IRS Commissioner contributed 85K to Democrat committees/candidates

Here comes the liberal posse with their asinine posts.. First one in is the usual suspect of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil..
is there a rule against that?


The Hatch Act regulates the political activities of federal employees and it has several pages dedicated to fundraising.

If an employee of the IRS gives money to a campaign on a personal basis, it's generally o.k., but ANY use of government resources in the process makes it a violation that could result in termination of federal employment.

The Hatch act is harsh, and both sides watch-dog it closely.
Democrats and Liberals have no problem with taxpayer and union dollars going to support Democrat campaigns......yet they shit themselves over private capital goes to conservatives.
is there a rule against that?

Actually there are not, but show that this person had motive to hide these e-mails to protect those he gave money to. Also shows that the director is biased in their position and should not be in an authoritative position where such things could happen.

It is motive. Just like those No-Bid contracts Obama gave to Halliburton.. Oh wait!
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is there a rule against that?

No, there's not. Especially since SCOTUS passed Citizens United.

So once again GumSlinger is whining. And the thing is I'm sure there are plenty of wealthy bureaucrats on the right who have heavily donated to Republican campaigns, but GumSlinger has myopia...a severe cognitive disorder commonly known as tunnel-vision.
is there a rule against that?

No, there's not. Especially since SCOTUS passed Citizens United.

So once again GumSlinger is whining. And the thing is I'm sure there are plenty of wealthy bureaucrats on the right who have heavily donated to Republican campaigns, but GumSlinger has myopia...a severe cognitive disorder commonly known as tunnel-vision.

Actually another far left programmed talking point used that has nothing to do with this situation.
Here comes the liberal posse with their asinine posts.. First one in is the usual suspect of see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil..

Answer her question. Was it illegal?

On August 1, 2013, the White House announced President Obama would nominate Koskinen as commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service

Don't know did this director buy his seat with his donations?
Dems Fawn Over IRS Commissioner Who Contributed Over $85,000 to Their Committees, Candidates | CNS News

Seriously sick shit going on with this Administration/Democrats.. The corruption is soo thick - famed London fog would take a backseat to it.

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen contributed more than $85,000 to Democratic candidates and committees, MRCTV research has discovered - with a $5,000 donation to President Obama in 2012 and $19,000 to the Democratic National Committee from 1988 to 2008. This may explain the fawning "thank yous" Koskinen received for his public service from many Democrats last night on the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform.

"You know when you've got a person who's given what you've given and been brought into difficult circumstances..." said Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) to Koskinen during last night's hearing. "You know, at my age, I began to stop and think about my own mortality, and think about my reputation. I want to thank you for being who you are. I want to thank you for giving a damn and caring about our country."

Warming to his subject as if he was speaking about the sacrifice of veterans, Cummings went on, "Some of the statements that have been made here today make it look like you're just coming up here, trying to fool people, when under Republican and Democratic administrations you have been highly regarded."

Listening to Cummings, those watching at home may have thought that Koskinen had served a long and storied civil service career "under Republican and Democratic administrations" - but as a matter of fact, prior to his appointment to the IRS six months ago, Koskinen worked as non-executive chairman of publicly-traded Freddie Mac (from 2008 to 2012.)

Koskinen was CEO at Freddie Mac in 2009 (He earned a cool $550,713 for his "service" that year). Before working at Freddie Mac, Koskinen was President of the U.S. Soccer Foundation, Deputy Mayor and City Administrator of Washington D.C. and "assistant to the President and Chair of the President's Council on Year 2000 Conversion and Deputy Director for Management at the Office of Management and Budget. Mr. Koskinen also spent 21 years in the private sector in various leadership positions with the Palmieri Company, including President and Chief Executive Officer," according to his biography on the website.

None of that reads as the long-suffering civil servant Democrats described and showered with accolades last night.

According to Open Secrets records, the IRS Commissioner that so many described as "arrogant" contributed to every Democratic nominee for president since 1980. He gave $2,300 to Obama's first run for president in 2009 and $5,000 in 2012.

Hillary Clinton has received $3,800 from Koskinen.

Koskinen has never contributed to a Republican, a search of records shows.

"This is about theater," said Rep. Gerald Connolly (D-VA). "Fair play, presumption of innocence, civility...are out the window. Because there's an agenda that presupposes some guilt, that is based in part on supposition, on paranoia, on conspiracy theory."

"Badgering witnesses is inappropriate and shameful for this Committee to conduct itself in that manner," Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) said in Koskinen's defense during last night's testimony. "I want this committee to be run as it should be run, with respect and decorum. And badgering this Commissioner as virtually every member on the Republican side has done [tonight] is shameful. And it's gotta stop. Or I'm telling you, one member here is going to walk out and not return."

Nowhere in their impassioned defenses of Koskinen (or his noble public service) did Democrats mention that he has contributed almost $100,000 to their party.

Dems Fawn Over IRS Commissioner Who Contributed Over $85,000 to Their Committees, Candidates | CNS News

IRS Commissioner John Koskinen looked and sounded pretty smug and smarmy when Trey Gowdy was questioning him the other day.

He seems like the stereotypical corrupt Liberal flunkie, eye shades wearing egghead, corrupted bureaucrat official that would take $50,000 or more and do the con man's bidding.
Democrats and Liberals have no problem with taxpayer and union dollars going to support Democrat campaigns......yet they shit themselves over private capital goes to conservatives.

I'm willing to bet that there are plenty of us who don't give a shit either way. I'm one of them......... I don't really care about "The Koch Brothers" or "Soros!" and who they want to fund as long as it's legal.

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