical experts. This bill they produced that no one read is now the law of the land. Obama, Pelosi and Reid will never for a day be inconvenienced by Obamacare. This is just for the little people. Are we happy with this Hope and Change?
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