Dems run fake ads to target Republicans who oppose Trump. Wrong on so many levels.

I guess Liz Cheney has not seen the story. She wants help from the Dems, since she's a Trump hater like them. I guess none of her staffers want to break the news that the Dems are now supporting Trump-backed candidates in the primaries.

(CNN)Embattled Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney is turning to Democrats in her state as she looks to fend off a serious primary challenge in August, providing Democratic voters with instructions on how to change parties so they can support her -- even as Cheney and her allies continue to tout her conservative bona fides.

Two people familiar with the matter confirmed to CNN that Cheney has made overtures to Democrats in her state, both through targeted mailers outlining the steps someone would need to take to switch party affiliation and on her campaign website, which now features an FAQ on how to "change my party affiliation to register as a Republican so I can vote for Liz."

Fascist is right wing like the orange clown election denying lying scumbag....

democrat: Fascism is right wing
American: What makes it right wing?
d: Because it's fascist
A: Okay, but what makes fascism right wing?
d: because it's capitalist
A: Weren't Mussolini and Hitler collectivists with the state controlling the means of production?
d: They were corporatists
A: So they sold stock in and exchange?
d: well, there were private owners
A: So there was no exchange or stock involved like a corporation would use?
d: greedy Capitalists pigs
A: but there was no stock for the public to buy and ownership was set by the party that ruled the government?
d: see - capitalists
A: Government controlling the means of production is capitalism?
d: Racist
A: isn't racism a collectivist concept? The denial of individualism in favor of group identity?
d: Racism is right wing
A: From the trail of tears, slavery, the Klan, Jim Crow, to BLM, haven't the democrats been behind virtually all racism in America?
d: Democrats were Republicans back then
A: That's just stupid. Back to fascism.
d: Fascism is right wing
A: Fascism holds that the state - the government, is supreme. Isn't that what democrats claim?
d: Republicans are fascists
A: Don't Republicans advocate for individual civil rights?
d: We need courts to make laws at the federal level to ensure rights for women by imposing law from the top
A: shouldn't people decide for themselves on a state by state basis?
d: You're destroying democracy
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Nothing new here... Slimy Democrats have been using this tactic for many moons...

...2012 Missouri Senate Primary....

"No wonder Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill wanted to run against Rep. Todd Akin, even investing in his GOP primary victory two weeks ago by spending $2 million on ads that described him as “too conservative.’’ Missouri Republicans saw that as a plus, just as she’d hoped. "


Dems, ever wonder what the DNC does with all that money you donate to them? You and George Soros, I mean?

Democratic groups are running ads designed to boost more extreme or more pro-Trump candidates in hopes of getting a Republican nominee who — in theory — would be easier to beat in the primaries.

There's an unusual trend in political ads in this year's primary season. Democratic groups are running ads in hopes of boosting far-right candidates. The goal, as the theory goes, is to wind up with a Republican nominee who would be easier to beat come November. The latest such case is in a congressional primary in West Michigan. NPR's Don Gonyea reports.

If you're wondering what all that means, let me explain it. The Dems are making, and paying to air, ads that are designed to help pro-Trump candidates with their primaries. Because they seriously believe that a pro-Trump Republican would be easier to beat in the general election than a RINO.

The ads are designed to be deceptive.

[Peter Meijer] is one of 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach President Donald Trump in January of 2021. Because of that vote, he has a primary challenger - former Trump administration official John Gibbs. Gibbs has little name recognition, but suddenly he is the subject of an ad on TV being funded by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

That ad claimed that his opponent, Tony Gibbs, is too conservative, too anti-illegal alien, and too supportive of Trump. Exactly what will make Trump supporters turn out in droves for Gibbs.

Get that craziness? In the twisted Democratic Party strategy, helping Trumpers win their primaries will save the Dems from losing their majority in November 2022. Because Trumpers will be easy to beat!

How is this wrong? Let me count the ways:

1) Screwing over Republicans "brave" enough to oppose Trump. The very Republicans - like Meijer - who the Democrats have been praising so fulsomely are now targeting for primary losses?

One prominent Republican, Illinois Congressman Adam Kinzinger, who also voted to impeach Trump and who's a member of the January 6 committee, is very critical of such attacks.


No shit. He'd be a prime target. He's retiring, but his sister in treachery, Liz Cheney, has a primary eleven days from now. Think the DNC has been "helping" Cheney like they did?

Is George Soros the only one that funds the democrats, you better check.
They don't "target" republicans who oppose Trump. The dirty tricks democrats actually support and vote for republicans who oppose Trump in primary elections. The dirty tricks aka black bag democrat operations go back to LBJ and before.
All is fair in politics.
Is George Soros the only one that funds the democrats, you better check.

All the Oligarchs fund the Reich. Gates, Cook, Zuckerberg, Buffett, Bezos, all of them. The Oligarchs OWN the democrat party - it serves them and them alone.

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